Author has written 64 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragon Knights, Card Captor Sakura, Princess Mononoke, Angel Sanctuary, Planet Ladder, Angelic Layer, Good Omens, X-Men: The Movie, Pet Shop of Horrors, Inheritance Cycle, Demon Diary, and Sweeney Todd. I hate my big profile. Seriously, every time I’ve seen someone with a short profile lately, I’ve been so jealous. My profile is just so inelegant… it makes me feel fat ): So…uh… yeah—I’m shortening it! ((le gasp)) Now, let’s see, what do you ‘really’ need to know about me… I’m 18 years old and female. I’m a college student, currently registered as an English major, but I’m probably going to change that to anthropology (I’m sorry, Leeayre, don’t kill meee XD). Because most people I tell this to tend to think it means I want to be an archeologist, and I even had one person recently think that I wanted to study insects, perhaps I should provide a quick definition. Anthropology is, basically, the study of human culture. It includes archeology, sure—but also linguistics, biological anthropology (basically the study of how our culture affects our biology, and vice versa), and cultural anthropology, where you will typically spend a year or more living with a group of people and learning about their culture from the inside. That last one is what I’d really love to do, someday :) Specifically, I’m interested in folklore. And there’s my big geeky spiel out of the way. Gawd, I thought I was supposed to be ‘shortening’ this thing… -Current Interests My interests are extremely fickle—though they also tend to be very intense while they last, to the point where everyone around me is just about ready to kill me by the time I get bored of whatever it is. :) At the moment, the object of my obsession is most definitely Sweeney Todd. I’ve seen the movie four times, put the 1979 soundtrack on my MP3 player, smothered my Gaia profile in Sweeneyness, watched the 1982 version, and ordered the movie soundtrack (Why doesn’t my Sweeney Todd soundtrack come? Before the week is out, that’s what said... XDD). My life will not be complete until I see this thing performed on Broadway. Oh, and… I’ve also written a possibly rather bad fanfic for it already (hinthintwinkwinknudgenudge), but I’m working on another one—with a plot this time! Other things I’m liable to become obsessed with include Lost—season four starts January 31, omgomg! ((gush))—Angel Sanctuary—Rosiel/Katan is my OTP for life, heart—Discworld—Susan/Teatime is another of my long-time favorite couples; in fact, I have a C2 for them in case anyone is interested—and Dragon Knights—…((eyes Purple guiltily))... I like anime, British stuff, rock ’n’ roll, black everything, and I’m beginning to think I could like musicals. -Current Projects My main concern right now is Purple, a Dragon Knights fic. For the newcomers, it’s an epic Kharl/Rath romance which starts out when Rath attempts suicide, thus allowing Kharl to spirit him away to his castle while the Dragon Tribe mourns his ‘death’, and then continues on to develop some actually originality, lol. A lot of that originality is thanks to Leeayre XD;; Incidentally, it’s also been going on for far too long with very little progress as far as actually ‘writing’ it goes… but I’m going to finish it someday, really! ((groans)) My other main projects—though just because they’re newer than Purple doesn’t mean they’re really progressing any more quickly, unfortunately—are an Angel Sanctuary fic and a Sweeney Todd fic, both multi-chapter and both currently title-less. The AS one is post-series, and in it Rosiel has wound up in a situation very similar to the one Alexiel was in at the beginning of the series—he has been going through a cycle of reincarnations on Earth, and the time has come for him to awaken. Katan, of course, is his guardian angel ;D The ST fic plays with the idea of whether a single act could’ve changed the entire outcome of the story—or if their destinies will eventually catch up with them no matter what. (Desmond’s story in Lost may have had something to do with all this, I think XD). So, yeah, that’s what’s going through my sick little mind these days. We’ll see if any of you wonderful people ever actually get to read these things, since I have an aversion to posting stories before they’re finished, heh. -Quotes, Cuz Everybody Likes Quotes I blew up the plums Locke: Where'd you get electricity? “We’re becoming nicely overextended. Some people regard that as progress.”—Cordelia’s Honor by Lois McMaster Bujold “You’re all wrong! It’s our inevitable destiny which fate has so cruelly and maliciously wrought out for us! THE CHICKEN IS SYMBOLIC OF OUR DEATH!”—Rune, in Schnickledooger’s fic Getting Adjusted "Can’t we go for some major face sucking? Like, MUUWWAAHHH."— Dee to Ryo, FAKE book three "I peeeeel you, banaaaana..."—someone on Gaia's Sweeney Todd thread |
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