
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Twilight Saga characters, however, I wish I could own some of the characters.

A/n: I'm extremely sorry for the extreme amount of time I had not posted up this chapter. My Beta had worked with me quite a lot to get this chapter ready(Thanks my Beta deeply). Unexpectedly, I had a difficult time to finish it up. It was a challenge for me. I'm very disappointed but I'm very hopefully my readers won't be let down. I hope it appeals to everyone and from here on I'll be picking up the pace. In all, I'm very thankful with everyone's patience and everyone who has not abandon the fanfic.



Paul P.O.V.

Everything has been progressing unfavorably for me the last twenty-four hours. First of all, I get home to find Leah. Then I find out she knows werewolf's exist. That's not even all of it!

It's described very lightly in hopes to make the matter it self less stressful for me. Not even having to go near the door, I can tell it's Jacob and the rest of the pack members.

If I had not known why they are here, I probably would have shitted my pants in the past. Before I had been fearful of everyone for I was just beginning the transition of become comfortable and accepting myself as a protecter of the people in the LaPush from vampires. It never had been easy for me. It'd been a drastic change of my life. The way I dealt with everything was with anger and it is still a method that I use to this day.

My fear is past me now though.

I've man up the last couple years and the other wolf's showing up now don't intimidate me one bit.

Its even safe to say the Cullen's fear me. I keep them in check for they know once I'm consumed with anger I rip anything standing in my path. The only thing that can stop me from my blinding anger has always been my wild flower, Leah. When Leah had been here I never let it be known I was attracted to her and cared for her. I kept my distance. Yet, now that she is back I'm not gonna hold back one bit and gonna persist until I get her. I'ma let it be known I care for her and be very bold of it. I've grown to know that when you want something you can't wait around for things to come crawling to your lap but to go after what one desires.

I'm proud to say I'm a man with needs and pent up anger that I want to release one way or another.

In fact just last month Jasper had lost control and almost killed a human. I got a sick joy out of beating him like a rag doll until he came to his senses.

It had taken all my will power to stop myself from killing him even when my natural instincts told me to do so. I had wanted to snap his puny neck in half with my enormous teethes but unable for he hadn't gotten far as to kill the human.

I'd had to stop due to the damn stupid contract, without it I would had taken things to my own hands and killed all the Cullen's. If only these blood suckers weren't around to ruin everyone's life.

It's rare when the whole wolf pack gathers together in one place angrily and that's only when there is an emergency. Most the times when we are around each other it's cause we are stuffing our fat asses with huge amounts of food and fooling around like little kids.

So it would be a great mistake for me to act foolish. I mean for freaking sakes, the guys have a nose that can pick up any scent from miles away. I can only hope my smelly and messy place will cover up Leah's scent.

I wouldn't mind having Leah's scent covering my home, however, I'm having a hard time even restraining myself around her and wanting to give in to my lust. I would do just about anything to have her right now.

I hurriedly grab Leah's slim hand and stash her in the closet under the stairs in hopes no one realizes she has come back. "Stay in here beautiful," I say as I caress her left smooth silky cheek. I get an odd stare from her and just moves away while shutting the door in front of my face. I just chuckle and move quickly to the back door.

I open the door and bang it closed behind me as I step out to the backyard.

"Was up guys? "I smile nervously. 'Fuck my life..Fuck my life..Why are they here?..Fuck..Fuck..Fuck' I repeatedly say over in my mind.

"Shut up, Paul!" Jacob growls under his breath. His anger towards me is uncalled for and for him to even have the guts to talk to me like that, Jacob sure has some nervous in him.

'I truly hate it when he acts like he is the Alpha now…Fucker is a pussy..I have the upper hand now' I smirk cockily. I take my eyes of Jacob momentarily and ultimately notice Sam is here along with Emily.

Once I took in Emily's face I'm repulsed and have the urge to puke right there and then. She has so many scars running across her face. One of her eye lids is almost closed completely, therefore, leaving her blind in one eye.

Her forehead is huge due to the top of her head missing hair. Her scars are thick with pink tint to them and jagged skin all over. A chill runs down my back just thinking of actually touching her face. The texture of her face is all messed up.

She used to be pretty looking, yet, now literally looks like a walking monster. No wonder no one dares to stare at her in the face.

I've come to wonder how Sam can even sleep with her and leave an amazing woman like Leah. Like seriously! The two could never compare by a long shot.

Emily's body is visibly shaking with fear from what only Leah and I know. There is some purple and nasty black looking buries sticking from under the sleeves of her navy blue T-shirt which I could only guess came from Leah's doing.

I smile in triumph. It's horrible to be smirking about someone getting hurt but karma is a bitch. So? Fuck it. I swell with proudness at the fear that is radiating from her form.

I wouldn't mind making Emily's face looking much worse. Plus, how worse can it get from what her face already is? Much more.

I growl furiously in Sam's direction, yet, didn't have the temerity to move an ounce knowing it would be pointless when in fact everyone is gathered around me.

However, I can always make the asshole bow down and no-one can do anything but to listen to their Alpha.

All the over grown wolfs staring daggers at me is overwhelming. I'm clueless as to why they would be angry when I haven't done anything but help out these fag bags. If I ever get the chance, I would like to feed them a bag full of dicks.

They been so ungrateful for the last couple of years. I've helped them without a complain ever leaving my lips. If I were to think back to the person I was back then and the person I am now, I have done a complete 360. I've mature greatly if I say so myself. My only down fall is having a worse temper than I used to have.

I do have some acknowledgment of some of the people in the pack have stick to my side but I wouldn't let them know that knowing they might use it to tease the other guys. The last thing I want everyone to think I favor some over the others even if I do but no one needs to know that.

If I want them to think I don't know what is going on, I have to act clueless.

"Paul, where the hell were you? Do you know that Emily's life was in danger?" Jacob screams in my face and signals for everyone to walk into my living room.

I'm getting irritated with this bastard. If he keeps acting like he owns the place, I might just pound him for fun, yet, I wouldn't mind Leah kissing me again. I grin at the memory of Leah kissing me.

I stride in with confidence and follow in after Embry. The whole fucking pack is here, except for Quil. He probably of baby-siting, Claire. Hmhp, pathetic loser is that child's lap dog. Literally!

"Hold your shit, Jacob. Start from the beginning and don't be bossing me around, pussy. I can make you eat shit out of the toilet for all your worth." I growl.

Lately I've been very suspicious of Jacob. Ever since Sam had left is like he isn't him self. If you look very closely at his eyes they have black mixture tint to them when he becomes angry. I have been picking up odd behaviors as well but I am not about to let anyone else in it just yet. I want to figure it out by myself.

Everyone around snickers at my come back.

Jacob grumbles, but, proceeds pretending like noting just happened. "From what we know from Emily….She said that she was leaving Sue's house and while she was heading home she ran right mask into a unknown wolf. She said that once the wolf approached her, the unknown wolf became furies and went in for an attack." I only nod for Jacob to continue while trying not to snicker.

"Once we arrived, we tackled down the wolf and pulled it away from Emily. It's pure desire was to kill Emily. We were lucky to arrive in time to stop this or we would of been too late…What's most shocking about this is that it was a female werewolf," Jacob explains.

I felt rueful for Leah. All this bastards were questioning how a "pure" woman like Emily could be threaten. When in fact the bitch was sleeping around with Sam. How in hell could Sam leave Leah for a monster like Emily? For fuck sakes! I can't even look at her without getting the urge to puke and curse the hoe out. I've just had about enough of this bullshit. At this point I'm keeping Leah hidden away from them as long as possible.

If Emily died she probably wouldn't have been missed. This whole situation is being blown out of proportion. The slut-bag Emily is save. So what more do they want?

Yeah, they don't know who the she-werewolf is. I know though. So, that's all that matters.

"Are you telling me you all six couldn't take her down?" I smile smugly. The guys gaze to the floor shamefully except for Jacob popping out his chest in cocky confidence.

Seth raises his hand to get permission to speak up. I am rather impressed since the kid is usually a quiet, happy going kid. The kid sure does take after his sister and is starting to mature to an intelligent man.

Lately Seth has been showing signs of leadership and been standing out most from the other guys. His skills in combat have increase a great majority that I'm even starting to doubt my own skills.

I raise my left eyebrow in acknowledgment.

"Paul, she has extreme power and runs at an amazing speed. It's unheard of! We need to find her and inform the elders. This is the first time in history for the Quileute wolves to have a female wolf. But besides all this drama we need to simply get our acts together. Ever since Sam left we took it upon our selves to not do our duty. We have taken you for granted, Paul. Out of all of us you unexpectedly got everyone together to do their part." Seth says with tremendous energy.

I chuckle at the kid and ruffle his hair up. Patting Seth's back I turn to face everyone in the pack.

"Okay, first thing is first. Sam why have you come back when yo-" I start to say but get interrupted by Emily's annoying squeaky voice. I growl viciously bur remain quiet to hear what she has to say.

"Paul, please! I'm so scared by who it might be. I need protection!" Emily begs hysterically and has tears running down her cheeks.

"You have Sam don't you?" I say sarcastically.

"I ah-oh...Yes, well. I mean then Sam would look over me?"Emily says through fake tears.

I could see directly through her fake exterior. How people could be fooled by her, beats me.

I nod only to her question wanting nothing more than to get away from her presence.

Tackling me with a hug, Emily says the following to me "Thanks, Paul!Whoever the bitch is won't even dare hurt me wi-" I fling Emily of me and turn on her.

"Who the fuck are you to call Leah a bitch? When your the whore sleeping around with Sam, huh?" I say with anger poring out of me like an exploding volcano urging forward to do extreme damage with anything in it's way.

At this point my mind has shut down and my only pure focus is to kill Emily for insulting Leah. The guys have stunned faces but react quickly to grab me. Their tries are pointless as I bark them to stay back. They have no choice but to watch before their eyes as I am about to enjoy shredding her inch by inch.

I stomp my way to Emily, yet, not before Leah comes running out the closest and gets in between us.

I glare at Leah for her stupidity for letting the others know she is here. Though I shouldn't be the one speaking for I pretty much let everyone know Leah is the mysteries werewolf.

Everyone around gasps and start to shout words at each other. Momentarily Emily is forgotten while crying helplessly with Sam at her side trying to comfort her. Within seconds Leah and I are consumed by shouts and curses.

"Shut the hell up everyone!" Jake screams from the top of his lungs. One by one everyone starts to settle down until eventually everyone is quite.

I'm heated to the point where I want to destroy my place with no care at all and maybe even kill some of this dumb asses.

"You all are stupid, clueless shit holes, have it all wrong. Emily indeed was attacked by a she-werewolf and it was Leah. The reasons though are cause Emily is sleeping with Sam and now here she is acting like the victim. I per say wouldn't had mind if she died for all I care." I say furiously but stare at Leah with tender eyes only meant for her.

Leah quickly acts by pushing me to the couch and sits next to me trying to keep me calm. I still have my own share of words that have gone unspoken but with Leah's touch, my body instantly reacts to her. I lean into her and burry my face in her hair. At this point I don't care for everyone to see my affection I have towards Leah.

Leah sighs and surprisingly still lets me lean into her without complaining to me to get the fuck of her.

Everyone around has directed their gaze to both Emily and Sam all the while ignoring my weird mood swings, waiting for an explanation.

"The reason to explain my actions are because I have imprinted on her but I still love Leah!" Sam says pathetically.

Leah is so heated she gets up from my side and punches Sam is the face knocking him out cold. Then she turns on Emily and growls at her. Leah grabs her by the hair of what is left and says the following "Let me be clear my dear, Emily. Next time I ever hear you speak bad of me I won't hesitate to shred you to pieces. I won't do anything right this moment for the sake of others who "might" still care about you".

I get up from my sit and turn both to Embry and Jared. I command them to pick up Sam and to take him to the elders. I tell them to order for a meeting. They nod and head out the door dragging Sam through the floor with Emily walking behind them.

Everything else happens in a flash.

Before I knew it Leah is bombarded with questions. Seth being among the first hugging his sister and asking questions none stop. The next four hours are spend in explaining everything to the pack and filling them in what is to come next.



I really hope this is to everyone's liking. Let me hear what you think. Don't be intimidated on emailing or asking on anything you may be confused of. I always answer. Anyway, hope everyone reviews and tells me what you enjoyed and hope to see what is to come.
