Poll: I will be making a Deadliest Warrior Fanfic between Assassins Creed and WarCraft 3. Who do you think will win? The winner will be the one who receives the most votes after the chapter before the last is written. Vote Now!
Author has written 10 stories for Super Smash Brothers, Mega Man, Kingdom Hearts, Team Fortress 2, Legend of Zelda, Game X-overs, Left 4 Dead, Mortal Kombat, Code Geass, Final Fantasy X, and Teen Titans. Hello. My name is FEARFAN...but you can address me as Mike. I joined here many years back and I have not regretted it since. I enjoy writing to the fullest...more so than I enjoy computers. While my forte in computers does not match the requirements needed to have a job in them, I hope to change that one day. However...my real goal in life is to be a writer for sure...but books cannot reliably pay the bills. As such, I need to continue my education. I'm generally a very fun loving person, although I have many qualms against things. I'm extremely eccentric despite my large amounts of pessimism. But If I like you as a person, you won't even notice that those aspects even exist. I'm a huge gamer...always have been. I play a lot of video games, and I still buy them. I try hard not to play them as much...but alas, fun addictions are hard to break. I have a fairly large vocabulary, as is shown in my text above, and this forte is actually something that has developed over last year. I am also intending to go for a CompTIA A certification, so I may be able to get a job in computer science/management someday. I have a book I am writing right now...and I hope to release by the end of this year, or next year summer. Name: Michael K. (For privacy reasons, I will not post my full name) Interests and Hobbies: Computers, Writing, Schooling, Education, Gaming, Dungeons and Dragons, Favorite video games: Modern Warefare 3, Halo, Mega Man X series, Zelda series, Sims 2, Mario series, Actraiser, F.E.A.R. trilogy, Final Fantasy series Xenosaga III, Super Smash Brothers series, Assassins Creed series, Rayman series, Minecraft, StarCraft, WarCraft, Command and Conquer, Favorite books: Dracula, Endurance, Harry Potter, Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, Great Gatsby, The Giver, Fahrenheit 451, The Odyssey, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Narnia, Water for Elephants, Xanth Series Favorite movies: Lord of the Rings, Blade Trilogy, Harry Potter, Fast and furious, Rush Hour, V for Vendetta, Advent Children, any Disney movie, The Gamers Religious views: Lutheran Deviantart profile: BobandDoug 3DS Friend code: 4141-3499-9546 Nintendo Network ID: RaynorsRaider Mii: MK Xbox live: MKTHERIPOFARTI StarCraft 2 Profile: RampagingZE Steam ID: RaynorsRaider Join me at Facebook...http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001199310862&ref=search&sid=oN7S4HMN91215rvdKSKs6Q.4082354534..1 CURRENT PROJECTS: Code Rockman Kingdom Hearts II: Fall of the Hero Teen Titans: Revamped ON HOLD PROJECTS: Mortal Kombat X CANCELED PROJECTS :( The Oober Emissary Massissidia Final Fantasy: Cycle 011 FUTURE PROJECTS: Code Rockman R2 Team 4 Dead 2 Kingdom Hearts II: Fall of the Hero Kingdom Hearts: Reign of Darkness Harry Potter Multiverse: The Sorcerer's Stone A retelling and rewriting of Harry Potter book 1, but many new fantasy worlds and elements are added in. Characters from worlds will include Kingdom Hearts, Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, and much much more! |