Much Swag-Very Wow-Amaze
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Joined 04-01-10, id: 2310409, Profile Updated: 04-26-14
Author has written 3 stories for Total Drama series.

Name: Brandon

Nickname: Galt, Pablo, Pika

Age: Somewhere between the ages of 14-18.

Gender: I am of the Male Gender, Folks.

Current Avatar: Doge.

Aspirations: I wanna be a Surgeon. And I also want to be the lead in a musical.

Favorite Cartoons: Family Guy, Total Drama, Kids Next Door, Bill and Mandy, South Park, Futurama, Gravity Falls, Adventure Time, Danganronpa: The Anime

Favorite Games: Tekken Tag all the way through Tekken Tag 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops I and II, Tomb Raider, Walking Dead Season 1, Minecraft, Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc

Favoirite Movies: Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Lorax, Les Miserables, Hansel and Gretel, Mama, Identity Theft, Percy Jackson 1 And 2, Hunger Games 1 and 2, Frozen

Favorite TV Shows: Haunting Hour,The Walking Dead, Modern Family, Suburgatory, GuyCode, GirlCode, American Horror Story, Big Brother, The Goldbergs, Once Upon a Time, Surviving Jack, My Babysitter's A Vampire (When it was on), House of Anubis (When it was on), Breaking Bad (When it was on)

Favorite Bands/Singers: Imagine Dragons, Of Monster and Men, FUN, Lorde, Big Sean, The Beatles, Penatonix, Fall Out Boy, Green Day, ERB, BVB, The Sound of Music cast, Ariana Grande, Sleeping With Sirens, Mayday Parade, Linkin Park


Total Drama: A Season at Sea- Chapter 5 coming out soon. Sometime this or next week.

Total Drama: Battle of the Sexes- Chapter 6 coming out soon. Sometime this week or next week.

My Babysitter's a Vampire Season III- Started writing it. I don't know when it'll come out.

Camp Half-Blood- Started writing it. Don't know when it'll come out.

Percy Jackson Pledge:

I promise to remember Percy

whenever I’m at sea

I promise to remember Annabeth

whenever a spider comes at me

I promise to protect nature

for Grover's sake of course

I promise to remember Luke

when my heart fills with remorse

I promise to remember Chiron

whenever I see a sign that says ''free pony ride''

I promise to remember Tyson

whenever a friend says they'll stick by my side

I promise to remember Thalia

whenever a friend is scared of heights

I promise to remember Clarisse

whenever I see someone that gives me a fright

I promise to remember Bianca

whenever I see a sister scold her younger brother

I promise to remember Nico

whenever I see someone who doesn’t get along with others

I promise to remember Zoë

whenever I watch the stars

I promise to remember Rachel

whenever a limo passes my car.

Yes I promise to remember PJO wherever I may go

(Stolen From Billy The Intern :D)


[ ] You don't have very many friends.

[X] Often times, teachers forget your name.

[ ] You were always picked last for kickball.

[X] You don't like to talk a lot.

[X] You tend to avoid mass social activities

[ ] You don't participate in any extracurricular activities.

[ ] All you wish for is to move away or get a fresh start.

[ ] Your friends have blown you off before.

[ ] You sit alone in most of your classes.

[ ] You have a feeling that once you leave high school or college, nobody is going to remember you.

] You hold interest in activities that other people find strange.

[ ] People don't find you friendly.

[X] You hold extreme hate towards another high school stereotype.

[ ] You eat alone at lunch.

Total= 4

Party Girl/Boy

[X] Lets face it: you like to party.

[ ] You party every other weekend.

[ ] Or every weekend?

[ ] You've been going to frat house parties since early high school.

[ ] You're the defending beer bong champion.

[ ] You know the best hook-ups in the state or world

] Everybody who's anybody goes to the same parties you go to.

[ ] You've hooked up at parties.

[ ] You spend time getting ready for parties.

[ ] You've passed out from being too drunk.

[X] You've partied all night.

[ ] You've sneaked out of the house to party.

[ ]Actually, your parents really don't care if you party or not.

[X] You're pretty much nocturnal. (Yep, Sometimes I don't sleep until 4 xD)

[ ] You like to go clubbing.

[ ] You and your friends always party hop.

[X] You've crashed a party before.

[ ] One way or another, you've wound up naked in front of everybody at a party

[ ] You've thrown up from drinking too much.

] You've done something that you regret at a party.

[ ] You can dance.

[X] You're friends with a lot of people older than you.

Total = 5 (Yeah!)

Scene Kid

[ ] You know what sXe and hXc actually mean.

] You have an obsession with dinosaurs, robots, or Pokemon.

[ ] You idolize Jeffree Starr.

[ ] People have called you scene before.

[ ] You spend at least an hour getting ready to take pictures of yourself for your myspace.

] You have a mirror pic.

[X] You listen to bands that most people have never heard of.

[X] You enjoy going to shows. (Which kind?)

[ ] You only go to shows for the sake of going to shows, not the music.

] Your hair is multicolored.

[ ] You accessorize your hair with kiddie barrettes and bows.

] Fashion is one of the most important things that define you.

[ ] You mosh.

[ ] You often mix vintage with modern.

[ ] Your myspace picture captions are sad lyrics to sad songs.

[ ] All of your friends are scene.

[ ] You don't know many of the people on your friends list in person.

[ ] You take angled pictures of yourself.

[ ] You enjoy photography.

Total = 2 (Wowzers.)


[ ] You pop the collar

] You won't go near the Goths

[ ] You own at least one thing from a designer store.

[ ] You are very clean cut.

[X] You are squeamish. (Only when talking about Drugs or STD's... I found that out today in Health.)

[ ] People have called you preppy before.

[ ] You never leave the house without putting on cologne/perfume

[ ] You have a lot of money.

[ ] You know who LC is.

[ ] You watch shows like The OC, The Real World, The Hills, and Laguna Beach.

[ ] One favorite store is either Abercrombie & Fitch or American Eagle Outfitters.

[ ] You're afraid to set foot into Hot Topic.

[ ] You carry a purse wherever you go.

[ ] You need to wake up at least an hour before school so you can get ready.

[ ] You do not leave the house without make up.

[ ] You feel really girly when you gush over male actors.

Total = 1

Band Geek

[X] You have played an instrument before.

[X] You still play an instrument.

[X] You are/were in regular Band.

[ ] You are/were in Jazz Band.

[X] You are/were in Marching Band.

[X] Most of your friends are in band. (Almost All.)

[X] The band room/band hall is your second home.

[X] You enjoy listening to classical music on occasion. (Occasion?)

[ ] You aspire to be a Drum Major. (Naw, totally content with Section Leader.)

[ ] You've made out with somebody on a band bus or at a band competition.

[X] You have trouble getting your non-band friends to go near the band room.

[X] Band is your favorite class.

[ ] You have been to band camp.

[X] You walk in step with all your friends.

[X] You talk about band constantly.

[X] You know that American Pie has got it all wrong.

[X] You hate rap music.

[X] Marching Season is your favorite time of year.

[X] When you go to football games, you don't really pay attention to the game itself.

[ ] Your favorite jokes are band jokes.

[X] You know it's not about the bloods and the crips: it's the brass and the woodwinds. (This is true, This is true.)

Total = 15 (I knew it was going to be this one :D)


[X] You have seen a school play.

[X] You have seen a Broadway musical.

[X] You like to act.

[X] You have participated in a school play.

[X] You have participated in a play outside of school.

[ ] You have gone to the Thespian Conference

] You get pissed off when people make that thespian, did you say lesbian joke?

] You have done tech.

[X] You know that you cannot touch anybody else's props.

[ ] You have played in the pit orchestra for a musical.

[X] You have been to a cast party.

[ ] You are in a thespian troupe.

[X] You often sing show tunes at the top of your lungs.

[X] You know who Idina Menzel and Johnathan Larson are. (Idina Menzel, you mean Elphaba?)

[ ] At one point in your life, you were obsessed with RENT.

[X] You do not have a personal bubble.

[X] You actually understand Shakespeare. (To an extent.)

[X] You know how to put on stage make up. (lolol sadly)

[ ] You have been a lead.

[X] You met a lot of your better friends through theatre. (Mostly true!)

Total = 13 (I knew this one too.)


[X] You participate in a lot of extracurricular activities.

] You have a part-time job. (I wish)

[ ] You have straight A's. (Again, still wishing.)

] You are in mostly honors/IB/AP classes.

] You do not procrastinate.

] You have scored a 5 on an AP test.

] You do not have very much down time.

] You are very organized.

[X] You always have a thousand things going on at once.

[ ] You are in a relationship.

[X] You aspire to get into an Ivy League School.

] In your extracurriculars, you hold leadership positions.

] You are/were on Student Council.

] You are/were the class president.

[ ] You are/were a class officer.

[ ] You are/were the Salutatorian for your class.

[ ] You are/were the Valedictorian for your class.

[X] People have told you that you didn't have a life.

[ ] You are getting/have already received the IB Diploma.

[X] You cry hysterically when you get anything lower than an A on anything. (Well, I don't cry. I do get dissapointed though..)

Total = 5


] Your grades are slipping.

[X] You always wait until the last minute to do big projects.

] You do a lot of things half-assed.

[X] You are an overall procrastinator.

[X] You like to sleep.

[ ] It takes you ages to turn your job applications in.

[ ] You are often late to school/work.

] You don't turn in a lot of your work.

[X] You spend the majority of your time watching TV, the computer or going on facebook/dA. You could be doing something more productive.

[ ] You sleep in past noon on the weekends and during the summer.

[X] You do not get out of your pajamas unless you have to leave the house.

[ ] You could walk, but you'll just drive.

[X] You have fallen asleep during class before.

[ ] Friends have called you lazy.

[ ] Life is hard when you lose the remote & you have to walk a million miles over to the TV and change the channel.

] When you hang out with your friends, the majority of your time is spent playing video games or doing something where neither of you have to stand up.

[ ] You have eaten an entire pint of ice cream in one sitting.

] You have sat through an entire running marathon of a show before.

Total = 6 (I'm more of a Slacker then an Overachiever :P)


[ ] Your wardrobe consists of mostly black things.

[ ] When you have the money, you shop at Hot Topic.

[ ] You think tattoos are hot.

[ ] You think odd piercings are hot.

[ ] You don't get along with your parents.

[ ] You have/want to dyed/dye your hair an exotic color

[ ] You've styled your hair in liberty spikes.

[ ] Sometimes you ponder the meaning of life and death.

[ ] You like to write dark poetry.

[ ] You are into/interested in S&M.

] You have a pair of oversized black pants. (Sweat pants!)

[ ] At one point in your life, you liked Foamy, Happy Bunny, Emily the Strange, and the Happy Tree Friends.

[ ] You listen to grunge.

[ ] You have a messenger bag with buttons up and down the straps.

[ ] You smoke cigarettes.

[ ] You will only date other Goths.

[X] You don't really care what people think about you.

[ ] Overly happy people scare you.

[ ] You like black makeup & nail polish best.

Total = 1 (Phew!)


[X] You actually study for tests and quizzes.

[ ] You have straight A's.

] You haven't had any luck with the opposite sex.

[ ] You are into WoW, Magic Cards, and Halo. (Friends, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and SSBB!)

[X] You over-analyze jokes to the point where they aren't funny anymore.

[X] Your mom buys your clothes for you. (I pick them out... She just pays for them.)

[X] You actually answer the questions in class.

] You sit front row center in all of your classes to get the best learning experience.

[X] You miss school during the summer.

[ ] You wear your pants at your waist.

] You prefer sweatpants to jeans.

[ ] You have a pocket protector in your shirt with pens and a calculator in it.

[ ] You let cute boys/girls take advantage of you & copy your homework in hopes of getting noticed.

[X] You've noticed some of the spelling and grammar mistakes in this survey. (Guys it Theater.)

[X] People always cheat off you during tests. (Dude, it's not even funny -.-)

[ ] Your parents pack your lunch for you every day.

[ ] You wear/should be wearing glasses.

Total = 8 (YESS!)

Garage Band Junkie

[ ] You play the guitar.

[ ] You have been in a garage band before.

[ ] You're still in a garage band.

[ ] You think your band is going to make it big someday.

[ ] You play shows almost weekly.

[ ] You play the drum set.

[ ] You sing vocals for a band.

] You write your own lyrics.

[ ] You spend hundreds on amps and microphones.

[ ] Your band has a myspace page.

[ ] You have been in multiple garage bands.

[ ] You have changed the name of your band at least twice.

[ ] You have participated in a battle of the bands

[ ] Your band has been signed.

[ ] You have taken guitar classes at school.

[ ] You have played at the same venue multiple times.

[ ] You would rather make it big than have to go to college.

[ ] You have musical talent.

[ ] You have groupies.

[ ] You've made t-shirts and other apparel for your band.

Total = Zlich!


[ ] You actually are black.

[X] You know who the bloods and the crips are. (Shouldn't everyone?)

[ ] You wear doo-rags.

[ ] You actually grew up in the ghetto.

] You can freestyle.

[X] You drive down the street blaring your music

[ ] Your ride is pimped out with stereo boosts.

[ ] You can break dance.

[ ] You say nigga a lot.

[X] You talk too fast for people to understand you.

] You are pretty chill with life.

[ ] You wear your jeans oversized and below your *.

[X] Old school rap is the best.

[ ] You know that Tupac will never die. (HE IS DEAD. DEAD. DEAD. DEAD. HE WILL NEVER COME BACK TO LIFE. God that irritates me.)

[ ] You wear bling

[ ] You have/want a custom grill.

[ ] You have custom rims on your tires.

[ ] You are actually in a gang.

[ ] You are always big pimpin

Total = 4


] You often have trouble convincing people that you aren't emo.

] You comb your hair over one of your eyes.

[X] You flip your hair often. (Now that my hair has gotten longer.)

[ ] You have dark-rimmed glasses.

[ ] You have hurt your self on purpose.

[ ] If you're a boy, people often complain about your pants being too tight.

[ ] You don't really smile too often.

[ ] You blog often.

[ ] You never smile in pictures.

[ ] You listen to Thursday and/or Sunny Day Real Estate.

[ ] You're too much of a * to be a goth.

[ ] You own a lot of band t-shirts.

[ ] You go to a lot of shows.

[ ] You only go for emo/scene boys and girls.

[ ] It doesn't take very much to make you cry.

[ ] You have played all the Emo Games

[ ] You have worn black eyeliner before.

[ ] You own a bandana in which you wear in your hair.

[X] You have dark hair.

[ ] You love the emo song.

[ ] You say stuff like "I feel like my hearts being ripped out" and all that.

Total = 2


[X] You own a skateboard. (It's actually a Longboard.)

[X] You have been skateboarding since you were in grade school. (Yep, my bro got it when I was in 6th Grade and I've been stealing it ever since.)

[ ] You have gotten many injuries from skateboarding.

[ ] You know that World Industries and Element aren't just clothing lines.

[ ] You have vandalized public property.

[ ] You have TPed/egged somebody's house before.

[ ] You have been yelled at for littering.

[ ] You have gotten in trouble with the cops.

[X] You listen to punk rock.

[X] Chicks on skateboards are hot.

[ ] You stick it to the man

[ ] You own skater shoes.

[ ] You watch MTV2, not MTV.

[X] You enjoy crude humor.

[ ] Screw school, lets do crazy stuff.

] You know that there are other pro skaters out there besides Tony Hawk.

[ ] You pretty much live at the skate park.

] Hygene does not concern you.

[ ] Skater boys are attractive.

Total = 5


[ ] Most people are scared of your music

[ ] A lot of the bands you like have violent names/titles/lyrics

[ ] You hate emo kids

[ ] You have gotten kicked out of a public place multiple times before

[ ] Slipknot isn't really metal

[X] You appreciate really good guitarists of any genre

] You hate pop and rap.

[ ] You spend all your money on music-related stuff

[ ] Scene kids are fun to laugh at.

[ ] You will become friends with anyone if they like the same bands

[X] You curse a lot.

[ ] You can name at least five sub genres of metal

[ ] You wore black converses before they became emo

] At least one of your favorite bands thinks they're Vikings

[X] You also like classic rock, such as led zeppelin and pink floyd.

[ ] You have yelled at someone for their taste in music.

Total= 3 (Yep.)

List your 12 Total Drama Island Characters in random order . ( Copied off Your Friendly Neighborhood Admin: Jessigaga)

1. Gwen

2. Owen

3. Izzy

4. Leshawna

5. Alejandro

6. Justin

7. Beth

8. Heather

9. Courtney

10. Duncan

11. Trent

12. Lindsay

Have you ever read a 6/11 fanfic?


Um, no. And I wouldn't really want to.

Do you think four is hot? How hot?

Kinda. In a Ghetto Princess sorta way (Leshawna)

What would happen if twelve got eight pregnant?

(Lindsay got Heather pregnant?!)

Holy Crap?! I knew they had some type a relationship, but really?! I thought they just HATED each other.

Do you recall any fics about nine?


Yeah, I remember one by my friend Brie where she dies.

Do you think two and six make a good couple?


Eh. Owen was gushing over Justin. But I dunno.

Is there such thing as a one/eight fluff?


No. God No.

Suggest a summary for a seven/twelve hurt/comfort fic


Both Brady and Tyler die in a tragic car accident and leave Beth and Lindsay to comfort each other and themselves. But the fates are against then when tragedy strikes again, and one dies.

A three and ten friendship fic?


Crazy Psycho and a Juvie... DEFINETLEY...

If you wrote a song-fic about eight, what song would you choose?


…Maneater, Nelly Furtado

If you wrote a one/six/twelve fic, what would the warning be?


O.O That you fate for making this uber awkward! I guess it would be M.

When was the last time you read a 5 fanfic?


A few months ago, I think..

What would happen if one walked in on Eight and Twelve having sex?

(Gwen walked in on Heather and Lindsay)

Gwen would take a picture of it and show everyone of the TDI Contestants.

(1) and (7) are in a happy relationship until (9) runs off with (4). (1), brokenhearted, has a hot one-night stand with (11) and a brief unhappy affair with (12), then follows the wise advice of (5) and finds true love with (3).

Gwen and Beth are in a happy relationship until Courtney runs off with Leshawna. Gwen, brokenhearted, has a hot one-night stand with Trent (MAKES SENSE!) and a brief unhappy affair with Lindsay, then follows the wise advice of Alejandro and finds true love with Izzy.

Um.. WTF?

What title would you give this fic?

Hodge Podge of Emotions

How would you feel if seven/eight was canon?

Beth and Heather. Freaked out.

What kind of plot would you use if you wanted Four to de-flower One?

(Leshawna and Gwen)

No way. God. Ew.

Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven?


What might ten scream at a moment of great passion?



What might be a good pick-up line for Ten to use on Two?

Duncan on Owen

Hey Big Boy, Want some of my cake?

Would anyone on your friends list write Two/Four/Five?

(Owen, Leshawna, Alejandro)


4 invites 3 and 8 to dinner at their house. What happens?

Leshawna invites Izzy and Heather. Heather would refuse to go because of Leshawna.

9 tries to get 5 to go to a yoga class. What happens?

Courtney tries to get Alejandro to go. He plays with her emotions, Doy!

You need to stay at a friend’s house for the night. Do you choose 1 or 6?

Gwen or Justin? Gwen. Much rather Gwen then with Justin. Panty Raid!

2 and 7 are making out. 10 walks in...Their reaction?

Owen and Beth are making out. Duncan walks in.

Duncan watches for a while, smiling, then leaves.

3 falls in love with 6. 8 is jealous. What happens?

Izzy falls in love with Justin and Heather is Jealous

Heather kisses Justin and Izzy goes karate on her ass and kills her.

4 jumps you in a dark alleyway. Who comes to your rescue? 10, 2 or 7?

Leshawna jumps me. Out of Duncan, Owen, or Beth, Owen.

Maybe he can jump on top of Leshawna.

1 decides to start a cooking show. 15 minutes later what is happening?

Gwen starts a cooking show. 15 minutes later, she's making out with Duncan

3 has to marry either 8, 4 or 9. Who do they chose?

Izzy has to marry Heather, Leshawna, or Courtney. Leshawna, because they seem better friends

7 kidnaps 2 and demands something from 5 for 2's release. What is it?

Beth kidnaps Owen and demands something from Alejandro for Owen’s release. Owen wouldn't care. He hates Owen. And he's in the Drama Machine, what good could he do?

You get to meet either 1 or 6. Who do you chose?

Gwen or Justin…Gwen.

4 challenges 1 to a chariot race. Why?

Leshawna challenges Gwen. Because whoever wins gets to kill Heather.

Everyone gangs up on 3. Does 3 have a chance in hell?

Izzy? FUCK YES. That girl is cray-cray

Everyone is invited to 4 and 1 wedding except for 12. How do they react?

Leshawna and Gwen's wedding, except for Lindsay. All the dudes would be wondering where the hottie was at. I know I would ;)

Why is 6 afraid of 7?

Justin afraid of Beth? For what reason?

10 gathers everyone around to tell them a fairy tale. How does it go?

Duncan. There were these two kids who were partying in the woods. They're names where Cole and Candy. Candy, that stuck up witch, punched Cole in the face. Then the stud named Derek comes out and murders both of them with a chainsaw. He goes home and starts to make out with his girlfriend, Gwen. I, mean, Wait. Yeah, Gwen.

(Duncan, everybody!)

8 arrives late for 2 and 3's wedding. What happens? And why are they late?

Heather is late for Owen and Izzy's wedding? She was busy sabotaging Gwen's seat

5 and 9 get roaring drunk and end up at your house. What happens?

Alejandro and Courtney? They make out and I push them into thy bathroom. They have privacy, my parents don't see my talking to cartoon characters, EVERYONE WINS!

Everyone gets together and starts protesting something outside of your house. What are they protesting? What do you do?

Nothing. But kill Writer of the Void.

2 murders 4’s best friend. What does 4 do to get back at them?

Owen murders Leshawna's BFFL? Leshawna will B*h Smack him.

6 and 1 are in mortal danger. Only one of them can survive. Does 6 save themselves or 1?

Justin and Gwen? Duh. Justin saves himself.

Between 10 and 8, which one of them is most likely to fail at life?

Duncan or Heather.

Duncan. He's already been in Juvie

11 and 5 are trapped in a cave. 10 comes to rescue them. What happens?

Trent and Alejandro? Duncan doesn't care.

3 starts a day camp. What happens?

Izzy? She would teach all the children to become kick-ass ninjas.

4, 6, and 7 are doing the Hokey-Pokey. 8 walks in. What happens?

Leshawna, Justin, and Beth are doing the hokey-pokey. Heather would laugh at Leshawna and Leshawna would scalp a bitch!

1 starts to write a fan-fiction where 9 and 10 are going out. What is 2's reaction?

Gwen writes a ff about Courtney and Duncan. Owen would laugh at the Irony

7 makes an apple pie. Is it any good?

Beth makes pie? Maybe.

8 and 3 go camping. For some reason they forget to bring any food. What do they do?

Heather and Izzy? Izzy eats Heather

If 2 and 3 started going out, would 12 be angry?

If Owen and Izzy started going out, Lindsay would think it was adorable

"(10) has been crushing on (2) for a while, that is until they figure out (2) likes (6). (10) runs off and meets (8) and (4) who tell them to talk to (7) who tells them to hook up with (1) until (2) kills (1) and ends up with (10)."

Duncan has been crushing on Owen for a while, that is until they figure out Owen likes Justin. Duncan rushes off and meets Heather and Leshawna who tell them to talk to Beth who tells them to hook up with Gwen until Owen kills Gwen and ends up with Duncan

My Couples (Fanon and Canon)

Teen Titans- BBRae, BBTerra, Robstar

Total Drama- Duncney, Gwuncan (Yes Both.), Aleheather, LindsayxTyler, LeShawnaxHarold, MikexZoey, JoxBrick, BrickxCourtney, DawnxB, DawnxScott (Whatever, bring the hate.), Anne MariaxMike, Dunkota, DuncanxLindsay,

Adventure Time- FinnxPB, JakexLady Rainicorn, FinnxMarceline, MarcelinexMarshall Lee, FionnaxPrince Gumball, Mashall LeexFionna

Theater- EponinexMarcius, FantinexJean ValJean, HortonxGertrude McFuzz, ElphabaxAnyone, Galinda/GlindaxAnyone, LeislxTheGuyWhoSheLikesWhosNameSlipsMe.

Doctor Who- Clarax11, Amyx11, AmyxRory, Rosex10, 11XRiver

Danganronpa- KirigirixNaegi, NaegixMaizono, IshimaruxCeles, CelesxOowada, OowadaxEnoshima

Favorite Adventure Time Characters In Order:

  1. Fionna- She's waay cooler then Finn! She's such a bad-ass!
  2. Jake- He's so awesome! He's an easy favorite!
  3. Jake, Jr.- I never thought I'd love such an awesome character, or that such an awesome character existed in AT!
  4. Finn- He's pretty sick, but not as cool as these guys up there
  5. Princess Bubblegum- She's a big awesome nerd and she's DESTINED TO BE WITH FINN,
  6. Flame Princess- She's real cool with the whole flaming temper thing (See what I did there?) But her relationship with Finn is boring COMPARED TO BUBBLEFINN.
  7. Prince Gumball- ALMOST as cool as PB, but not enough.
  9. Lady Rainicorn- She's cool, but the downside is that I can't understand a thing she's saying..
  10. Marceline- She's cool, but moody a lot of the times.
  11. Marshall Lee- The same as Marceline, but he isn't a sexy vampire
  12. Ice King- He has a great backstory, but he's really creepy now and I hate him.
  13. The Lich- He's real scary and does his job great, but he didn't really fulfill what he could have.
  14. Ice Queen- No development except for being a creepy cougar
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X-Men: Evolution - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 53 - Words: 206,171 - Reviews: 566 - Favs: 169 - Follows: 164 - Updated: 3/29/2017 - Published: 2/25/2011
The Wawanakwa Tales by writerformerlyknownasferguson reviews
AU. Detective Eva Vargra has just been transferred to a new, dangerous city - Wawanakwa City! After a young high school student is brutally murdered, anyone can be a suspect in this city where nobody is innocent. Meanwhile, Duncan and Scott engage in a life of crime while Trent runs his infamous cult worshiping the Ninth God. Rated T. Very dark.
Total Drama series - Rated: T - English - Crime/Drama - Chapters: 3 - Words: 13,160 - Reviews: 34 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 23 - Updated: 7/5/2014 - Published: 5/27/2014 - Noah, Duncan, Eva, Scott
The House of Hades by dreamingthroughstarlight reviews
"Six half-bloods above and two below. The Doors of Death to all shall go." My version of the House of Hades. First story, please review! T just in case. Roman POVs only: no Percy or Annabeth except in dream chapters. Only kept now for sentimental reasons
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 48 - Words: 66,568 - Reviews: 233 - Favs: 66 - Follows: 80 - Updated: 9/12/2013 - Published: 11/12/2012 - [Hazel L., Frank Z.] Jason G., Reyna R. - Complete
And Foes Bear Arms by Stormfire76 reviews
"Surrender... I'll bring you back to New Rome for trial. It won't be fair. You'll be painfully executed. But it may be enough to stop further violence." - Reyna, pg. 251, MoA. Everyone thought it was too late for peace. After all, the Romans had reached Camp Half-Blood already. But what if Reyna's offer still stood? And what if Leo decided to take it?
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 14 - Words: 47,427 - Reviews: 406 - Favs: 313 - Follows: 165 - Updated: 8/21/2013 - Published: 7/8/2013 - Leo V., Reyna R. - Complete
Total Drama Pop Culture by MollyBriana reviews
Chris McLean is at it again! Season five of Total Drama will have challenges based on famous movies, television shows, books, and more! Read as you favorite characters from both seasons battle for the million! To spice things up, seven new oc's, made by you, the readers, were thrown in the mix! Enjoy! Rated T for Mild Language and Suggestive Themes.
Total Drama series - Rated: T - English - Suspense/Drama - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,859 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 12 - Updated: 8/15/2013 - Published: 7/14/2013 - Chris M., Chef Hatchet
Total Drama Travels Through Time by Coolsy77 reviews
Your characters will be traveling through time and space, with Chris... This is a team write story between two authors you may know! So, get crackin' on those apps Total Drama fans! We'll be expecting some good ones! APPS Open.
Total Drama series - Rated: T - English - Humor/Suspense - Chapters: 3 - Words: 337 - Reviews: 30 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 7/29/2013 - Published: 7/24/2013 - Courtney, Duncan, Harold, Zoey
The Beautiful Mind of Katherine Pryde by Kinetically Charmed reviews
Story told through Kitty's online diary, an interesting peek into her weird mind.-Kiotr,Romy,Jottma. Rogue has started her own blog now. She's such a copy cat. "The Brilliant Mind of Rogue", seriously. I know imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but come on...
X-Men: Evolution - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 125 - Words: 253,912 - Reviews: 1311 - Favs: 242 - Follows: 123 - Updated: 4/30/2012 - Published: 5/29/2009 - Shadowcat/Katherine P./Kitty P., Colossus - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Total Drama: Go Big or Go Home reviews
Fourteen teenagers battle it out in a summer long quest to be one million dollars richer. With rampant backstabbing, lying, and scheming, who will come out on top? Rated T for mild swearing. APPS OPEN until January 1, 2018.
Total Drama series - Rated: T - English - Humor/Drama - Chapters: 3 - Words: 242 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 12/27/2017 - Published: 12/19/2017
Total Drama: A Season at Sea reviews
19 of your favorite contestants battle it out for the prize of a life time! The three teams try to survive a boat race in the Bermuda Triangle! Heartbreak, Suspense, Betrayal, and Victories will make you sit at the edge of your seat! Rated T for innuendos
Total Drama series - Rated: T - English - Drama/Humor - Chapters: 18 - Words: 65,535 - Reviews: 77 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 28 - Updated: 7/31/2014 - Published: 12/15/2013
Total Drama: Battle of the Sexes reviews
Fourteen teens battle it out in a summer-long journey for money, fame, and friendship. The final two compete in the last challenge! The whole season boils down to this moment! Rated T for mild swearing.
Total Drama series - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 15 - Words: 54,725 - Reviews: 110 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 4 - Updated: 7/31/2014 - Published: 5/16/2014 - Complete