Reviews for Change of Heart
jake chapter 5 . 7/19/2015
ummmm hello (looking at all the people throwing buckets and fruit at you) I know you wrote this in 2004 but if you know the date now it's 2015 and I liked your story except for the YAMI part also am I the only kid from this year that has read this story? and yes that did sound wrong but the story was not bad, crappie ,or weird it was just a good story and I have read PERCY JACKSON, HARRY POTTER, YUGIOH AND STORM HAWKS FANFICTIONS and I am thankful that I have read another good story and I have no idea why authors don't read fan fiction these stories are great oh well that's nuff said (turns around to still find people throwing things at you) ALRIGHT PEOPLE GET A LIFE YOU CAN FINALLY LEAVE OR DID SOME ONE HAVE TO TELL YOU? one person throws a tomato at me (I just stand there and raise a finger as everyone just stands up and leaves but are shocked that their bodies are moving themselves forward ) then I feel a pat on my shoulder and I look into the eyes of a smirking bakura /nice job taking care of my writers angry mob/ (I look back at him angrily) like if I need to you could have done it yourself (growls angrily) /HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT IF I CAN MAKE RYOU FEAR ME THAT I WILL DO THE SAME TO YOU/ I just stare at him calmly an before he uses his shadow magic on me invisible hands grab bakura and lift him into the air and slam him on the wall four times (I walk over to him than I pick his head up and tell him) that will teach you to mess with me and then I walk away from his body and walk out the door (but before I do that I turn around and I make a rose appear and it hovers over to you and you hopefully take it an smell it then I tell you) for you you beautiful writer and I turn around and leave.
YGOfangirl4ever chapter 1 . 12/23/2012
:)) That ending had ME laughing, too XD Yay for tendershipping-abuse with happy endings :D
DarkAngelBakuraRyou chapter 5 . 5/31/2012
Great story, you probably could of added maybe a little more like more information about each side, like a chapter or half of one about how Bakura felt after he had hit Ryou, or something like that. other then that it was a great read I really enjoyed it :)
Lula-san chapter 4 . 4/16/2007
It's so beautiful... Sniff... I love this pairingXD

But here's something that really bothers me. It looks like a lot of people simply don't understand that the word koi stands for love as the emotion itself.

If you say it to someone "my love" that would be "watashi no koibito". Or you can use the word "aijin" instead of "koibito" (as far as I know both words mean lover, but "koi" stands for the "romantic love", so in this case "koibito" would be the right one to use) (I didn't use too much ", did I?).

And the line "Aishiteru you too.." makes no sense whatsoever. "Aishiteru" means "I love you", so if I want to translate it would sound weird (I love you you too)...

I had to get this off my chest_ I didn't want to criticize you, and I really hope that I wasn't harsh... If I was, then sorry T_T

Keep writing your oneshots too ;)
fenrir-ice-wolf chapter 5 . 2/14/2007
*throws bucket* i cant believe its finished. it was really good
Tenshi no Nanimo chapter 5 . 12/22/2004
You're great! The story's so nice that it's making me so happy! Please update soon! By the way, I like a pairing though I suggest that there would be more people in love with Ryou. ) I'm a Ryou lover!
yugischic08 chapter 5 . 12/17/2004
wow that was really good...could you write a sequal? _ sorry... i think it was really good and i wish you could or would continue but im not saying you have to or anything but hey w/e...but that was really good. _
Bakuras-Hell chapter 5 . 12/12/2004
heh. very cute! _
EternusMysterium chapter 3 . 10/9/2004
That. Was . GREAT! I went to and it was great! Are there anymore chapters to this?

Oh and about you being a "sleep-deprived zombie whose entire existence depends on sugar" Well... you ain't the only one -.-;; But anyways.. great story!
zombiezit chapter 3 . 9/20/2004
I likes.I want more.
pharohs-slave chapter 3 . 9/19/2004
great chapter ! just enough to keep me satisfied! :D anyway wen u get time UPDATE!
zombie zit chapter 2 . 9/9/2004
Send me more 's getting interesting.
Dark-tyrell chapter 2 . 9/8/2004
update asap great story so far !
yamisugar chapter 2 . 9/6/2004
hehehe bakuraxryou rox! continue soon!
Sailor InuYasha chapter 2 . 9/6/2004
Kawaii! I lov shounen ai stories! I totally understand the problem about shounen ai and having to repeat the names a lot. You can also use short descriptions of them instead of 'he'. I find that works just as well. But anyways, update soon please! I wanna read more!
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