Author has written 6 stories for Twilight, and Host. Hi and Welcome. I know a lot of people enjoy the copy/paste listing, but I'm not much into that, instead I listed some great, stories from people who are much better than I am at "unleashing their imaginations", spelling, grammar, punc... ah you get the idea. HAVE FUN & ENJOY! :D TWO THUMBS -N- TWO BIG TOES UP goes to! (Drum Roll, silly-stupid cheer noise!) RESNESMEE'S POV OF BREAKING DAWN Breaking Dawn Book4: Renesmee Author: Kimmydonn EDWARD'S POV OF THE TWILIGHT SAGA -(Starting with New Moon)- 1. Moonless Night 2. Eternal Equinox 3. Beyond Dusk Author: Sunray16 ALICE'S BACK STORY/BEFOR-N-AFTER 1. Singularity 2. Coalescence 3. Rogue Author: Openhome ESME'S BACK STORY/BEFOR-N-AFTER Stain Glass Soul Author: Mackenzie L. -o- (AU) TWILIGHT WHAT-IF (AU) What if Bella died during the New Born Battle? Story: The Guard Author: cjmuehlb What if Edward did not come back till twenty years later? Story: Peonies This story should come with a warning, "Have tissue box handy." Author: Sillybella What if the wolf pack show up in the meadow too late? Story: No Choice Author: glasscannon.lj What if one of the Cullen family members gave S.M. her dream idea, only that member changed a few things? The True Cullen Family Story. Story: Siren Blood Author: MidnightWalking BELLA STILL SHELL-SHOCKED AFTER EDWARD, SENT TO AN AUNTS HOUSE. TRUE DANGER MAGNET. Story: Twilight: Starry, Starry Night, Author: The-Doll-on-the-Shelf -o- (AH)-TWILIGHT ALL HUMAN-(AH) Story: Red Knight, EDWARD AS A WORLD WAR ONE FIGHTER PILOT (RM) Author: justduckie Story: How I Remember You, EDWARD AS A P.O.W. Author: TanglingShadow Story: Disjointed, SHOWS US THAT STORIES DO NOT HAVE TO BE LONG TO BE TISSUE WORTHY. DUI EFFECTS EVERYONE. Authors:Simone and Marie Story: Smoking In The Boy's Room, EDWARD & BELLA HUMAN SET IN THE 80'S Author: CorrinaTFF Story: Torn BELLA SWAN HAS SURVIVED A LIVING HELL, TWICE, SHE NO LONGER SPEAKS. THE CULLEN FAMILY TAKE HER INTO THEIR CARE. BELLA FIGHTS TO LEAVE HER PAST BEHIND. Author: Dooba Story: Impact ONE IS A PARAPLEGIC THE OTHER SUFFERING FROM M.S. INSTEAD OF FINDING ONLY PAIN IN THE HOSPITAL THEY FIND OUT SOMETIMES HURTING AND HEALING WALK HAND IN HAND. Author: Nise7465 -o- -OOO-00-OOO- -o- (HOST)-FOR HOST FANS!-(HOST) Author: Alkyon Story:Unexpected New Author: Openhome StoryToddler Wars IAN'S POV Blurring The Lines; KYLE's POV Just Like That. Author: Spaztronaut JARED's POV Unbreak my Heart Author: IsabellClair -o- -OOO-00-OOO- NonTwilight/Host FOR THE BEST ALTERNATIVE Pirates of the Caribbean! So Much To Learn Author: AdhesivePrincess You'll Laugh, Swoon, Cry and Be Awed, All While Getting Some Pirate 101! IF YOU LIKED THE LABYRITH MOVIE, THEN CHECK OUT MidnightWalking's PROFILE, YOU'LL LOVE HER LABYRITH STORIES! -o- (BYE)-HAVE FUN-(BYE) I'm off to get another hit of my addiction. "Ah!, Sparkly-None-Fanged-Vampires, Oversized-Wolves and Body-Snatching-Shinnyeyed Aliens...maybe along the way I'll read about some Elven folk, Dwarven folk, Halflings, Goblins, Faes, Sea Critters, Pirates, Wizards, Dragons... |
AdhesivePrincess (4) Alkyon (3) Anonymous82215 (0) cjmuehlb (3) CorrinaTFF (0) Elise de Sallier (10) feckle (4) | glasscannon.lj (11) IamKate (0) justduckie (2) Kimmydonn (68) Mackenzie L (50) MidnightWalking (13) nikkipattinson (7) NotActive123456 (0) | Openhome (6) Rue.writes (0) sillybella (32) spaztronaut (32) Sunray16 (3) tanglingshadows (24) |