Reviews for Flight Risk
Silvatec chapter 53 . 9/12/2019
Please, make a sequel to this story.. she is really good. Hope jean find out about what charles did
areli.lopez22 chapter 53 . 7/26/2019
Thank you...just thank you. Ever since the new gambit rogue comics started publishing I decided to look back and refeed my romy obsession w fanfics. Many have touched me, made me cry, but this series takes the cake. You definitely know your X-men and everything you write I could realistically see becoming probable if they hadn’t cancelled X-men Evo. Usually when a series ends w loose ends I end up feeling a bit frustrated, exasperated but your series makes me feel happy and fulfilled. You’re so talented I deff hope this isn’t the last piece of X-men writing we see from you. If they ever did a Netflix live action X-men Evo reboot it would have to be w your name attached :)
xevg-x chapter 24 . 7/25/2019
How on Earth Jean, Laura and Logan will go to Avalon? Because they will make it, they have to!

I want to know how Scott is? Poor fella!

Why Rogue didnt go in search of Belladonna herself?

I want Gambit self punishment to end! I understand his feelings and they break my heart.
xevg-x chapter 23 . 7/25/2019
Damn poor Scott! I have never liked it much but your Scott is likeable, I could totally be his friend.

And the others are in problems too. When all this is going to end? I really feel bad for all of them.
xevg-x chapter 22 . 7/25/2019

I been reading all the series. non stop and I absolutely loving it, I been searching for a story like yours for some time and finally I found it. You have me totally and completely captivated with your words. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

Promise to review more!
thejupiterfish chapter 53 . 6/26/2019
Oof. My heart clenched and unclenched and clenched again so many times in those last few chapters. This whole saga has been a delight to read, and thank you again for writing it.
thejupiterfish chapter 33 . 6/26/2019
I put this fic on my kindle so I could read it in the car, and I had to rush to the computer as soon as I got home to let you know from 8 years in the future that my heart! cannot take! Rogue's plan! My husband is threatening to hide my kindle until I calm down!

Love this story, and again, I wish I had found this series back in the day!
elisegobraugh chapter 53 . 5/3/2019
i love this series so much. I've got my own thoughts and ideas about what could happen, but I have this dream that my inbox will one day be notified with a new Flight Story from you. You are a fantastic writer and storyteller!
SilverCrystal029 chapter 53 . 3/31/2019
Your stories inspired me to start writing. Awesome, engaging, and scarily good stories. All the things I wanted from more seasons of the series.
Guest chapter 17 . 3/13/2019
Yesterday was one more terrible day in a string of awful ones and sitting down in a lonely depressed state in an empty flat wondering how to cheer myself up and then it hit me. Re-read chapter 17 of flight risk and bask in the beauty of your w ritting and that wonderful Kitty and Piotr scene. And then emulate you curl up in bed and dream of being loved. Thank you!
DusktoDawn21 chapter 53 . 11/25/2018
OMG! I can't even see what I am typing because I have tears in my eyes. Just like Rogue, it hurts so much, I feel for Logan so badly.
Congrats on a great series! I know that the story was primarily Rogue and Remy but your Jean and Logan is what really really got me. From his realization of how he feels for her, to his pain and agony of not being able to do anything, to even getting her for a bit and losing her all over again. I actually cried and not a lot of fics have managed to do that.
Thank you for writing this story!
feralhand chapter 53 . 11/10/2017
And now that I've remembered to sign in, I'll review again. Another thank you for ten years. Sincerely.
Guest chapter 53 . 11/10/2017
Thank you for an amazing ten years.
At Least I Didn't Fake It chapter 53 . 5/31/2017
This is one of the best evo stories I have read. Thank you so much for this. I absolutely adore it. You are a wonderful writer!
ferretlady chapter 53 . 4/6/2017
WOW! I mean... WOW! There are no words to describe the wild ride you took us on. Each time I was sure I figured everything out, there was a new twist. My head is still spinning. The Flight series went out like a bang. Now I feel like I'm saying goodbye to an old friend. I can only hope that I can come back and see a new Romy story you were beginning to post. Until then, keep writing. You're amazing.
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