Love is colder than death
Chapter 1;

Life is scarier than any nightmare.

Until the next chapter is out, I would really sugget reading the A/N as this will be extremely confusing until the next chapter is out. This scene takes place again later in the story, but from a different POV. I thought it would fit here to start the story of and give a vibe, from another point of view. If your to confused, I apologize, forget about this chapter and read the next!
Chapter 2 = Chapter 1 in a way. You'll see!

*Alec's POV *

I smashed the door open brutally, crumbling it to wooden pieces. I charged into the room, heading straight for the over-sized wardrobe, keeping my gaze away from the brunette (who once had bronze hair, until she dyed it to forget about the past) that had just awakened from her slumber now gasping with fear.

I yanked the wardrobe open, also yanking off the wardrobe doors altogether. Over the loud clanging noise of the wardrobe doors hitting the floor, I easily heard the brunette whimpering in fear, calling out my name.

"A...A...Al...Alec!" She gasped, sounding as if she was dying and had no air. I clenched my fists, trying to keep in control. The yells off my fellow guard members and the companions of the Volturi easily burst through the wall, blocking out the girl's voice.

She tried her best to call out again. I could hear her without any challenge. She, however, could not hear herself talk or thing. "Alec!" She choked the words out, her voice almost unrecognizable, full of terror. I listened as she attempted to calm herself down and choke up another batch of words. "Alec...P-P-Please..Answer Me. Alec! Why..." She couldn't finish.

I couldn't open my mouth to answer her. I couldn't control the tone of my voice...what I would yell. My throat burned with anger. My whole body burned with anger, from my ice cold feet to the top of my head.

Trying to stay focused, I unclenched my fists, and moved my hand out moving it into the wardrobe. I started to grab random pieced of clothing at speed that was quick for a vampire. In only a few minutes, the wardrobe was empty.

I looked up, seeing the large black suitcases stacked on the top of the wardrobe even in a pitch black room. I put my hands on either end of the wardrobe and yanked it down, so it fell over. Making an earsplitting bang on the ground. The brunette gasped in horror, I could hear her sobbing. I knew she was to struck to move an inch. That put me at ease, she wouldn't move and she won't die. Although, I knew very well she was dying in the inside just now.

I yanked the suitcases open, all at once, throwing every piece of clothing and shoes that was now on the ground. I left one dress and a pair of shoes lying on the ground. I dashed around the room, avoiding all eye contact with the brunette who was now sobbing to much to even call. I grabbed everything, in every draw and on every table. Every photo, every memory...Everything.

After I 'cleaned' out a section, making everything vanish from the room and thrown into the suitcase, I destroyed everything. Every table, every cupboard, anything I could smash up into tiny pieces. The noise, to a human, would kill their ears.

Everything was destroyed, I didn't want to count the time even if time was precious just now. The girl was crying even louder, even harder. She couldn't breathe. She sounded like death. But she wouldn't die. I wouldn't let her. It wasn't possible.

I tried to block out the constant screaming and shouting outside of the room. I knew the brunette could not block out the sounds as well as I could. I had to turn around and face her.

I scanned the damage in the room. Everything was smashed into some small, and some large, pieces.

Clenching my fists tightly together, I turned around to the bed. The brunette sat up, frozen. Her face was even paler than usual, her flushed red cheeks had vanished. Tears were still gushing out from her chocolate brown eyes, that were glued on me.

I walked over to the bed, allowing my eyes to meet her terrified glare. What was I mean to say? Could words even describe the situation? Fury rushed through my body as I remember why I was so furious. I tried to block it away quickly.

"W...Wh...What..." The brunette couldn't finish. She tried to capture air whilst more tears fell down her ghostly cheeks.

I opened my mouth to speak, trying to control what I was going to say...not what I wanted to say. "What is going on?" I asked if what I said, was what she was trying to say.

The girl nodded, brushing tears off her face.

I couldn't answer her. I couldn't tell her. I didn't want to, nor would I have to. She could find out herself. "You don't need to know..." Her brown eyes widened, "We have to hurry, Ignore the yelling and the screaming...I'll turn the lights on, then go and dress yourself with the clothes I left on the floor."

"B...ut...Wh..." She trembled, not being able to finish. I was loosing my temper. Something I tried to cover up and calm down whilst slaughtering five humans earlier.

"Just go and do what I told you!" I roared. I watched as the girl went even whiter, frozen whilst eyes filled up with bigger tears, that came gushing up. I felt the horrible feeling of regret. I tried to ignore it, blaming it on my anger. I turned around from the girl, rushing over to turn the lights on. The room lit up.

She immediately attempted to move, yet she couldn't. Her body was frozen in panic, fear and had shut down completely. The only part that was working was her eyes, letting out fluid. I hoped her ears wouldn't listen to the sounds around her, but I knew what I hoped was not true.

I growled and rushed over to grab her, her tiny frame now in my arms. I took her over to where the clothes where, bending down with her still in my arms. I could hear her sobs and whispers of help. Anger rushed through my veins. I wasn't angry at her, I was angry at who has caused this all. The person who caused her fear and pain. The person who was the creator of my fury.

I picked the dress up from the ground and ripped the girl's pyjama's off her, not even bothering to look at what we underneath. I pulled the dress onto her. I felt her gaze on me. My eyes looked up, locking with her's in a terrified gaze. She looked at me in horror. I shut my eyes and looked down, grabbing her feet and stuffing them into the shoes I had left.

My brain told me to grab the suitcase and leave, it screamed to me, GO! You've wasted to much time. I moved the girl so she was now over my shoulder, I grabbed the suitcases with ease, the girl on my shoulder too, and rushed out of the room.

The screams were now closer...and louder. The girl was trying to get free, squirming around, sobbing loudly. I ignored her...and the screams.

Keep going...down the stairs...out of the door... I commanded myself. It didn't take me long, soon I felt the air around us in the cold night.

I looked around me. Chaos. Cars pulled up and screaming vampires stepped inside of them. They moved at great speed, speeding away into the distance.

I caught sight of one waiting, inside of it was Demetri. Amongst the scared vampires, normally strong and powerful, Demetri remained calm. Almost...excited. I looked at him through the car, in deep thought.

My brain was still deciding what to do. I didn't want to move. I was hopeless, I didn't know what to do. My gaze was still on the car Demetri was in, I had to be quick, someone would go into it, my chances were ruined.

Never, in the many hundredths of years that I have been in the Volturi have I saw so much...organization. So much...terror. It was just so...unreal. I was lost for words. Outside was beginning to get more crowded, people trying to flee.

GO! My thoughts screamed at. I obeyed them, rushing to the car Demetri was in, a tight grasp on the girl who I was trying so hard to ignore. She sounded like death.

I opened the back door of the red Ferrari 612 Scaglietti, trying very hard to not take the door off completely.

Demetri's head snapped around to look at me. I nodded at him, examining his blank expression. "Let her go with you. I know you can protect her." I growled, lifting the girl so she was now sitting in the car.

"Wh..Where?" She gasped. Tears flooding down from her wide eyes.

Demetri looked at her, then moved his gaze to me. We both ignored her, unsure what to say. "I'll meet you when we arrive in..." I didn't want to finish. I could feel Renesmee's eye's glued on mine in panic.

Demetri nodded, understanding what I was saying. "I have to take the human secretary...the one Aro see's much potential in. We'll turn her once we arrive...a newborn should be helpful." Demetri's voice was hard, yet he showed no sign of fear.

I nodded. Demetri turned away to look forward blankly. My eye's moved to the girl. I was dreading this. What would I say? How would she react?

"W..W...Wha..." The fear took over, freezing her and the words she wanted to say.

"Shh..." I wiped her tears away, even if new ones kept replacing them. "I'll see you soon. I will be ok..." For now... "Do what Demetri tells you, try and calm down...Please. I love you."

She nodded. I didn't believe it but atleast she was co-operating.

"I am so sorry for how I I shouted at you. I'm lost for words. I don't know what to tell you. I don't want to tell you anything. You will find out soon enough. Sleep on the fight, forget about everything. Please...for me." That was all I could think to say. Pathetic.

This time she did not nod. She opened her mouth, attempting to speak but failing.

"Please. I don't have the words to explain. I'm so sorry for all this..." I wanted to destroy myself. Pull each limp off then set myself on fire for being so...Stupid. So pathetic!

I was relieved yet devastated as I watched the human secretary get in the other seat next to the girl I was struggling to speak to.

I would see her again, I knew that. And she would be alive. I wanted to leave her, I couldn't focus on my duty with her. And I wouldn't have to scrape words out of my mouth to speak to her.

"I love you." I said, my voice clear. The only thing that I seemed sure of at that moment. I watched as she tried to open her mouth, failing. I leaned in, kissing her softly. I pulled away quickly, looking at her devastated expression.

"Remember what I told you..." I murmured, my hand stroking her cheek. The anger was being washed away...yet more of it was to come.

She nodded. I knew what she was thinking. She was going to get information out of Demetri. I wanted sigh, yet there was nothing I could do. I hoped Demetri would end up telling her some fake story.

"We have to go!" Demetri hissed, "Unless you want her to view..." I growled loudly at Demetri for even making her more curious.

"Please." I pleaded to the girl, shutting the door. I watched the girl's expression carefully, her crying eye's glued on me. She was shaking her head in disbelief. I listened as Demetri started up the engine and the car soon with tremendous speed.

I turned around and gazed at the Volterra castle. Now empty. I lifted the hood of my black cloak up and put it over my head.

"Its time!" A voice yelled. I looked to where the voice was coming from. Paolo was standing alone next to my sister.

Jane's expression was unreadable. I've never saw her like this. Even as a human. Everyone seemed to be gone. Only a few members of the guard were left, ready to flee after we finished what was a legacy. Three car's were lined up. Each contained one of our masters and their wives (except from Marcus.) Jane and Renata would go with Aro, Paolo with Caius and I would go with Marcus.

We were the final ones, ready to experience the worst. I had no idea how we would achieve this. Who would achieve this. But I watched.

In a single second, everything changed. I was lost for words, I couldn't describe what I was watching.

I watched as the Volterra castle burned in flames. Removing all traces...and all scent. We didn't have to worry about the scent of our upcoming travels. We had a guard with a very special gift, to remove all traces of someone and the path they were going on. A very complex gift. I didn't know much. I was aware that she could not remove the traces off someone who stayed in the same place for a long time.

I figured this was why we had to set the castle on fire, a painful thing to watch. Everything was on fire. I wondered if the town had noticed yet. It was 5 O'clock in the morning, however, I was sure they were awakened by the screams.

"Alec!" I heard my sister hiss, interrupting my thoughts. "We have to go!"

I removed my wide eyes from the castle and turned around, hurrying to the car Marcus was in. The windows were blacked out completely.

I slammed the door shut then starting up the engine. I turned around and nodded at Marcus, looking again at the horrifying site of the castle burning down from the back window.

I sped off, driving at an illegal speed.

The image of the girl in my head was stuck. Her white skin, her rosy cheeks, something I found beautiful and unique in her. Her chocolate brown eyes, matching her dyed brown hair. Her warm skin touching mine...

I tightened my grip on the steering wheel. I was so relieved she was away and didn't have to witness the castle burning.

I didn't even want to think of her name. I had tried all night to call her 'the girl' or 'the brunette' rather than her real name.

She was quickly regretting coming to Volterra, months ago. I knew that. There was no way out of the terror she would have to witness and be part off.

She didn't deserve that. She didn't deserve to be unhappy and suddenly face her fears. I knew very well she didn't want to go back from where she came from.

I prayed silently that Demetri wouldn't show her the plane ticket.

Her eye's didn't deserve to shed any more tears. Her heart shouldn't be worried. Ever.

Renesmee Carlie Cullen didn't deserve what she was about to face.


The next chapter will be from Renesmee's POV and this event HASN'T happened yet.

Its almost a preface in a way.

The story is from Renesmee's POV – Not Alec's...this is a one off. Almost a 'spoiler'.

I've written this as I thought it was kinda neat and gave a good vibe.

I hope this hasn't put you of the story..if it has, please give it another chance, forget about this chapter and read the second!

Got any questions? Ask me ;D

Hello! I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter of my Reneslec story.

My polyvore link is on my life is FASHION, so I have made a couple of outfits inspired by the story.

Again, please don't stop reading if this is 'confusing' or whatever. The second chapter is already done, treat the second like the first! Haha.

