
Epilogue: Of Weddings


Finally, after several more-slowly-than-usual traveled days, they found a town. It was a same place, but not so small that no one knew which direction the capital was in (though there was some debate at first). It was discovered to be just a few days' travel away. It actually took them five, for some reason or another, but they made it.

It was a beautiful wedding. Rose petals and rice-flinging all around. Ruwalk's personal favorite part was the food afterwards, the wine in particular, but he tactfully avoided mentioning this to Alfeegi.

And afterwards they were given a room with a tub that had plumbing running from and underground hot spring. The bed was nice and big, too.

Late at night they lay together on said bed, talking quietly. Alfeegi sighed, snuggling closer. "It really was a beautiful wedding," he commented. He snuck a calculating look at Ruwalk out of the corner of his eye, and hurriedly looked away before he saw.

He also glanced at him. "You like weddings?" he said, in perfectly conversational tones.

"Yes." He smiled sweetly.

Ruwalk swallowed. "Have you ever thought about... you know... having one?" Alfeegi was totally silent. "I mean, it wouldn't have to be right away or anything," he added hurriedly. "Urk. I mean-"

The giggles Alfeegi had been trying to keep at bay finally overwhelmed him, and he had to spend a considerable amount of time kissing Ruwalk before they went away.

He pulled away, grinning immensely. "Of course." Ruwalk sighed in relief. Then Alfeegi looked a little thoughtful. "Though... Seriously now, what do you think the Lord will say?"

Ruwalk scoffed. "Don't be silly; I'm sure he'll love it. This is just the sort of thing he enjoys, you know; a good romance." He paused. It really was exactly the kind of thing his lordship liked, come to think of it. Could he...? No. Surely that was impossible.


Ruwalk ignored Alfeegi's questioning look, brushed the thought off, and kissed the other Officer. All thoughts of anything else left his mind...

And they lived happily ever after, in spite of Alfeegi's very scary temper.


A/N: (cackle) Aw, kawaii! Well, at least I thought so anyway... (sparkle) My eighteenth story! Or was it my nineteenth...? O.O I've lost track! Argh! I guess I should check one of these days... So, did you like it? Did you think it sucked? Did it rock your socks so much that you'll go back and review every chapter please please please? Eh heh... Well, a girl can dream, can't she? Love-ya-all-but-not-in-a-creepy-way, and ja-ne!