Reviews for Lighting Up the Dark
JustDusty chapter 12 . 6/26
Seriously? i thought this was supposed to be a smart non naive naruto. the guy just lays an entire philosophical dissertation on life on naruto, naruto response with "I'm gonna become hokage and change the world!" and the missing nin decides to answer him just like that
Adam2point4 chapter 20 . 6/11
Lol. Sakuras reply was soo unlike Sakura. it was odd. lol
ZFlame1 chapter 1 . 5/28
oops I pocket commented.
ZFlame1 chapter 1 . 5/28
iìloyo o lilo ioiijuuuuuooki I yi 9uo
ChaosRune chapter 25 . 5/14
Shikamaru is smarter that the literal host of the most intelligent begin in the world, and the sole thing that was supposed to make him better than canon, totally legit
Guest chapter 1 . 5/2
"Nervous breakdown over being a miserable failure of a ninja. Got it."

LMAO I just burst out laughing.

It's three AM.
cequvarire chapter 30 . 5/3
You got me with his Kinjutsu, you really did. I remember passing this over once because I skimmed something about a nine-brained démon fox and thought it sounded silly... But here's to looking deeper! Clearly a story worth following.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/19
Nine-Brained just sound retarded, please change it to its real name Nine-tailed. Or is this supposed to be a crack fic?
Guest chapter 19 . 4/17
I absolutely despise Sakura! She is constantly mean and very belittling of him even in the face of his miracles, yet you try to justify that as an act of a mean big sister. She is a big mean bully and your attempt at comic relief by making fun of Naruto constantly is horrible. What kind of self respecting person would let himself be belittled, mocked and degraded as a fellow human by a mean little bitch! Naruto's act to play could have miles better without including Sakura in any form of his life.
Vishesh chapter 1 . 4/10
WTF?! check the summary, MAJOR mistakes there
Agent Frank Underwood chapter 28 . 4/8
You've been hinting at the fact that Itachi handled the aftermath of the clan massacre differently in this story so I'm glad we finally get to see what really went down. Everytime I rewatch the show that scene still doesn't make sense after the revelation of his true motivation, so I'm glad you changed it here.
Agent Frank Underwood chapter 26 . 4/8
You actually made Shikamaru feel like he had a 210 IQ, dope chapter in general
Agent Frank Underwood chapter 8 . 4/6
Insanely creative battle sequence. Also I find it hilarious that you kept Haku a boy.
Agent Frank Underwood chapter 6 . 4/6
This story has been on my readlist for a couple of years now and for some reason I never actually started it until today. So far I'm loving it, I'm really liking your take on the characters specifically.
Guest chapter 3 . 3/24
Why do you have to ruin a good idea with fucking hinata?
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