I am 100% aware (and ashamed) of my absence on this site and on this story. Truthfully, I lost inspiration and motivation to write for the fandoms/stories I have posted for here. I know how awful it is to fall in love with a story and then have the author abandon it (I totally have a fear of WIPs), and I really don't want to do that to anyone. I still read your wonderful reviews and because of this, I will ATTEMPT to finish this story in one or two chapters as soon as I can, but I'm as awful of a procrastinator as Dan is so I'm not sure when it will be if it does happen.

If any of you want to contact me for whatever reason, my tumblr, AO3, and twitter accounts are listed on my profile. I'll also be adding further updates there so I don't spam your e-mails with notifications.

Thank you all so, so much for continuing to read and being so lovely!

- Kristen