Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter, and Naruto. Personal Info: Sex: Male, and that's all you're actually gonna get, thank you all the same. Hopefully the ridiculous, uh, whatever bold and italics is called, caught your attention anonymous reader. I'm starting a new project. (Yeah, I know I haven't actually made that much progress on the first two, shut up.) The first chapter probably won't be out for a while, because I'm planning on finishing the first few to see how into it I am before I start posting. If I totally fail at getting writing energy for the project, obviously I won't post it and this little paragraph will be for naught. The general idea is one of those fics where Harry has some alteration to his childhood with the Dursleys that affects things that happen farther down the line. If you, loyal reader, have read Split then you know how I often treat a universe. There are some big changes at Hogwarts, mostly where I feel that JK's ideas were cool but not as much fun to write about. I won't spoil any of the fun, but canon purists won't be interested. I'll leave the above, as it amuses me, but know that it was written long prior to this little addendum and Recent History of British Wizardry, the story it describes, has been in progress for quite some time. I hope you have enjoyed it, though it is regretably abandoned. I really don't know where I was going to end with it, looking back, and it perhaps was not the best idea to post it when I had no ending in mind. It was simply an interesting spark that I ran with. CHALLENGE-Okay I've become tired of the only good time-loop stories out there being one-shots or Chunin Exam Day and Getting The Hang of Thursdays both of which I reccomend. So now I'm issuing a challenge to the Naruto and Harry Potter universes. The basic plot is that for some reason or another Naruto/Harry is stuck in a time-loop that can last anywhere from one day endlessly repeating to a whole month repeating but more than that would ruin it in my opinion. Only exception is if you're doing the entire tri-wizard tournament or if you are doing the entire Chunin exam. Only thing is that no horcruxes for a Harry Potter fic and no Akatsuki or really anything post time skip for Naruto fics. Things to happen. 1. Naruto is already a great prankster and Harry is the son, god-son and close friend of the Marauders, pranksters supreme. So I expect a lot of hit and run style pranking from the both of them. 2. They both have huge enemies to deal with, powerful enemy ninja and Orochimaru for Naruto and Voldemort and the Death Munchers for Harry. So a lot of training/learning is a must. 3. Normal expectations like good writing and grammar apply, so send me a link if you have something that looks good! Other than that you've got free rein so go wild!! Okay now I'm going to insert a little rant at I used to think all those profile writers were just unintelligent because they would always say things like "90 of all teens want to be popular,". I would tilt my head and ask myself, "Why does everyone forget the percent symbol?" Well It turns out you're not unintelligent. just feels the need to edit out percentage signs. I noticed when I was updating my profile to show the progress on chapter 7 of CFDiT which was admittedly none, but when I saved it my percent symbol in 0 percent was gone! Okay I suppose I'm done ranting now. Any of you copy and paste junkies if you're mad at copy and past this to your profile and add your name to the list: Chaoslover43 http:///brain.cgi?Chaos43. Don't click this link. Bad things will happen. |
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