What's Perry Thinking About: Regurgitator

After a hard day fighting Doofenshmirtz, Perry enjoys a good nights sleep, or does he.

Perry's Mind: Ugh. How can I sleep with Phineas poking me with his nose, I better sleep with Ferb. (walks to Ferb) Finally, now to see if I can beat Doofenshmirtz in my dreams. Zzzzzzz. Take that Doofenshmirtz.

As Perry snoozes his watch starts beeping.

Perry's Mind: Huh? Drat! Better go see what they need.

As he climbs out of Ferb's arms, he replaces with wood.

Perry's Mind: (Groan) What could Doofenshmirtz possibly be doing at this hour? If its trying to exhaust me, he's winning. Uh-oh, maybe I'm stil drea-

As Perry trudges out, Candace , wearing a mud mask, trips over Perry.

Candace: Puhh. YOU!

Perry is now dripping wet, but at least awake.

Perry's Mind: Nice to see you, Ms. Mudface.

Candace grabs a hold of Perry and places him outside.

Candace: For an animal that doesn't do much you sure know how to make a mess of things.

As she leaves Perry mocks her.

Perry's Mind: "You sure know how to make a mess of things". This is coming from the girl who eats peach and pumpernickel sandwiches. I'm surprised Doofenshmirtz didn't use Candace as an –inator.

As Perry steps on the style to play his theme song, he lands in the usual seat and readies himself for his mission.

Major Monogram: Good morning Agent P. I've got bad news and good news.

Perry's Mind: All right, lets get this over with.

Major Monogram: The bad news is that you're being reassigned to a new, more evil super villain. His name, the Regurgitator.

Carl: You keep pushing him down, but he keeps coming back up.

Major Monogram: That's not funny Carl, it's just disgusting.

Carl: You laughed earlier.

Major Monogram: It was a pity laugh.

Perry's Mind: I thought it was funny.

Major Monogram: Anyway, Dr. Doofenshmirtz has been downgraded to minor threat status and we just assigned Agen S to his case.

Perry's Mind: Oh boy Doofenshmirtz is going to be heart broken.

Major Monogram: The good news is that you're being relocated away from your home family to this new family in the quad-state area.

Carl: Psst. It's the other way around sir.

Major Monogram: oh yes yes. Of course. The bad news is the relocation and the good news is the new villain thing. Just make sure to take your belongings from the house when you leave.

Perry's Mind: What? This is terrible. Phineas and Ferb are going to be heart broken. Well, maybe they'll blame Candace.

Hours later, after packing his belongings he takes his last look at the family.

Phineas: Yeah but he's always here in the morning. I'd be devastated if something happened to him.

Perry's Mind: I'll miss you guys. Well, I better go and foil the Regurgitator.

As he turns away from the window he activates his jet pack and flies away.

Will Perry return? Can Agent S handle Doofenshmirtz? Is the Regurgitator really a funny name? Find out in Part 2.