"Wait, did you just call us tribute?" Dakota asked.

"That's right!" Chris grinned. "To make sure this season really 'catches fire,' you little 'mockingjays' will participate in our first Hunger Games challenge!"

"Make one more pun, and I'll puke," Gwen stated.

"Hunger Games? But we just ate?" Lindsay said.

"This challenge doesn't actually involve food, unless you count having to find it yourself. This is how it's going to go down. Each contestant must wear a black suit with tiny packs of paint lining the inside. The plastic was made to mimic the durability of skin, so it'll give you an authentic experience. When these packs of paint are broken open, they will signify an injury. The color and amount of paint will determine the severity of your injuries. White paint, found on your hands, arms, legs, and feet is the lowest level of damage you can take. One little hit isn't fatal, but it can incapacitate you and kill you if you were shot enough times. The next level is orange, and can be found anywhere on your torso. If left unattended to, you will eventually 'die' and be pulled out of the challenge. Finally, red, which can be found around vital organs such as your heart and lungs. It's an unavoidable death, and will have you instantly pulled from the game. Oh, and if any paint that isn't splatter gets on your head or neck, you're automatically out."

"Now, for the fun part; combat! Since legal wouldn't let me use any real weapons, we have special versions of many classics to help you compete. Paintball guns, bows and arrows with paint tips, and paint knives that release paint if enough pressure is put on them. Oh, and all the paint is fluorescent," Chris informed before being interrupted.

"Ooh! I love flowers!" Lindsay cheered.

"Are you really that dense?" Niles asked.

Chris sighed. "It means that, if the moon is out, you and anyone near you will be able to see the paint glow, making you an easier target. Paint remover is located at the cornucopia, and is first come, first serve. This can heal any injury from orange, down. If you aren't lucky enough to get it in the cornucopia, we have a few cans hidden around the arena. Don't get any funny ideas, either. This paint is waterproof."

"You're on your own for food, water, and shelter. The only items we'll provide will be located at the cornucopia, and once it's taken, it won't be replaced. A cannon will go off every time a contestant loses, so keep an ear out. Now, get outfitted and follow me to the forest behind the lot," he concluded.

Outside of the forest, each contestant stood on a small platform and waited for the countdown to commence. They were all wearing tight, black bodysuits, and most of the long haired contestants tied their hair back.

"Happy Hunger Games! Hehe… Chef, start the countdown!" Chris ordered.

"Ten… Nine… Eight…"

Each of the contestants glanced at each other, and some looked at the cornucopia. Some were coming up with a strategy in their heads, and others were trying to recall tactics from the movie or books.





Muscles tensed, and teeth gritted. This would be the official start of the battle for the million dollars. With nerves from the new contestants, and the unresolved troubles from the old ones, it was sure to be a good show.

"Three. Two. One…" As Chef finished the countdown, a large horn sounded. The contestants ran off, some immediately into the forest, and others toward the cornucopia.

Duncan grabbed a paint gun and smirked. He turned around and shot at Harold, who quickly dodged and took cover under a table. Harold wasted no time and ran off into the forest.

"Great..." Duncan mumbled. He smirked and shot at Sam, who was hit in the chest multiple times.

"Well, I kinda saw that one coming," Sam admitted.

Confessional Harold: I could've easily taken him. Chris didn't have any weapons that suited me though. If there was a katana or nun chucks in there, I would've kicked his butt.

"Sam! You big bully!" Dakota screamed at Duncan.

"Move it or lose it, slackers!" Jo yelled as she picked up a large, club like item and hit Dakota square in the chest. Red and orange paint splashed everywhere. She immediately turned around to find another victim. Before Jo knew it, her chosen prey began attacking her.

Eva threw multiple knives at Jo, only to give her a little limb damage. She tossed a knife at Pete, hitting his neck and instantly eliminating him.

"Aw, man!" Pete whined before exiting the arena.

Jo flung herself behind the wall of the cornucopia. "Ha! You're gonna have to do a lot better than that to beat me, unibrow!"

Gwen made her way to a bow, but was distraught when she couldn't find a quiver of arrows. "You've got to be kidding me!"

"Bye bye, Gwen," Heather said as she picked up a knife and stabbed Gwen in the back. Red paint oozed out of her suit, and she was immediately pulled out of the arena.

"Doesn't feel good to be stabbed in the back, right, Gwen?" Courtney called out from one of the tables.

Confessional Courtney: I know I should've been watching my back out there, but seeing Gwen get taken down as soon as the challenge started was too good to miss. I paid for it… But I only wish that I took her out myself."

Duncan growled at Courtney's comment, and took aim. Since she was focused on Gwen and not even looking at him, he lined up a clear shot that hit her right in the back of the head.

"Ow!" Courtney cried. "You'll regret that!"

"I won't have the chance to," Duncan laughed as Courtney was pulled out of the arena. He grabbed a pack of food and some rope before running off into the forest.

"I'll take this," Heather said as she picked up the bow Gwen planned to use. She dug around, grabbed some arrows and a backpack, then headed for cover in the woods.

Cody and Noah were running next to each other and doing their best to keep away from the predators of the game.

"Hey, do you think, maybe, for this challenge we should team up?" Cody asked. "Neither of us are really fighters, and... Whoa!" His foot got caught on a branch which slammed him down onthe ground.

"Sorry, but something tells me you'll just slow me down," Noah stated and disappeared through the thick brush.

Cody sighed and stood up, but immediately felt a sharp stinging on the left side of his back. He reached his arm over and felt a gooey liquid, then retracted it to see his hand covered in red paint.

"Sorry, amigo, it was just too easy," Alejandro said as he ran by his fallen prey. He picked up his paint axe and continued to pursue Noah.

Olivia was running, but collided with Niles. "Please don't kill me!"

"Relax, I didn't have time to grab any weapons," Niles replied.

The prima donna took a deep breath. "Maybe we should team up? Two heads are better than one, right?" she asked.

"Sure," he replied.

Confessional Niles: I could use a human shield, anyway.

Lindsay was running, and utterly scared for her life. "Tyler?" she called out, then heard an owl hoot. "AH! That's not Tyler!"

"You're right," Scott snickered and threw his paint trident at Lindsay. "Look at the bright side, now you get to head back to the lot."

Justin was casually walking through the woods when he spotted Eva. "Perfect… Hey! Eva!"

The athletic female jumped and took aim at the male model. "Shut up! Do you want the whole arena to hear you?"

"Sorry, I was just thinking… We should have an alliance for this challenge, and help each other survive," he suggested.

"Can you fight?" she asked.

"No," he replied.

"Do you hunt?"


"Do you know what plants are safe to eat?"


Eva scowled and threw a knife at him, hitting right where his heart would be.

"Stop wasting my time," she said as she pulled the knife out and continued hunting.

Maggie was walking through the forest, when a trident flew from a tree and pierced her paint packets.

"Oh no! Wait… this is orange paint.. I still have time!" Maggie cheered.

"Not without this, you don't," Scott said as he jumped out of a tree and revealed a can of paint remover. "I found it in one of the bird's nests."

"Please, Scott," she begged.

"You don't seem like the fighter type, I'm doing you a favor," he snickered then walked off.

From a distance, Dawn watched and scowled.

Confessional Dawn: Scott is as bad as ever, I just can't believe I didn't read it in his aura. This time, he won't get away with all the terrible things he's done.

On the other side of the arena, Sammi was hidden high up in the trees.

Confessional Sammi: I'm not much of a fighter… And I have horrible aim. I figured my best bet was to get as much distance between myself and the other contestants. I know I'll only be able to wait this out for so long… Maybe I should find someone to team up with.

Sammi heard the crack of a twig and instantly held her breath. She leaned over to see who it was, but ended up tumbling out of the tree. "Ouch… Okay… No more tree climbing."

"Yeah, not your thing," mumbled Buffy, who was still stuck under Sammi and had his face in the mud.

"Another tribute? What should we do, Buffy?" Deylaine asked.

"Well, we can't really attack her at this point, considering she has the only one of us with a weapon pinned down," he stated.

"Hey! Maybe we can team up? Like the careers in the books," Sammi suggested.

"What would you be good for?" Buffy asked.

"Well, I'm fast on my feet. I'd be good for decoy, or quickly snatching something," she offered.

Buffy looked at Deylaine, who shrugged in response. "Welcome to the team."

Trent was wandering around, looking for food and water. He didn't manage to snag a weapon at the cornucopia, but he was able to grab a bag before utter chaos broke out. He opened it to find a water purifier and some packaged food. "Sweet."

"Well well, those look useful," stated Duncan as he aimed his gun at Trent.

Confessional Trent: Duncan? Of all the people I could've run into… I don't have anything against him, it's not like I'm still dating Gwen… Or… Even have feelings for her… Because I don't! I'm just saying, it was kind of awkward.

"Back off, man. These are mine," Trent stated.

"I'm the one with the weapons here," Duncan replied.

"You're not the only one!" Heather called out as she shot an arrow and hit Duncan right in between the eyes.

"Seriously?" Duncan complained.

Trent shrugged. "You snooze, you lose." He quickly grabbed Duncan's gun, used him as a shield, and shot in the direction the arrow came from.

"Gah! You'll regret that!" Heather threatened as she ran off.

Trent walked over to find orange paint drippings splattered on the foliage.

Confessional Deylaine: How to describe the cornucopia blood bath? Insane!

Confessional Mike: People were dropping left and right. I barely made it out alive, and I don't know how long I'll last without any supplies.

Confessional Jo: Yeah, it does kind of suck that I got out in the blood bath. On the upside, now I know of someone who is alliance material.

Eleven cannons sounded off, signifying each of the fallen players.

"As of right now; Pete, Sam, Dakota, Jo, Gwen, Courtney, Cody, Lindsay, Justin, Maggie, and Duncan are out! I know, even I'm shocked at some of them. Oh, and another fun little thing… Tonight's forecast. Thunderstorms!" Chris announced over loudspeakers. As he said that, a flash of lightning followed by a downpour of rain unleashed over the arena.

"With nearly half of the contestants already out, who else won't make it through the night? Who will come out on top? And how will they react to my little 'surprises' I have planned for them. Find out all this, and more, next time on Total! Drama! Pop Culture!"

There you go! Part one of the Hunger Games challenge. Please, leave a review and give me feedback on how I'm doing :) I'm sorry if this chapter was a bit short as far as character interaction went, I wanted to get everyone a line in this chapter at least once (Poor Mike only got the confessional at the end xD) and I wanted to have eleven people fall in the initial cornucopia bloodbath.

Also, now would be a good time to say that posting chapters may take longer than expected, because I start college in a week. Anyway, please remember to leave a review, and thanks so much for reading!