Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. 3.18.13 Update: Family medical issues finally resolving - so I am writing again. Began will update next, hopefully before April. 8.10.10 For those of you who were wondering if I fell of the face of the planet: Nope! Right here. I have a family medical issue that creeped up and so my time is stretched, but writing IS happening. "Began" is posting tonight, with a second chapter ready for edits. "Fetching" has an outline for chapter 2, and I just strated drafting the next installment of "Good books". I have a vacation coming up though... I will warn you before I go that the chapters will be slow... 06.26.10 Risi's most original idea has posted - what a fun prompt. And there has been a winner to who figured out who Jena's mom is - hope to see that prompt too! 05.29.10 Congrats to Risi for winning my drabble contest. I will update her request here and post her story as a one-shot once complete. Also note, this chapter is not late - the previous chapter was early (I posted 2 chapters in the same week). From most Saturdays to most Saturdays, at least one chapter will post. 05.19.10 Chapter 10 just posted... story is flowing pretty will in draft form, and the weekly updates have remained on schedule. First person to comment in a review on whether they want her house mates to be the main bullies or the Gryffidors to be the bullies gets a 10K drabble, any two HP characters of thier choice, any topic posted within the week... 5.10.10 Ok - so I caved before I got all the feedback I wanted. What can I say... when you have a chapter ready to post, you should post it. 5.8.10 10 reviews or 5 people adding to alerts gets chapter 6 posted this weekend. If not, it gets posted on schedule, next weekend. Mother's day alert... T-Shirt will read: If you think I am crazy, you should meet my mother -so no pleas for mom's day updates will work! 5.1.10 New chapter uploaded - longest one yet. 4.25.10 I just realized that I never added my favorite fanfic author of all time to my favorite authors... my personal acknowledgment of greengecko's amazing work on my own home page hopefully atones for the oversight. Although, Harry better get out of this dark phase in Resolution pretty quick before I go barmy. 4.23.10 Realized I never updated my profile page because I am paranoid... See, now I have updated it. And you know my darkest secret. In under 100 words. First fanfic story currently updating - shooting for weekly chapters. Enjoy! Ltd. |
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