50 Things To Do When You're Bored (Vampire Style)
Chapter 1: Bungee Jumping

A.N: Hiya everyone! Now I know we haven't had any of the laughs in two months, but no worry! The new story is now up! Not much has happened since. You know, same old same old. Except I won't be updating as much as I did before, and before wasn't that many times. And as usual, the chapters will be short to most people. There is a TRAILER and BANNER for the old story so please check that out when you get the chance! With out further adue, I present you 50 Things To Do When You're Bored-Vampire Style :)


I looked out the window, scanning the trees as they flew past. I was trying to figure out where the heck we were going. Emmett had forced all of us to go to his car in the early hours of the morning to drag us away to do who knows what. I wasn't necessarily afraid anymore.

Edward had finally changed me. Right before my nineteenth birthday, he had respected my wishes and turned me into a vampire. When I was changed, all the Cullens were afraid that I would have the unbelievable bloodlust. What shocked us all was that I didn't, it was there, but that wasn't the only thing that was on my mind. I had better control than some of my siblings.

Now everything was perfectly clear in my new eyes. All of my senses had been sharpened a million times. Nothing would go unseen, or unheard.

Because I had the strength and immortality as they did, nothing could hurt me as things could before. Now there was no limit. The Cullens could drag me anywhere, doing anything. Knowing Emmett and Alice, we would be to the moon and back with out anyone realizing we were gone.

"Can you please tell us where we are going?" Rose asked, twitching a little next to me. "You know your car doesn't exactly have room for six humans, let alone six vampires." She was right, of course. I was squished up against Rose and Edward as Alice was sitting on Jasper knee's in shotgun. Emmett hit another pothole in the road, causing the car to jump up a tad. His car was supposedly designed for this kind of land.

"We're almost there Rose. It's not that bad," Emmett replied. The radio wasn't on, but he sounded like he was humming to something. I couldn't pick out the song, but it sounded familiar.

"For you, it isn't," Jasper retorted. I could see his eye roll in the mirror. It was obvious that everyone but Emmett wanted to be somewhere else, doing something other than this. Well, being taken hostage technically isn't considered a choice.

"Ah hah, we're here!" Emmett exclaimed, making an abrupt halt. All of us were pushed forward by the momentum, slamming us back into the car seats. Good thing I was now indestructible, I'm pretty sure I would be bruising now if I was still human. Edward gave him a doubtful look, most likely catching a glimpse of what we were doing in Emmett's mind.

"Are you insane?!" Edward hissed, grabbing the back of the seat Emmett was sitting in. "We are not going BUNGEE JUMPING." His voice shook the car, beating Emmett's chuckles.

"Yes to your first question. And yes to the bungee jumping. We're already here, so what's so bad about the whole thing? It's not like we're going to get hurt."

The look on my sibling's faces told me Emmett was going to get it when he jumped off what ever we were jumping off of. I finally took the chance to look out the window at our destination. There was a small bridge to the left of me, over a small running river I could hear. Everywhere I looked, there was land but no roads. It made me wonder why this bridge was built in the first place.

The door was open, and I was climbing out of the car with Edward at my heels. I could tell he wasn't too happy about bungee jumping, but honestly I was going to give it a shot. How scary could it be now?

"Who wants go first?" Emmett asked, a little too cheerfully. He pulled out a few cords from the back of his truck and held it up high. "C'mom Jazz, you can show everyone first. Whadda bout you, squirt? Are you up for it."

Everyone turned to look at me. I wanted to try, but I wasn't going to be the one to do it first. Who knows if this was the first time any of them were also doing this. "Yeah, um no. I'm not going first."

"Way to take out the fun," Emmett stated. He turned to Jasper. "That's it, you get to go first."

Jasper eyed the cords, raising his eyebrow. "I'll do it if you promise us you won't choose the next activity we all partake in. I don't know if I should trust you or not, and I'm getting a feeling saying that I shouldn't."

"Let me guess," Rose replied. We were all gradually taking steps toward the bridge. I could now look down over the rails and see the rushing river below. It reminded me so much like the one that flowed behind the Cullens house. For all I knew, it could have been the same one. "You're getting that feeling from Emmett?"


Jasper hooked on the cords, a little weary of the instruments. It wouldn't hurt him if he fell, but it would be unfortunate. Knowing Emmett, you shouldn't trust the things he picked out. "I'm gonna hook the other end here." Emmett held up the other end and wrapped and tied it carefully around the bridge's structure. There was another part that you had to hook into the ground, but he didn't bother. Worst comes to worst one of us could always hold it.

"Shoot Emmett if need be," Jasper told us, taking a step at the edge. He looked over at Alice, giving her a smile. "A few times please."

"Go on in Jazz before I push you," Emmett said, walking over to us. Jasper was all hooked up, ready to go. The worse thing that could happen now was that if the cord broke. The bungee was suppose to stretch, so we knew it should support our weight. Well…maybe not Emmett's…

"Okay, I'm goin-"

Emmett pushed Jasper's back, making him fall towards the rushing river below. The waves were angry, and any normal person wouldn't be doing this. But any normal person wouldn't be six bored vampires with nothing to do on a Saturday. Some colorful word left Jasper's mouth, most likely directed toward Emmett.

In reality it was only a few seconds, but all of us could clearly see him fall inch by inch. What we weren't expecting was for Jasper to hit the water, getting himself and the cord soaking wet in the tumbling waves.

Emmett erupted in laughter, falling over to one side. "Hah!"

"Idiot," Alice muttered. She ran off, jumping off the side of the bridge clearly, angling herself to land on the sand instead of water. She was most likely going down to help Jasper off the mangled contraption.

"Your turn," Edward stated, pushing Emmett to the edge of the bridge. "You got Jasper to go first, so I think it would be fair if you were the one who went second. You know you want too."

He smiled, clasping his hands together. "Perfect. This is going to be so much fun! And if I'm lucky, I'll land on Jasper." A wicked glint shone in his eye, instantly making me feel sorry for Jasper, more than I already was. "Hey Rose, wanna go with me?"

She snickered, giving him a glance. "You've gotta be kidding me, get those thoughts out of your head. Think about it, you stay up here, I hurt you. You go down there and you have Alice and Jasper against you. Good luck."

He saluted her for some odd reason, taking another step toward the edge. "Suit yourself. Geronimo!" He stepped off the edge, plummeting to the water below. If we were lucky, Alice would scare him into staying home more often.

It was then I just realized something.

"Moron," I stated, staring over the edge. I heard the splash, water coming up a few feet.


"He forgot the bungee."

A.N: So was that good for the first chapter? Well, I got song and book recommendations!
Book Recommendation:

Wake by Lisa McMann

Song Recommendations:
My Never by Blue October (It's finally out!)
The Climb by Miley Cyrus

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