Poll: Which 4 ideas do you want made into stories? Vote Now!
Author has written 12 stories for Twilight. TEAM BLACKWATER!! Hello all! I am a HUGE Jacob and Leah fan, I think that with them... well they just click. I love Jacob in gerneral (drools on keyboard) but him and Leah, well they just get eachother. But anywho I hope you people like what I write. And don't be afraid to contact me :) Couples I also enjoy: Embry/Leah Edward/Leah Edward/Angela Emmett/Rose Jacob/Leah/Embry Seth/OC Who do you not enjoy (and or hate)in the books? Very simple answer to that: 1-Emily is just... grr... I don't like her for many reasons... your supposed to be whatever your imprint needs correct? Well its simple if The Imprint is with Your Cousin here is an idea... oh I dunno... TELL HIM YOU WANT TO BE FRIENDS! OR EVEN BETTER WHEN A GUY WHO YOU BARLEY KNOW SAYS HE LOVES YOU AND IS DATING YOUR COUSIN TELL HIM NO!! NOT: "OH I LOVE YOU TOO!" I think she is a bitch, and she plays the part of the victim even better then Bella and thats saying something... 2-Bella Swan Cullen: FLIPPING MARY SUE ANNOYING SPOILED SELF CENTERED LITTLE B&! I hated her from the beggining. There were many times I would actually scream at the book and pray for her to die. That and the whole leading poor Jacob on throught the books made me wanna smack her so when Leah blew up on her I did a dance around my house!(sad I know but I don't care) 3-Nessi: Why do I have a very strange suspicion she will oh i don't know... wind up being even more whiny and annoying then her mother! Not to mention... VAMPIRES CANNOT HAVE CHILDREN!! That just pissed me off to no end!! |
EternalPixieWolf (1) hilja (7) Kei Jones (46) | LakeBlackwater94 (0) Luci-Marlena (38) Oyoshi527 (5) Schiztofrenia (0) | Stephycats7785 (227) VanishingPrints (4) X5 - 452 (54) |