Poll: What kind of story should I write? Vote Now!
Author has written 6 stories for Others, Twilight, Daughters of the Moon, Unwind, Code Lyoko, and Leviathan series. I love writing. 'Nuff said. A NOTE ABOUT MY STORIES: I am an OCD perfectionist who feels a need to constantly change my stories so that they are amazing and flawless. But I suspect that I am also partially ADD, so if I don't update often, then that's why. Bear with me, people. My stories are works in progress, and shall one day be finished. I DECLARE IT. And we all know that if I declare it, it's going to be done. Or, if we don't know, we should. And if we shouldn't, then oh well. ;D But, just in case: WHERE ELSE TO FIND ME (remove all spaces and put http: in front): FictionPress: // www . fictionpress . com / u / 701923 / BringingTheEclipse Quizilla: // quizilla . teennick . com / user / randomness007 / Glogster: // bandxgirlxalways . glogster . com / And, a word about Glogster: I mainly only use it to advertise my stories (because it's a poster-making site), and I put all my banners on there. If you want a banner for your story, I can surely make you one. Just send me a PM :D For me, crazy is a loose term. Crazy is when you start dancing in Walmart to it's chessey music. Crazy is when you laugh uncontrollably at your own jokes. Crazy is when you stare at a pencil and laugh when someone asks you what is so interesting about the eraser. Crazy is when you have an hour-long sob fest, and then start singing and dancing when your favorite song comes on. Crazy is when you do or say a completely random thing, like "Do you ever wonder where the eraser bits go?" Crazy is when you have a thumb war with yourself. Crazy is when you type up all your favorite sayings, print them off and tape them to your wall, just for something to do. Crazy is when you laugh when nothing's funny. Crazy is when you crack up if someone says "Oatmeal!". Crazy is when you forget what you're saying in the middle of a sentence. Crazy is when you take the time to write down stuff like this and memorize it. Crazy is when you memorized every single line of the Harry Potter series. Crazy is when your so obsessed with CSI that you bang on the T.V. every now and then to see if Grissom will come out . Crazy is when you’re going through this as a checklist. Crazy is when you quote Charlie the Unicorn at random moments. Crazy is when you eat twenty pixie sticks in one day. Crazy is when your crazy. Crazy is when start talking nonsense everyday during gym. Crazy is when you convince your friends your 'high' because you can't stop laughing even when nothing is funny. And then all of you convince the nearest adult that you're having a breakdown. Crazy is when you trip up the stairs, and laugh all the way back down them. When you go to look at cats and can't stop. Crazy is when your binder of Spanish vocabulary words gets so big and thick that you title it Harry Potter and the Spanish Vocabulary. Crazy is when you doze off playing your virtual iPod in your head and are snapped out of it when I friend asks you why your wiggling to what seems like a beat. Crazy is when you stand on the street corner dressed in snazzy costumes and sing the Lollipop song at the top of your lungs while waving at random cars as they drive by. Crazy is when you fall out of bed and then ask the floor if it's ok. Crazy is when you memorize the complete biographies and physical traits of every character in Twilight (or almost, at least). Crazy is when you write Jasper Hale is hot on your homework instead of doing it. Crazy is when you try to make up the twilight characters signatures. Crazy is when you go on a sugar high when you haven't eaten anything sugary all day.Crazy is when someone knocks you flat on your back and your the one who gets up laughing. Crazy is when you draw shoes on your revision paper when you're supposed to be revising. Crazy is when you scream when the toaster pops after watching something kind of scary. If you're crazy, copy this onto your profile and add something crazy you've done to the list! YOUR GUY SIDE: YOUR GIRL SIDE: |
Abi129 (1) | JasperSAYSrelax128 (22) Julia456 (62) KissingCoffins22 (4) | OthersidersLuv101 (39) |