A/N: I am completely changing things for this story.

First and foremost I am going to say that the shape shifters never age and that caries on to their wives and offspring once they marry!

Second it is a widely known but kept secret on the rez about the pack, thus allowing them all to stay on the rez without suspicions of their never ageing.

OK all this is going to be a short series based around the son of Leah Clearwater and Jacob Black.

Obviously this is AU and I hope you all enjoy it. Just to let you know this is NOT A BLACKWATER ENDING at least not a happy one for them.

There will be mentions of Blackwater and BIG Callwater moments at some points.

I hope you all enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Everything goes to their respective owners. I only own those that I created in my mind.


"So it's true... your dating HIM!" Jacob hissed.


"I don't believe that is any of your business Black," Leah said calmly.

Her warm eyes looking at Jacob with nothing, no love, hate, or even resentment. She simply no longer cared about him and had moved on completely. Ephraim smiled proudly at his mother. Leah winked at her son and Jacob growled in annoyance.

"Why do you care anyway?" Ephraim asked Jacob accusingly.

Ephraim could feel his anger building, Jacob always brought it out in him. He saw the look Jacob was giving his mother and began to take deep breaths to calm himself, for he knew the look all to well. It was the same longing and lust filled look Sam Uley gives his mother every time he sees her. The same look many men on the rez have given his mother over the years. He once heard Levi Uley call his mom a tight piece of ass; he was suspended for a month after that day for beating the hell out of his distant cousin. It went without saying that Ephraim was very over protective of his mother.

"Because I have a right to know what goes on in MY fucking pack!" Jacob hissed at his son. Not bothering to take his eyes off his one time best friend, and ex.

"Well it seems you already knew. So why bother coming here to check?" Embry questioned as he pulled Leah closer to him.

Jacob growled at him and turned to look completely at Leah, ignoring Embry. The look he gave Ephraim's mother sent that all too familiar shiver down his spine and he knew that if he didn't stop he would phase and rip his father limb for limb. Leah scoffed and shook her head giving Jacob a pitying look. Ephraim rolled his eyes at the entire situation when he smelled an all to familiar, annoyingly sweet scent. Renesemee ran through the trees and straight to Jacob.

"Oh, Jacob!" She yelled dramatically, flinging herself into his arms. The rest rolled their eyes at the disgusting sight.

"I thought I told you to wait at the hotel for me," he said sternly to her. Renesemee dropped her voice and pouted.

"I wanted to be here with you when-" but Renesemee cut herself off as she turned and stared right at Ephraim. She was gazing at him with a mix of lust and yearning.

Now Ephraim was used to getting this look for many girls on the reservation. It was a look he was proud to get. Its part of the reason he took so much pride in making sure he looked his best. But seeing it coming from his supposed stepmother made his stomach churn.

"Ephraim why don't you head inside while we talk to the pedo- oh I mean your father and his 'wife'," Embry said smirking. Ephraim tried his best to hide his smile and ran back to the house closing the door behind him.

There was yelling for an hour after that. Ephraim could remember hearing his father calling his mother a few choice words and seconds after every one heard a loud crack that he could only assume was Embry hurting him for speaking to Leah in such a matter. Not four seconds later Renesemee would screech and coo at Jacob while Leah growled to Embry about not needing protection. They left soon after and his mother stormed into the house and into her room, slamming the door and locking it behind her. Embry came in a few moments later running his hand through his hair groaning in agitation.

"Well… that went better then expected," Embry said laughing to himself. Ephraim looked at him and sighed.

"That bad huh?" Ephraim questioned apologetically. Embry shrugged and smiled lightly.

"It could have been worse. Considering how many times I punched Jake and she only actually yelled at me twice; I'd say it wasn't that bad," Embry replied motioning for Ephraim to get up. "Come on; let's get out of here…" Embry said turning and heading out the door. Ephraim followed happily.

They got into Embry's Ford pick-up and headed down the path towards the main road to the rez. The drive was quiet, neither saying anything just enjoying the rare bright day with the windows down. As they pulled up to the cliffs by the highway they came to a stop and got out and jumped onto the roof of the truck. They sat watching the waves below and Embry turned to face Ephraim.

"I want to ask your mom to marry me," Embry said flatly. Ephraim laughed and shook his head at the man he grew up seeing as his real father and nodded.

"I figured as much," Ephraim said patting Embry on the back.

"I already asked Seth if it was ok and now I'm asking you… I really love your mom; I have loved her since I was a boy. You and Seth are all she has left and I want to show her that I can give her everything she wants and needs. I want your blessings on this before I do, I want no animosity…" Embry stuttered. Ephraim chuckled and sighed.

"EM… EMBRY! It's ok! I promise. You have my blessing. You're a great dad to me, always have been. I know you and mom are great together. I just don't see why Jacob has to be such an ass about it. Why can't he let mom be happy?" Ephraim said aggravated.

Embry pinched the bridge of his nose and huffed in annoyance.

"Jake doesn't like to lose, or let go. He has had that problem for as long as I can remember…" Embry said sadly. Ephraim scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"He is a greedy asshole!" Ephraim responded his hazel eyes burning with anger. Embry ran his hand through his short brown hair and sighed once more.

"Don't talk like that about your dad. Your mom wouldn't like it and he is still your dad. Listen, even though it doesn't seem like it your dad does love you a lot. He may not show it a lot, but trust me and your mom when we say he does," Embry said trying to smile.

Both men knew that though he loved his son, Jacob wasn't ever around. He considered his child a burden of sorts. Ephraim chose to let it go and focus on his true father, the man that was there when he took his first steps, the one who taught him about fighting, and phasing. The one who would always be his father where it counted most, his heart.

"Thanks, Dad…" Ephraim said as Embry pulled him into an awkward, yet sweet hug.


A/N: OK this one is kinda short but the next one will be out soon I am workin on it right now! It will be longer!

Thanks to my beta! I hope you enjoy!