![]() Author has written 8 stories for Naruto. Personal Status: AYYYY GUYS. Im back and Im going down the list of my stories and uploading a chapter for each if you want that story continued review or something to let me know after I upload otherwise I might start on different and new ideas and return to the others to my own leisure. Ayo, People of the Internet! If you read profiles then gold star. If you creep on profiles, two gold stars. If you creep specifically on my profile, let it rain gold stars. I have told myself if I'm to become an author then it will be under the pen name of Bobbie (a somewhat not really endearing nickname given to me by my non endearing siblings) so guys hi. No I don't have a problem with you knowing my real name if it bothers you that much, what I do have a problem with is that 90% of people pronounce it wrong and the thought that it'll not be pronounced correctly and I can't correct you… that's a painful thought. If you were to get anything from this (besides my story statuses as that's pretty helpful on where I stand with them) it's that I love talking to people on the internet. Not going to lie I love it more than talking to my actual 'friends'. I love worldly experiences (My childhood was in Japan and Turkey before traveling all around America) and I am unreasonably fascinated by time zone differences, guys. So do not hesitate to talk to me, actually if you review I will respond and feel free to continue on a conversation as I'll love it. Also if you have a question feel free to ask! And I don't even know what to say about me. Like I had a whole paragraph on who I was but emphasis on had. Uhhh, I literally have no idea where my life is heading and what I'm going to do and that scares me. I don't look my age. Understatement of my life. I look fourteen, sometimes act 12, sometimes I'm an old soul. Hmmm, I have Lord of the Rings Pez and I love taking pictures of them at random places. At 13, Darth Bane was my most influential book and I literally wanted to be a Sith and looked for an apprentice. I don't even know. I spend more times lying on my floor than on my bed. I use scotch tape like for everything. When I'm competing, to write on my walls, to post things on my walls, and on a dumber note when I cut myself badly. Yeah, I don't recommend the last one. I am strongly influenced by boredom, which is why I'm on this site :D and also why even though I am deathly afraid of heights I went across this super large bridge that literally shook as eighteen wheelers pass and it was one of the most horrifying moments ever, but sadly I have near death experiences that trump it. I love video games and boardgames, or just games in general. Not monopoly though, I think that's been washed out of my system. I am super awkward and weird things tend to happen to me and I sometimes rant about them in my author note so look forward to that! Story Status Music and mood are my inspiration, but also my downfall. Also sometimes you can sense my mood whilst you're reading. Just like finding an easter egg, except the most I can give you is virtual chocolate…. I'm so sorry guys, I wish it wasn't this way. Wait now I sound like a creeper like I wanted to know where you live, unless you want chocolate or whatever just that much then I'm sorry guys. First off I love starting ideas and whether or not I continue them either depends on how much I love them or how much you guys love them so if you like any of my works feel extra free to review, follow, or favorite as I once again either upload what I want to (more often than not a new story just for a heads up) or upload due to you guys saying you love it and stuff! I get it though guys, I don't review a lot (glass shatters), mostly it's either I'm lazy or I just don't like it enough (I won't criticize your work unless asked and then I will honestly answer and try to help but then again I may be too awkward for even that). But I'm trying to change my ways and review… well if I like the story, if not once again I'm just going to press the back button and once again resume scrolling. I especially review for friends so at least I am loyal? Sorry I am such a pantser I do respond to reviews whether you want me to or not. If you are a guest and you're saying more than you love it I will literally write a paragraph of response right before my story for that upload. Feel free to turn it into a conversation but also I will not be hurt if you don't continue the conversation at all. It has happened loads and I respect that. I feel ya. Flames? It happens. Feel free. I feel ya. I may laugh. I may cry. I may feel awkward. Probably awkward. You'll probably laugh. It's the circle we both are willing to participate in, so no one should attack said flamer unless you want to I mean I'm not your mom. Constructive Criticism? Thanks! This may mean I scrap the entire thing (which I have done before) just know I loved your criticism and wouldn't have it any other way, not even you saying how in love with it if you actually see improvements to be made. I am a perfectionist so this is yes. 'Love it'? I LOVE YOU. A long review? THOSE ARE MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE. FEEL FREE TO SPAM GUYS. I may or may not take requests, I've never actually had one except for like scenes which yeah guys I always love the ideas and pleasing my peeps. I've also never had fan art but feel even more free than reviewing to make some as I'd make it my icon for whatever story. (Progress hand was actually done by me so feel free to do one for that too!) IF I SAY I WILL UPDATE IT I HAVE THE HORRIBLE TENDENCY OF NOT ACTUALLY DOING IT WHEN I DO SO HEADS UP. I KNOW TONE IT DOWN, SATAN. JUST DON'T TRUST ME AND MY PROMISING WORDS. THEY ARE 9/10 times WRONG. I have the worst habit of not proofreading and I know it's SO BAD. LIKE IT KILLS ME… BUT IT KILLS ME EVEN MORE TO READ OVER MY STORY and I like to post as soon as I'm done, even if it's at inconvenient times or just an awful chapter/story, right? So if it helps, let's just make a game where you count all my mistakes and win prizes. Now on to the stories (the important stuff, yeah?) *IF ITS NOT ON HERE THEN IT'S BEEN DISCONTINUED or finished BUT I MAY RECONTINUE IT IF IT GETS ENOUGH REVIEWS OR LIKE A DIE HARD FAN WANTS IT TO BE CONTINUED: Brave and Reckless: I GENERALLY ONLY UPDATE FRIDAYS (So if you're a guest or follow my story but just don't wanna actually follow it… how awkward… then this should be helpful) Uploading this FRIDAY OMG WHAT REALLY NO WAY FINALLY... also I dunno if I responded to those of you who reviewed last time but thanks so much ilysm! Those Who Jump: Working on this one Progress: Currently in progress (heh) A Glitch in the Magnetic Field: Started on chapter 4 Mechanical Heart: So haven't even started on chapter 3. Review guys if you want this updated as it is last on my to do list! |