A/N: Obviously, Chris, Chef and the show doesn't belong to me. It belongs to FreshTV, Cake Entertainment, Teletoon, and Cartoon Network. Both Contestants belong to users on this site.

"This season on Total Drama, fourteen teenagers arrived on this island for a chance at a million dollars! There were heartbreaks, hook-ups, and hillariousness! Rosalie and Romulus formed the first alliance of the season, eliminating Dutch, Alexis, Titus, Cherry, Huck, and Feline! Then Romulus eliminated Rosalie! Titus and Kennedy became the first couple of the season, Dutch returned, and Rose and Corey promptly hooked up soon afterwards! Romulus was eliminated and received his karma! We're down to the final two! Who's gonna win? Who's gonna lose? Find out on the finale of Total Drama: Battle of the Sexes!"

"Welcome back! We recently had our two finalists state their opinions of the season and the other contestants in the confessional! Here's what they had to say!" Chris said.

Corey Confessional: The theme this season? I mean, I guess it was kind of cool we got to pick it ourselves. But Battle of the Sexes? Pretty stank. Also the survival sub-theme didn't really help. Having to rough it for eighteen weeks didn't make it worth while.

Jennifer Confessional: Battle of the Sexes? Hated it. It separated Josiah and me! The only good think that came from it was getting close to all the girls! Also, not having a real bathroom almost all season was terrible. I couldn't go without being freaked out that an animal was going to eat me!

Corey Confessional: The people here? Um, some of them weren't the best. Specifically Dutch, Rosalie, and Romulus. The three of them were either jerks, mindless followers, or a total master manipulator. I was lucky to find four great people. Shout out to Rose, Huck, and Josiah!

Jennifer Confessional: The people here? They were great! Well some of them. Not counting Dutch, Rosalie, and Romulus, I made so many friends!

The two contestants woke up from their slumber and walked to the arena, as commanded by Chris.

"Can you believe we made it to the finale?" Jennifer asked, "I'm still in awe!"

"I know! It's amazing! Who would have thought that a guy like me could make it to the end!" Corey laughed.

"Thank god it's a friendship finale! If I was here with Romulus I would have died!" Jennifer giggled.

Corey laughed, "But it's only going to get harder from here."

"Yup!" Jennifer laughed, "Now we're enemies!"

"Ooh no!" Corey laughed as they entered the arena.

"Wow." The two said, shocked by what they saw.

On the two sides of the audience seating the arena, sat the eliminated contestants.

Kennedy, Alexis, Josiah, Rosalie, Romulus, Jacob, and Feline sat on one side.

Dutch, Rose, Huck, Titus, and Cherry sat on the other.

"What is this?" Jennifer asked, walking down the steps.

As they ran down, they noticed each side had a shirt on.

A shirt with either Jennifer or Corey's face.

"We had the peanut gallery pick sides!" Chris said.

"Cor!" Rose called, running to him.

Corey opened his arms and the two of them began to kiss.

Josiah attacked Jennifer in a big hug.

"You did great!" Josiah laughed, "I'm so proud of you!"

"Aw!" Jennifer cooed.

They kissed.

"Okay! Stop that!" Chris said.

They didn't listen.

"Stop!" Chris shouted.

The two couples separated.

"The two of you come down here!" Chris said.

Jennifer and Corey did as commanded.

"Alright!" Chris said, "Tell the peanut gallery why you deserve the money and what you're going to do with it! Corey! You go first!"

Corey smiled, "Well! I've been working hard to get to this point and I eliminated Romulus, so that has to count for something!"

The cast cheered.

All except for Rosalie and Romulus.

"If I win the money, I'm going to save enough for a college fund! That would leave a lot of money left. So I'd use some of what's ever left and go on a trip around the world! The rest would be given to charity." Corey said simply.

Corey's side clapped and cheered.

"Jennifer! Your turn!" Chris announced.

Jennifer smiled.

"Well! I would save some for college and use the rest for a trip around Europe for Josiah, my mom, and me!" Jennifer said, "And if I have enough left over, maybe a party for the cast!"

Jennifer's side cheered.

"You go!" Josiah cheered.

Jennifer smiled.

"Alright! I need the two of you to pick two people from your side!" Chris said.

"Rose and Huck!" Corey said.

Huck cheered.

"Woo-hoo! More screen-time!" He joked.

Rose rolled her eyes good-naturedly and walked down to the arena.

"Josiah and..." Jennifer began.

Romulus walked down.

"Excuse me?" Jennifer asked.

"I'm helping. Live with it." Romulus said.

Jennifer rolled her eyes.

Romulus and Josiah came down.

"Alright! Here is the challenge! The two of you must race around the island and come back here to win! The catch? You'll have to make a few stops along the way! In homage to season three, you'll have to race to the volcano! There, you'll find a pineapple waiting for you! You must make it up the volcano and throw your pineapple inside, while avoiding the items your opponent's helpers will catapult at you! From then, race to the shelters and disassemble your former team's shelter! You'll have to throw the supplies back into the hole you got them from at the beginning of the season! You'll then race to the poles from the statue building challenge! In homage of season one, you'll have to climb up there and grab a flag! You can't cross the finish without your flag! Whoever reaches the finish line at the arena first wins!" Chris announced.

The two contestants and their two helpers nodded.

"Ready?" Chris asked.

The six got in running position.

"Set? Go!" Chris shouted.

They were off.

The peanut gallery were cheering, watching the monitor that would show the progress.

Jennifer raced out of the arena, running towards the volcano.

Corey was running in front of her, smiling as he did.

Corey Confessional: I might have a chance to win this! I can do it!

The two made it into the clearing.

Jennifer and Corey raced to the base of the volcano.

They both grabbed a pineapple and began to climb.

Rose and Huck ran to the catapult, looking at the crate of supplies next to them.

"A bowling ball? A hammer? Why isn't there something that won't brutally mame her?" Rose asked, not wanting to hurt her best female friend.

"Oh! I have something!" Huck said, opening his backpack.

He pulled out a pack of gumballs.

"Nice thinking, Huck!" Rose said, throwing the pack of gumballs onto the catapult.

"Go!" Rose shouted, covering her ears.

Huck cut the cord, and the gumballs went flying into the air.

It hit Jennifer in the face.

"Ouch!" Jennifer cried.

"Sorry!" Rose and Huck called.

"It's okay!" Jennifer cried.

"What are we going to catapult? Everything here is dangerous!" Josiah said.

"Great!" Romulus said, throwing a bowling ball onto the catapult.

"Stop! You can't do that- Corey's my friend!" Josiah said.

Romulus pulled a knife out of the crate and cut the cord.

"Too bad!" Romulus shouted, "That jerk eliminated me and made me poor! He's going down!"

Corey turned to see a bowling ball hurdling for his face.

He ducked.

The bowling hit the volcano and made a hole inside of the base of the mountain.

Lava began to spew out.

"Agh!" Jennifer cried, climbing faster.

Corey neared the top and threw his pineapple inside.

It landed with a kerplunk!

Corey cheered and ran down.

Jennifer panicked and hastily threw the pineapple from her spot on the volcano.

It circled around the rim before it landed in.

"Woo-hoo!" Jennifer cheered, as she ran down the mountain.

She jumped over the spewing lava and she left with her team.

Corey was currently running for the shelters.

Jennifer was a bit behind, but not by much.

Jennifer Confessional: Sure, I'm a little behind. But I know I can pull through!

Corey skid to a stop just outside the shelters and took a deep breath.

"Disassemble them!" Corey said, running to the guys' shelter.

Rose and Huck ran to his assistance.

Jennifer ran to the female shelter.

"Aw, so many great memories!" Jennifer cheered.

"Jennifer! Stop with the sentimentality and get your head in winning a million dollars!" Romulus snapped.

"Right! Sorry! Take it down, boys!" Jennifer said as she yanked a wooden board off of the structure.

"That's more like it!" Romulus cheered.

Jennifer and Corey were currently neck and neck.

"Take off that part! You can reach it easier!" Rose said.

Corey pulled the final wooden board off of the structure.

"Now we just have to take this thing apart." Corey said.

"I have a solution!" Huck said.

He pulled a wooden plank out of the structure and it went falling to the ground.

"It's scary to think it was that unstable." Corey said.

Jennifer watched Huck and then did the same.

The structure immediately came tumbling down.

"Woo-hoo!" Jennifer cheered.

"Romulus, grab that stuff! Jennifer, run!" Josiah said.

"Got it!" Jennifer said, running of.

Romulus and Josiah trudged the boards over to the hole and threw them in.

Corey and Jennifer were running.

Corey was ahead of Jennifer.

"Woo-hoo!" Corey cheered.

Corey Confessional: I was in the lead- I could feel the victory!

He raced for the flag.

Jennifer ran after him.

Jennifer Confessional: I love Corey! But I couldn't let him win! I don't love him that much!

Corey and Jennifer reached the site.

They both dove into the warm tropical water.

The waves were crashing.

The water blinded Corey.

Jennifer kept on swimming, her eyes closed.

She reached a pole and smiled.

She slowly began to climb it.

Corey reached a pole a few seconds later.

On top was a blue flag.

He began to climb it as well.

Jennifer climbed up and grabbed the pole.

Jennifer then slipped off.

"It's slippery!" Jennifer cried, just barely grabbing it again.

"Hey! That looks different!" Corey said, looking up at the metal part of the pole.

He grabbed it and screamed.

It was burning hot.

"Ow!" Corey cried, looking at his hand.

It was red.

"Aw man!" He sighed, climbing.

"Ow! Ouch! Yikes!" He cried as he climbed.

Jennifer climbed as well.

Corey was currently in the lead.

He climbed as fast as he could and grabbed the flag.

He slid down, but just before he reached the water, he saw them.

The sharks.

"Agh!" Corey cried, climbing back up.

Jennifer grabbed her flag.

"What's your problem?" Jennifer asked.

"Sharks!" Corey shouted, pointing.

"Oh no!" Jennifer cried.

The two of them stayed on the poles, refusing to come down.

"What are you doing?!" Romulus called.

"Look! Sharks!" Rose called, pointing to the sharp-toothed beasts that lurked in the crystal clear blue water.

"They can't get down!" Huck said.

"They're going to be eaten!" Josiah cried.

At the arena, the peanut gallery gasped.

"Get those sharks out of there!" Jacob shouted, throwing popcorn at the monitor.

"Come on Jennifer! Don't let those sharks bother you!" Feline shouted.

"That's kind of hard to do because they would eat her!" Titus pointed out.

"If they die, does that mean any of us can get the money?" Rosalie asked.


"Are you kidding me?!"

"It's a valid question!" Dutch said.

The peanut gallery returned their focus on the monitor.

"I'm not just going to jump down, Romulus! Get those stupid sharks out of the way! Please!" Jennifer cried.

"How are we going to manage that?" Josiah asked.

Corey looked down in fear.

Then he got an idea.

He looked at one of the other poles and jumped over to it.

Corey grabbed the pole and took a deep breath.

"Woo-hoo!" He cheered.

Jennifer looked over, watching Corey made his way to the shore.

"Hurry!" Jennifer cried.

"Romulus, I'm sorry!" Josiah said.

"Huh? Sorry about what?!" Romulus asked.

Josiah grabbed Romulus and threw him into the water.

He fell in with a giant splash.

The sharks turned and left the pole, swimming towards Romulus.

"Josiah, you are so dead!" Romulus shouted as the sharks came swimming after him.

Romulus screamed and swam off.

Jennifer slid down the pole and dove into the water.

She swam for shore.

Corey reached the shore and smiled.

"Woo-hoo!" He cheered as he ran.

"Go Corey!" Rose cheered.

"You can do it, buddy!" Huck agreed.

Jennifer ran onto the shore and chased after Corey.

As she ran, she was running thinking of the whole season.

Eighteen weeks of her life.

Coming to an end.

That's when reality caught up with her.

Jennifer stopped running and sat on the beach, contemplating life.

Jennifer Confessional: All of a sudden, it hit me. Everything hit me all at once and I just-

"What are you doing? Run, Jen! Run!" Josiah shouted.

"Is she okay?" Rose asked.

"I don't know.." Josiah said, "Come on."

The three of them ran to Corey's side.

"Are you okay?" Josiah asked.

"N-no." Jennifer said, "I'm not okay..."

"Why not?" Huck asked.

Corey looked back, seeing Jennifer sitting on the floor and their friends surrounding her.

He looked forward and could see the arena.

He could either stay and comfort Jennifer with whatever problem she had or win a million dollars.

He ran to Jennifer's side.

"This whole summer boils down to this moment!" Jennifer cried, "What if I just wasted an entire summer? Huh?! There were dozens of people who deserved to be here more then I do! They fought their hardest! What did I do? I was just a likable girl who relied on her friends and her boyfriend to get to where she is now! And now I just- This could have all been for nothing!"

"It isn't for nothing!" Josiah said, "Everything you've just said isn't true. You have fought your hardest."

"You didn't just depend on us- you've won your own challenges!" Rose pointed out.

"With help from everyone else!" Jennifer said.

"What was your biggest worry this season?" Corey asked, "That you were too dependent on other people, right? Well I didn't see that at all! I saw a girl who was extremely independent. You faced your own boyfriend just to prove that you didn't need him, or anyone, to protect you!"

That was a valid point.

Jennifer debated.

"And you can't just quit now!" Huck said, "That would be fair to all of us who were eliminated!"

"And it wouldn't be fair to me, either!" Corey said.

"You aren't weak, Jennifer. You're strong. You can do this!" Rose said.

Jennifer smiled, "T-thanks."

"You okay now?" Josiah asked.

"Yeah. I know now that I didn't waste a summer. I meet all of you. You all made my summer worth while!"

The five of them hugged.

"Well, come on! We have a million dollars to compete for!" Jennifer said, grabbing Corey's hand and pulling him towards the arena.

The two of them ran hand in hand to the arena.

Jennifer Confessional: What was going to happen next? I didn't know. But I did know that I'd be worth this long wait on this crappy island.

The two ran down the path to the arena and stood in the entrance.

Both sides cheered as they came running down.

Rose, Huck, Josiah, and now Romulus stood there, watching and waiting for the outcome.

Jennifer and Corey ran down to the arena floor, each with their flag in their hand.

The finish laid right in front of them.

"Well. This is it." Corey said.

"It sure is." Jennifer said.

"I don't want to cross it." Corey said.

"Neither do I," Jennifer breathed, "Come here!"

Jennifer wrapped Corey in a hug.

Corey smiled.

She then pushed him forward, past the finish line.

Corey stood on the other side of the finish.

"Jennifer?! What are you doing?!" Corey asked, smiling and confused at the same time.

"I don't need the money! I have friends!" Jennifer laughed.

"And Corey is the winner of Total Drama: Battle of the Sexes! The dominant gender has been proven to be the Males!" Chris said, handing him a briefcase full of money.

"Oh man! Woo-hoo!" Corey cheered.

The peanut gallery cheered.

Josiah, Huck, Rose, and Corey flocked him.

Rose hugged him and the two kissed.

"It sure was noble of you to let him win." Josiah laughed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh come here you!" Jennifer cooed.

She then pulled Josiah into a long, passionate kiss.

The peanut gallery ran down to the arena floor and cheered.

They hugged, talked, and cheered together.

"I'm throwing a party for all of us!" Corey cheered.

The cast cheered once again.

Chris was smiling.

Just then, his phone rang.

He pulled it out, "Hello? McLean here!"

He listened to the person on the other side and smirked.

"That's great!" Chris cheered.

"What is?" Jacob asked.

"The good news! The producers have green-lit another season! Come back next time where I'll be bringing a new batch of sixteen unique teenagers with me for a bunch more drama!" Chris announced, "This has been Chris McLean, and this has been Total Drama: Battle of the Sexes! Goodnight!"

Now I want to say thank you to everyone! Before this story, I had never been able to complete a fan-fiction, and certainly not a SYOC! I had tried and always lost interest. But your characters were all so fun and interesting to work with that it always made me so happy to write another chapter! I'd like to thank everyone who submitted a character! It's been a fun story to write! And I hope you all stick around for the next leg in this journey!