These characters do not belong to me! They belong to FreshTV, Cake Entertainment, Cartoon Network, and Teletoon.

"Last time on Total Drama: A Season at Sea, we stayed on the ship and competed in a game show like challenge! There were winners, losers, and a whole bunch of pain inflicted on the contestants! So much that Katie had to be taken out of the challenge to head to the infirmary! Courtney won the challenge, only to volunteer herself to be eliminated in the place of her only friend, Bridgette! How mature! I hate it! We're down to the final eight, and by tonight, it'll be the final six! That's right! It's double elimination time, baby! Who will step up to the plate and who will crumble under the pressure? Find out tonight on Total Drama: A Season at Sea!"

It was mid-night and all of the contestants were sleeping calmly in the loser's deck.

Katie, Zoey, Bridgette, and Lindsay were sleeping in the girls' dorm.

Geoff, Ezekiel, Brick, and Tyler were sleeping in the boys'.

An air-horn blew over the intercom.

"AGH!" Zoey cried, covering her ears, "What's happening?"

"Abandon Ship!" Chris announced over the intercom.

"What's happening?!" Bridgette asked, sitting up.

Katie covered her ears.

"Why is there like, a fire alarm in the ocean?! Fires don't happen in water!" Lindsay cried.

"Let's go!" Bridgette cried, racing out of the dorm.

"Hurry!" Katie cried, following Bridgette.

Zoey took Lindsay's arm and led her out.

Outside, the boys were covering their ears.

"What's happening?!" Tyler asked.

"Ty!" Lindsay cried, jumping into his arms, "Go, Go, Go!"

Zoey and Brick ran side by side.

Katie raced behind Tyler and Lindsay.

Bridgette and Geoff ran hand in hand.

Ezekiel raced behind them.

They all raced to the main deck to find Chef and Chris, along with most of the interns, in two lifeboats.

"Where are you going, aye?!" Ezekiel asked, freaking out.

"The ship is sinking!" Chris announced.

Chef lowered the lifeboat and they dropped into the water.

The interns left as well.

"Is he seriously just leaving us here?!" Katie asked.

The ship rumbled.

"We're all going to die!" Zoey cried.

"And it's dark outside!" Brick shouted.

"I want to go home!" Zoey screamed.

"Stop talking!" Bridgette panicked.

"Sorry!" Zoey cried.

"We have to find those lifeboats!" Tyler said, "It's the only way we'll make it!"

"Where do we look?!" Lindsay asked.

"Look everywhere!" Bridgette cried.

The ship rumbled once more.

"Agh!" Brick cried.

"Why does it smell like pe-" Ezekiel began.

"Stop talking!" Brick cried, covering his ears.

"There's one!" Geoff said, pointing.

"That's only one!" Katie cried, "We need more!"

"Well, it's the only one we have!" Tyler said, "Let's bring it down."

Geoff, Tyler, and Brick rolled it down.

Katie, Ezekiel, Bridgette, Lindsay, and Zoey jumped inside.

"Someone has to stay up here to roll it down." Zoey said, "Who's going to do that?"

"Does anyone have anything sharp?" Geoff asked.

"I have a nail filer!" Lindsay said, holding it up.

"Thanks." Geoff said.

Tyler and Brick hopped into the lifeboat.

"Ugh! It's getting crowded!" Katie cried.

Geoff hopped in.

Just as he was about to use the nail filer to cut the rope, it snapped by itself.

"What happened?!" Bridgette asked.

"Our weight was too much for the rope to support, aye!" Ezekiel said as they fell into the water.

They were greeted with a giant splash.

"It's s-so cold..." Lindsay said, shivering.

"I can't believe this is happening..." Katie whispered.

"What are we going to do?" Tyler asked.

"We should find somewhere to dock the boat." Geoff said, assuming the role of leadership.

"Like a dock?" Lindsay asked, "Where are we going to find a dock?"

"We can try to look for an island." Tyler suggested.

"That would work!" Zoey clapped.

"But it's midnight- what are we going to find?" Bridgette asked.

"And a lot of us are tired." Ezekiel sighed.

"I'll stay up! I have hawk eyes!" Brick said.

"Okay. The rest of us can go to sleep." Geoff said.

"I won't let you down, sir!" Brick said, saluting.

The morning reared it's head and all of the remaining contestants woke up.

"Did you find anywhere?" Bridgette asked.

"No..." Zoey sighed, her eyes wide open and red.

"Maybe you should take a break..." Lindsay said.

"If you want me to- Is that okay with you?" Zoey asked.

"Sure..." Katie said.

Zoey laid down and closed her eyes.

She immediately fell asleep.

"What's that?" Lindsay asked, pointing at a mass on the horizon.

"Is that...?" Brick began.

"An island!" Katie cheered, "It's an island, guys!"

"Paddle!" Tyler cried.

The contestants who were awake paddles for their lives.

Zoey, on the other hand, was snoring.

The boat washed up on the shores of the island and the contestants came spewing out of the lifeboat.

"Oh my god." Lindsay breathed, laying on the sand.

"Where are we?" Brick asked.

"I don't know, but this island looks uninhabited." Bridgette said.

"What are we going to do?" Katie asked, "We're probably going to pass out of heat exhaustion before we get saved!"

"If we get saved." Geoff sighed.

"Don't say that!" Lindsay cried.

"Well, it's a possibility." Ezekiel said.

"So?" Lindsay asked, covering her ears.

"What should we do now?" Bridgette asked, staring at the ocean.

"I don't know..." Tyler sighed.

"We should build a shelter, guys." Geoff said, "At least we'll have somewhere to take a few Z's."

"I'm hungry..." Katie moaned.

"We should look for food then." Bridgette said, standing up.

"Yeah, guys! This can totally work! It'll be like a tropical vacation- We don't have to die!" Lindsay cheered, clapping and jumping up and down.

Everyone cracked a small smile.

"I'll go with Katie and Tyler to find some food." Bridgette said.

"Ooh! I'll come, too!" Lindsay said.

"Actually, take Ezekiel. We need Tyler for the shelter." Geoff said.

"What is that supposed to mean, aye?!" Ezekiel asked.

"Oh... nothing." Geoff said, smirking.

Tyler stood walked back to the guys as Ezekiel joined Lindsay, Bridgette, and Katie.

"What about Zoey?" Tyler asked.

"We should let her sleep- she was up like, five hours." Lindsay said.

In five hours, the eight teens had built a sturdy shelter and had gathered plenty of food.

"Where do you think Chris went?" Bridgette asked, peeling a banana.

"Who knows? Everything went by so fast." Katie said, shivering.

"Are we really stuck here?" Lindsay asked.

The dreaded question that no one wanted to answer.

They all stayed silent.

"Well, there has to be a way to get back, right?" Lindsay said, still hopeful someone would come to their rescue.

"I doubt it." Tyler sighed.

"Don't say that, Tyler! We can still be found! We can still make it!" Lindsay said.

"Well... if we send some signals... maybe we can make it." Bridgette encouraged.

"See?" Lindsay clapped.

"It's getting dark. We should all head to bed, guys." Geoff said.

"I'll stay up." Zoey whispered.

"Are you sure?" Katie asked.

Zoey nodded.

The others shrugged and walked into the hut.

Zoey sat there, hugging her knees.

There was no way they were going to escape.

No chance of civilization.

No chance of seeing Mike.

Ever again.

The sun rose up from the sky.

It was morning.

Katie awoke from her slumber and crawled out of the hut.

Everyone was already outside.

"What's up?" Katie asked.

"Look." Geoff said, pointing.

On the floor was Zoey's flower and her black choker.

"We couldn't find her." Lindsay whispered.

"We looked everywhere." Ezekiel said.

"Where could she have gone?" Katie asked.

Geoff shrugged.

"Well, she couldn't have gotten far- This island isn't that big." Lindsay said, "Come on, guys."

"Who knows when she left. She could be in the heart of the jungle over there." Bridgette sighed.

"Or, even worse. She could be-" Brick gulped.

"Don't say it." Katie warned.

"I guess it could be worth a try..." Tyler sighed.

"How long ago do you think she left?" Brick asked.

No one answered.

"She couldn't have wandered off in the middle of the night- she wouldn't be able to see anything." Brick said, answering his own question.

"Maybe that's what she wanted, aye." Ezekiel said.

"What are you talking about?" Lindsay asked.

"It was obvious that Zoey gave up." Bridgette said.

"Gave up?" Katie asked.

"After the shipwreck?" Geoff said, "She didn't want to do anything, she pretended to sleep just to-"

"No, she stayed up the whole night looking for land." Lindsay said.

"No she didn't." Brick said, "I stayed up the whole night. She never stirred."

"But then why were her eyes so red?" Lindsay asked.

"She was crying." Tyler explained.

"She didn't want any of this to be real, so when she was given the chance to skip town..." Ezekiel began.

"She did just that." Geoff sighed.

No one spoke.

The next day, the seven remaining teenagers were eating.

"Well, maybe if we-" Lindsay began.

"She's gone." Geoff snapped, "No use in wasting our time to look for someone who doesn't want to be found."

Lindsay sighed.

"I know your heart is in the right place, but just give it a rest. We've been here for three days and no one has come for us." Bridgette said.

Lindsay stopped talking.

It was quiet for a long time.

"Well, if we aren't getting rescued, which I'm not going to say, what do we do now?" Lindsay asked.

"Try to survive." Geoff said.

"I can't believe this is happening." Katie said, in disbelief.

Katie Video Log #1: This is all so... weird. A few days ago we were just eight teenagers competing for two million dollars. Now we're castaways. And we have no idea how long we'll be stuck here. I found this camera in the lifeboat- maybe this'll help us vent and ease the tension. Maybe.

"Are we going to have like- a shower or something? It's really hot and I do not want to bathe in like, the ocean." Lindsay muttered.

"Before we get to any of that- We need a leader, guys." Geoff said.

"A leader?" Tyler asked.

"Well, we're going to have to have someone in charge to-" Geoff began.

"But we aren't going to be here long." Lindsay said.

"But we might be." Brick said.

"I think Geoff should be the leader." Tyler said.

"Yeah, I second that." Katie agreed.

"Agreed!" Lindsay said.

"What's our first move, captain?" Bridgette asked, smirking.

"We need a fire." Geoff said, "And stat."

"They're all wet!" Katie cried, "Every last one of them!"

"We can just leave then in the sun. They'll dry, eventually." Tyler pointed out.

"But what about right now?" Katie asked, "We need a fire now."

"Have you checked the lifeboat for matches?" Brick asked.

"The lifeboat?" Katie asked, "Why the lifeboat?"

"It's a lifeboat." Brick pointed out.

"And? What's your point?" Katie asked.

The trio were currently examining the wood on the outskirts of the jungle.

"A lifeboat comes equipped with supplies to survive a disaster." Brick said, "Hence the name, lifeboat."

"What do you think it has?" Katie asked.

"Probably water, first aid kits, flare guns." Brick said.

"That's great!" Tyler said, "We just have to head back to the lifeboat!"

"Come on!" Brick said.

Tyler and Katie followed Brick as he ran to the lifeboat.

"What's inside?" Tyler asked.

Brick was rummaging through the supplies.

"A lighter!" Brick said, holding it up, "Plus dry food, and enough water for the seven of us!"

"For how long?" Katie asked.

Brick looked at the water bottles.

"Not too long." Brick said, "Not to mention the dry food needs water to make it edible." Brick sighed.

"Let's head back to the others." Tyler said.

Brick and Katie grabbed handfuls of supplies and made their way to the campgrounds.

Brick Video Log #2: We found supplies. This is great! I mean, we're still in trouble- but this could ease the tension and make life a whole lot easier around here... For now.

"How much water is there?" Bridgette asked, amazed by their findings.

"Not much- but enough to keep us hydrated for now." Brick said.

"How long do you think it'll last?" Geoff asked.

Brick cringed at hearing the question.

"Well..." Brick began, "We need the water for the dry food. If we ration it and only drink four pints each day... Maybe, three days if we're lucky."

"Three days?!" Lindsay asked.

"Well, what do we do after those three days are over, aye?!" Ezekiel asked.

"Didn't the lifeboat come with water desalination kit or something?" Bridgette asked.

"It's Chris." Brick said, "He cheaped out on some things. We only have water, food, a pocket knife, a first aid kit, and lighters. I mean, we can't really complain that much."

"We can't complain." Ezekiel agreed, "For now, aye."

Bridgette Video Log #56: It's Day 89. We've been here for around two months. The water we found on the lifeboats all ran out about two days after we found it. But luckily, we found an underground pool of fresh water. The food ran out after the first month, and we've gone back to gathering and we just started fishing. The weather's been sunny the whole time we've been here, but I doubt that could last for long. Things are starting to look good for us. Hopefully someone will come around and save us before we reach month three.

Lindsay Video Log #57: We've been here for two months. But we haven't found Zoey anywhere. We searched, like, every corner of the island and she's nowhere to be found. I'm assuming the worst. I don't want to- but, like, what choice do I have? Where's Zoey?

Tyler Video Log #58: Tensions are running high. Everyone is walking on egg shells to avoid confronting each other. No one wants to be the one to stir the pot. Everyone is so easy to anger that sometimes we don't talk at all. I hope nothing happens to turn us against each other.

The sun was just starting to set.

After 89 days on the deserted island, everyone had gotten into a routine.

After he went fishing, Brick would crawl into his hut and not come out for the rest of the night, until he had to the bathroom, eat, or fish again.

Bridgette and Geoff would finish their chores and then walk off until sunset.

Katie would try her hardest to stay peppy, but would keep her distance when she felt like it.

Ezekiel couldn't talk to anyone without snapping at them.

Tyler would do his chores and could only talk to Lindsay without snapping.

Lindsay, however, maintained her happy mood.

"I wonder when we're going to be rescued." Lindsay asked during a group meal.

"What...?" Ezekiel asked.

"Well, I just said that I was wondering when-" Lindsay began.

"When are you going to stop that?" Ezekiel asked.

"Stop what?" Lindsay wondered.

"No one is coming for us." Geoff said.

"Well, you don't know tha-" Lindsay began.

"It's been two months, Lindsay." Bridgette said, "No one cares! If they did they would have already been here!"

"Maybe they just don't know where to look!" Lindsay said.

"If they really wanted to look for us, they would send search parties! It's Chris- He doesn't care about us!" Katie cried.

"Guys, don't lose hope! If we lose hope then we aren't living-" Lindsay began.

"We're living just fine! We've been here for 89 Days. I hate to admit it, but we can live without them." Tyler said.

"This isn't living." Lindsay said, "We're surviving. Not living, guys."

"What's the difference?" Geoff asked.

"We have nothing to look forward to! We're just, like, scraping by! If we can get rescued- We haven't done anything for anyone to know we've been shipwrecked!" Lindsay pointed out, "If we get rescued, we still have something to live for rather then die on this stupid, ugly island!"

Everyone exchanged glances.

"I don't know..." Katie whispered.

"Well, fine! I'll go find help by myself!" Lindsay cried.

"Lindsay! Don't be stupid." Geoff said, "We'll organize a party to go out." Geoff said.

"Who wants to go with me?" Lindsay asked.

"Oh my god..." Bridgette muttered, pointing at the jungle.

"What?" Lindsay asked, turning.

"Is that...?" Katie asked, her eyes wide.

"No. Way." Brick said in disbelief.

Out of the jungle came Zoey.

Weak and emaciated.

"Oh my god; Someone help her!" Katie said, rushing to Zoey.

Zoey fell to the ground, exhausted.

"She's dehydrated!" Bridgette said, "Not to mention she hasn't eaten in a long time."

"Where could she have gone?" Geoff asked, "She's been gone for 89 days."

"Almost 90." Brick pointed out.

"Ninety days on her own." Katie said, in disbelief.

"What are we going to do?" Lindsay asked.

"We have to take care of her." Tyler said.

"But we also have to make sure that we get saved so that she can go to an actual hospital." Bridgette pointed out.

"I'll stay behind with her." Tyler said.

"Are you sure? I can stay behind, too." Geoff offered.

"No, she only needs food, water, and a place to rest. I can manage that on my own guys. Plus, they'll need all the help they can get." Tyler pointed out.

"He's right, aye." Ezekiel said, "This won't be easy."

"Alright- we'll scout the island." Brick said, "But be careful- It looks like there's a storm coming." Brick said.

Tyler nodded and grabbed a water bottle for Zoey.

Harsh winds blew the six teenagers back.

"Where are we going?" Geoff asked.

"I set up this distress single thingy!" Lindsay shouted over the wind.

"Single?!" Brick asked.

"Where is it?!" Bridgette shouted.

"It's close!" Lindsay shouted.

Rain began to drizzle down on them.

"It's starting! The storm!" Katie announced.

The rain began to fall harder.

In an instant, the storm picked up.

Rumbling was heard in the skies.

"Agh! We have to go back!" Geoff announced.

"No! We're close! I can feel it!" Lindsay called.

"But, Tyler and Zoey-" Katie said.

"Let's just keep going!" Bridgette said, "If Lindsay's right, It's not that far! Maybe there's someone or something there for us!"

Thunder boomed.

"There it is!" Lindsay pointed.

"What is that?" Katie asked, gesturing towards the giant metal contraption.

"Is that your signal?!" Ezekiel asked.

"No!" Lindsay said, "What is that?"

A square of light appeared, realizing Chris' silhouette.

"Is that..." Katie began.

"It is! I knew he came to rescue us, I knew it! Chris!" Lindsay announced, racing for the metal contraption.

"What is that?!" Brick asked.

"A helicopter! It's a helicopter!"

The six teenagers raced towards the helicopter.

Then a flash of lightning hit the ground.

Everything went white.

The challenge deck.

It was warm inside.

"Huh?" Katie asked, rubbing her head. "Where am I?"

"Is this the challenge deck?" Geoff asked.

"Are we on the cruise ship?!" Brick pondered.

"Yup!" Chris said, "Welcome back!"

"Welcome back?! The cruise ship sank!" Bridgette said.

"No it didn't! You were inside of the virtual reality simulator we got a few episodes back!" Chris said, "Those 90 days were all a simulation!"

"Are you telling me we've been here for two months just plugged into this machine?!" Geoff asked.

"Nope!" Chris laughed, "Why do you think you only remember the first three days and the last day?"

"No, I remember the whole- Wait. No I don't..." Lindsay began.

"Exactly! You've only been connected for four days! Enough to get to our next destination!" Chris said.

"Was this your attempt at a challenge, you jerk?!" Katie asked.

"Guys..." Lindsay began.

"That is so uncool! We thought we had to fend for ourselves for 90 whole days!" Bridgette cried.

"What was the point?! Who even won?" Brick asked.

"No one!" Chris laughed.

"Guys?" Lindsay asked.

"Then why did we have to suffer through that for-" Brick began.

"Guys!" Lindsay called.

"What?" The five other teenagers asked.

"Zoey and Tyler." Lindsay said, "We left them back at the campsite in the simulation."

"And?" Ezekiel asked.

"Well, where are they now?" Lindsay asked, "They're not here."

"Yeah. Where are they?" Geoff asked.

"They were eliminated!" Chris laughed, "Zoey for giving up so early on in the simulation and Tyler for refusing to look for help and staying some place he knew he was safe! I threw them out of the ship twenty minutes before you guys woke up!"

"Oh no... Tyler..." Lindsay moaned.

"So you're saying..." Ezekiel began.

"Yup! You're the final six!" Chris laughed. "That's it for today's dramatic episode! Come back next time when the final six become the final five! Who will pull their weight and who will be plank bait? Find out on the next episode of Total Drama: A Season At Sea!"

That was one dramatic chapter! I wanted to go a different route and try my hand at a survival/shipwrecked scenario. Kind of inspired by Lost and a show from my childhood called Flight 29 Down. And I think it went rather well! What did you think about the whole thing being a simulation? What did you think of the double elimination of Zoey and Tyler? Leave a review and tell me what you think!