![]() Author has written 33 stories for Harry Potter, Naruto, Heroes, Monster, Kuroshitsuji, Elephant, Vampire Knight, and Criminal Minds. "When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light...that split the night..." Simon and Garfunkel, The Sound of Silence To the world that lies beyond, to those who are reading this very page, I'd like to extend warm wishes. What brings you here? What is it you're looking for? If you're looking for a Police/Sting fan, an anime fan, a lover of history, a lolita, or something just plain weird, I think you've found the right place. I am currently a second year university student double majoring in Political Science and History (with a very likely minor in Philosophy). That said, I'll be very much busy, so my updates are likely to be sporadic and infrequent. Please rest assured, however, that I have not left the wonderful world of fanfiction completely. I tend to write in and deal with the more dark, psychological, and depressing aspects of life, so if that's not really your cup of tea, I can't say that you'll enjoy my stories much. If it's what you're looking for, by all means, read on. Also note, I have recently acquired an AO3 account under the username of EdenLies, and some of the stories I am more fond of will likely be migrating to there soon. If you'd like to follow my stories there as well, please see the following link: http:///users/EdenLies/pseuds/EdenLies Thanks! Random facts: -I tend to listen to songs on repeat. Some examples of songs include: The Sound of Silence, by Simon and Garfunkel American Pie, by Don McLean Don't Stand So Close to Me, by The Police The House of the Rising Sun, as performed by Pete Seeger (instead of The Animals, hehe :P) Hallelujah, by Rufus Wainwright Gran Torino, by Jamie Cullum Oscar Wilde, by Romantica King, by The Romanovs City, by Sara Barielles - Current Fandoms: Pretty much just Criminal Minds at the moment, but I might churn out some Kuroshitsuji every once in awhile if some fancy strikes me. - Pairings I like and tend to write for include: Harry Potter: SnapexHarry (OTP, I think!), Tom (diary form)xGinny, SnapexLily, RemusxSirius Naruto: KakashixSakura, KakashixSasuke, and the occasional NarutoxSasuke Kuroshitsuji: SebastianxCiel, AberlinexCiel Criminal Minds: GideonxReid (mentor relationship or slash), GideonxHotch, and HotchxReid mostly. I do also have a thing for Reid/lots of various unsubs or pseudo-unsubs, more specifically ReidxNathan Harris (s. 2 e. 11, "Sex, Birth, Death") and ReidxAdam/Amanda Jackson (s. 4. e. 20, "Conflicted"), though these fics are somewhat rare and sometimes a bit too icky for my taste. My favorite... Characters: First, let it be noted that Jason Gideon (Criminal Minds) will hold a place in my heart forever. That said, I am also very fond of the characters Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds), Erik Lensherr/Magneto (X-Men), Johan Liebert (Monster), Nathan Harris (Criminal Minds), Joseph Liebgott (Band of Brothers), Ryou Bakura (Yu-Gi-Oh!), and Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds). Anime: Paranoia Agent, Monster (Naoki Urasawa), Revolutionary Girl Utena, Five Centimeters Per Second, Kuroshitsuji, Boogiepop Phantom, Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni, Wolf's Rain, Serial Experiments Lain, Yu-Gi-Oh, Ghost in the Shell SAC, and more I can't think of right now. Manga: Kamui, 20th Century Boys, Monster, MW, Rules (Miyamoto Kano), Hydra (Miyamoto Kano), Kuroshitsuji, Liar Game, Himitsu Top Secret, Soul Rescue, etc. Books: Speak, Kafka on the Shore, A Single Man, A Clockwork Orange, The Lovely Bones, The Shadow Children Series, Harry Potter, The Phantom of the Opera, Falling Leaves, Jude the Obscure, As I Lay Dying, Pale Fire, Lolita, Brave New World, Thirteen Reasons Why, The Sound and the Fury, almost anything by Tamora Pierce, The Picture Of Dorian Gray. Movies: Elephant, Pan's Labyrinth, A Single Man, Little Miss Sunshine, 2:37, The Phantom of the Opera, Gran Torino, Changeling, Kamikaze Girls, some I can't think of. Clothing Brands: Angelic Pretty, Metamorphose Temps de Fille, Free People, Anthropologie, Black Peace Now, Innocent World, Alice and the Pirates (a.k.a. Baby, the Stars Shine Bright), Moi Meme Moitie T.V. Shows: Criminal Minds, Criminal Minds, Criminal Minds. That's about it, really. I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian. Re-post this if you believe homophobia is wrong. Please do your part to end it. Thats all, folks! |