Reviews for What Comes from Cullen
Nubia blanco chapter 1 . 1/26/2019
Hy Si en you are gonna update?
Kageyjay chapter 1 . 2/16/2018
How sad Marcus is. I had never thought that Aro might have used Chelsea to keep him there.
Imsii chapter 1 . 9/30/2014
Oh I just love this!

It is tantalizing to consider how Marcus must have felt when Edward came begging off them to kill him - just like how tempting it is to think about how Esme felt and thought during Bella's pregnancy.

You've done a wonderful job, absolutely wonderful. Poor Marcus.
ShAro di Volterra chapter 1 . 9/23/2014
A very heart-wrenching story, and written so well! Congratulations on a great piece. :) Marcus just has such a special place in my heart. My favorite moment in the story is when he let himself smile and bask in a memory of his dear Didyme even for a small time.

Small edit: Aro's wife's name is spelled "Sulpicia". :)

Great work!

Dani Jones
SarcasticBimbo chapter 1 . 8/24/2013
This was SO beautifully sad.
abbyweyr chapter 1 . 4/10/2013
Well done telling of Marcus and his sadness. If/when it comes to a battle as in BD2, Marcus wouldn't fight.
Zikare chapter 1 . 9/23/2012
This was a really good story; you really made Marcus come alive :)
kiwihipp chapter 1 . 6/1/2012
What a sad story but one well told! You did a good job with Marcus here! Poor guy!
Hyvanna chapter 1 . 4/4/2012
WoW *sigh* I just loved this, poor Marcus he gets a few moments out of his fog only to get sunken in deeper.!

Burntcore chapter 1 . 3/17/2012
How sad for Marcus - to be held in such a limbo of pain and suffering. Great job, bb.
k1942 chapter 1 . 3/5/2012
Poor Marcus, I've always had a sneaking sympathy for him, alone throughout eternity, without his love forever. No wonder he empathized with Edward, he perfectly understood what he suffered, thinking his mate dead. Too bad there was no reprieve for him, as there was for Edward.
karenec chapter 1 . 2/18/2012
Ugh, that was heartbreaking and beautiful. I love seeing the Volturi more fleshed out. Wonderfully written!
jilburfm chapter 1 . 2/9/2012
I really loved this one!

C&P review:

Chelsea is one of my favorite background characters. Her gift is so interesting and it seems to be so underutilized in fic. And I really like how you made her somehow bound to Marcus because of her gift.

And the end when he thinks, "He has more than I will ever have again. He and I are not alike. He has everything while I clutch at nothing." So heartbreaking.

Well done!
KayMarieXW chapter 1 . 2/9/2012
Marcus' story is so sad and it's good to get this perspective of his story. I like the way he sees Edward. I wish his ending could be a happier one.

Thanks for writing!
SwedenSara chapter 1 . 2/8/2012
Awwww... This is wonderful! I love how you look at these events through the eyes of Marcus, and gives us a hint of his background, feelings and torments. I feel so sad for him!:( I've never really thought about Marcus, and I'm glad you've brought him to life like this.
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