My attempt to create a Kingdom Hearts/ Pokemon crossover, the reason being is that a lot of these stories just aren't in my tastes, anyway I don't own Kingdom Hearts or Pokemon, they are owned by their owners, anyway; on with the show.

Story takes place during Pokemon Battle Frontier, after Ash's second loss to Brandon at the Battle Pyramid, and for Kingdom Hearts 2 after defeating the MCP but before Sora, Donald, and Goofy go back to Twilight Town to find a way into Organization XIII's headquarters.

Chapter 1: Strange Encounters

A path in forest at midday, no one around until from down from the path comes four figures, one being a young man of at least fourteen years of age, the boy's name is Ash Ketchum, riding on his shoulder is the yellow electric mouse pokemon Pikachu. Walking next to them is a boy about the age of at least nineteen, this Ash's fiend Brock, next to Brock is a girl who is a bit younger than Ash maybe twelve, but is still older than the young boy next to her who is probably eight, the girl is May, while the youngest is Max, May's younger brother. Right now the group is currently waiting near the Battle Pyramid for Pyramid King Brandon's return from searching for a certain pokemon, so Ash can try again to earn Brandon's frontier symbol and become a master of the Battle Frontier.

As Ash and the others continue down the path, they come across a forest clearing with a small pond. Brock says, " This looks a good place to have lunch."

Ash says, " Well all right, lets bring our pokemon out, okay?"

May than says, " Sure, lets do it."

Ash, Brock, and May say all together while throwing the poke balls containing their Pokemon into the air " Come on out everyone."

From the pokeballs come beams of light, when the beams touch the ground, they materialize into pokemon, the ones that come from Ash's pokeballs are: Donphan, Corphish, Sceptile, Aipom and Swellow. The ones that come out of May's pokeballs are: Combusken, Eevee, Munchlax and Squirtle. The ones that come out of Brock's pokeballs are: Bonsly, Marshstomp and Forretress. While the others are letting their pokemon out, Max who is too young to be a pokemon trainer was getting out a few cans of pokemon food.

While Max was putting the pokemon food into bowls, Brock was making sandwiches for him and the other non-pokemon food eaters. While lunch is being prepared the pokemon start to play with each other. Ash is sitting down on a rock looking at the case he kept his acquired frontier symbols in, thinking " I can't wait to get to the Battle Pyramid, so I can have my rematch with him and win my seventh frontier symbol."

Brock than announces to everyone that lunch is ready, everyone human and pokemon come over to eat. All the while, they are being watched by three people, one of which a small cat-like pokemon named Meowth who says, " Looks like the twerps are setting themselves up for another attempt by us to steal their pokemon, so lets not keep them waiting."

A blue haired man next to Meowth asked, " How should we do it this time, from the balloon, a giant mech, or disguises, what do you say Jessie?

The man is known as James, his question is directed to the woman with incredibly long red hair on Meowth's other side. Jessie than says, " Well, I say we go with disguises, since for some weird reason, the twerp with the Pikachu never recognizes us, which in my opinion is just bizarre, now lets go and get a plan together."

As Team Rocket left their hiding place to come up with a plan, Ash and the others were just finishing eating a delicious lunch courtesy of Brock. Ash said, " That was delicious Brock, thanks."

Max than said in know-it-all tone of voice, " Well, did you expect anything else from Brock, Ash?"

May than said in a somewhat annoyed voice to her little brother, " No need to be rude Max, Ash was just saying that it was delicious, which I agree with."

But before Max could answer, Brock said, "Hold on there, no reason to argue, I mean we all agree that the sandwiches were delicious, right?"

May and Max agreed, but Ash was too busy looking at a bush where he caught a glimpse of something after turning away from May and Max's coming argument to answer. May than says, " Ash? Ash? Ash?"

His name being called three times caused Ash to turn to May and say, " Yeah?"

Max than asks, " What were you looking at over there anyway Ash?"

Ash says' " I'm not sure what it was, it looked like a pair of yellow eyes, staring at us from those bushes" and he than pointed to some bushes on the other side of the clearing that they were having lunch, and on the opposite side of where Team Rocket was hiding. Pikachu suddenly stiffened, when Ash saw this he said " Pikachu, what is it", Pikachu than started running towards the bushes were Ash saw the yellow eyes. Ash than says to Brock and the others " Stay here and keep an eye on the others, I'll go get Pikachu" and staring running after Pikachu.

Pikachu is running through the forest following a scent that doesn't belong in this forest, but for some reason none of the other pokemon could sense it. Pikachu eventually made it to a smaller clearing which seemed to be the source of the strange scent. A rustle came from the bushes behind Pikachu, Pikachu than turns and sees his trainer Ash coming out of the bushes saying " Pikachu why did you run off like that" but stopped when he saw something on the ground behind Pikachu that looked like a pure black creature, with waving antenna, about the size of Pikachu, with pure yellow eyes. When Pikachu turns around and sees the new creature, he gets ready for battle with sparks coming out of his cheeks, Ash is thinking while taking out his Pokedex to identify the creature, " Is this the thing that was staring at us earlier, and if so how come Pikachu and I were the only one's who noticed it?"

Ash points the Pokedex at the mysterious creature, the Pokedex than says in its computer voice, " Scanning, no Pokemon entry found."

Ash than says rather nervously, " This thing's not a Pokemon, than what is it?" After Ash said this, the unidentified creature started moving towards Ash, Pikachu got in front of it and unleashed a Thunderbolt on it, when the attack hit its target, the black creature suddenly burst into a puff of black smoke with a heart shaped light floating up into the sky and disappearing. This made Ash think " What the, it definitely wasn't a pokemon if it blew up from a Thunderbolt, so what was that thing."

Pikachu's ears twitched and than it said something to Ash, which makes Ash look around and see several more black creatures, as well as a more evolved, human looking version with longer antenna than the smaller ones. Ash thinks, " There are more of these things, as well as a bigger one." Ash then points his Pokedex at the bigger one with the same result as the first creature, he is than shocked when he sees that the creatures seem to melt into the ground and form into a big black portal on the ground, which starts to pull Ash and Pikachu into it, causing Ash to yell, "Pikachu" as they both disappeared into the portal, afterwards the portal just disappeared.

The bushes than rustle and out comes Team Rocket, who were following Pikachu and Ash to find an opportunity to kidnap Pikachu. They saw the black creatures, than saw Ash and Pikachu get sucked into a black void which disappeared afterwards. James than said while sounding a bit scared " Jess, what happened to the twerp?"

To which Jessie says " I have absolutely no idea James."

Meowth than says, " I wonder what those black creatures were?"

Meanwhile in a place far from Kanto, in another world in fact, a teenage boy is walking down a path coming from a huge castle towards a quaint looking town accompanied by a humanoid duck and a humanoid dog, the boy's name is Sora while the duck's name is Donald and the dog's name is Goofy. Sora says, " Sure is a lot more peaceful now that the MCP is toast, now the only badies left are Pete, Maleficent and the rest of Organization XIII."

Goofy than said, " Don't forget about Hades, Sora."

Sora than says " Yeah, but the last we saw of him, he was falling into a swirling vortex, so he won't be causing trouble, for a while anyway."

Donald says, " Still, with Organization XIII out there, we still got a fight on our hands."

Sora says, " I know, I wouldn't forget about them, they kidnapped Kairi after all, we gotta find their hideout as soon as possible, but we don't have a clue of where to start searching."

But as Sora and his friends get to the bottom of the path, they see a bunch of heartless huddled around something, upon closer inspection it is revealed to be someone, at this Sora says, " We gotta help that guy, come on" and with that Sora, Donald, and Goofy charged at the heartless, after a smacks from Goofy's shield, a spell or two from Donald and a couple of strikes from Sora's Keyblade, the group of heartless was annihilated. With the heartless gone Sora was able to get a good look at the person on the ground, he appeared to be unconscious, about Sora's age, wearing a blue vest with a black undershirt, light blue pants, has a red hat with a black stripe on it with a weird symbol in the stripe, the hat was covering black hair. What Sora didn't see earlier was that he was holding in black fingerless gloves was a yellow, mouse like creature, with brown stripes on its back, red cheeks and a lightning bolt shaped tail.

Goofy said, " Wonder why the defense system didn't respond."

Donald responded, " Maybe the system is a bit messed up after our beating the MCP, Tron should be able to fix it no problem" after saying this Donald sees a red device on the ground and picks it up, all the while Sora is looking over the unconscious boy.

Donald flips up part of the device to reveal a screen and points it at Goofy, causing the device to say in a computer voice, " No pokemon entry found."

Goofy than asks, " Gosh Donald, what's a pokemon" as he picks up the yellow mouse.

When Donald points the device at the mouse, it says " Pikachu, the electric mouse pokemon, Pikachu is capable of storing electricity in the sacs in its cheeks, with which it uses to roast berries, making them softer to eat."

Goofy than pokes Pikachu's cheeks while saying, " You mean these cheeks" said cheeks start to spark.

When Sora sees this after hearing what the device said about what Pikachu can do, rushes over to Goofy saying, " Goofy no" and grabs Pikachu from Goofy just as Pikachu unleashed a bolt of electricity, shocking Sora. After the shocking ended, Sora was still holding on to Pikachu, just slightly smoking and a little hurt.

Donald than asked a bit worryingly, " Are you okay Sora?"

Sora responds " Yeah, Pikachu's attack was pretty strong, but hurt a lot less than a heartless'es electric attack."

Pikachu than started to stir in Sora's arms and woke up, Sora than put Pikachu down on the ground, once Pikachu was on the ground, Pikachu rushed over to the unconscious boy and started to nudge him.

Ash slowly started to wake up and the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was Pikachu , Ash than sat straight up, hugged Pikachu while saying, " Pikachu, you're okay."

Suddenly a voice says, " Hello."

This causes Ash to stand up with Pikachu on his shoulder, when he turns to the speaker he sees three beings that shocked him, one was a boy about his age, wearing a mainly black outfit with straps of different colors on it, but it was his two companions that really threw Ash for a loop, they looked like some kinds of Pokemon, but Ash had a feeling that these two weren't pokemon. Ash decided to be polite and said, " Hello, my name's Ash Ketchum and this is Pikachu" as he pointed to the pokemon on his shoulder.

The boy than proceeded to point to the duck and said, " this is Donald."

Donald than said " Hi."

The boy than pointed to the dog and said " This is Goofy."

Goofy than said, " Hi there Ash and Pikachu, nice to meet ya."

The boy than pointed to himself and said, " my name is Sora.

Ash than started to search his pockets for his Pokedex when Donald handed it to him saying it was just lying on the ground, Ash than points it at Donald, when it says no pokemon data found, Ash says, " I knew it."

Sora than asked, " What did you know Ash?"

Ash than says, " I had a feeling that your two friends are not pokemon, just like those black creatures that created that black portal that sucked us in."

Donald than asked, " Did these black creatures have solid yellow eyes?"

Ash nodded and Sora said, " Those black creatures must have been heartless, but one question though Ash."

Ash than asked, " What is it Sora?"

Sora than asked, " What's a pokemon?"

Ash was shocked to hear someone ask that question, but than Ash asked, "Everyone in Kanto know what pokemon are, so why not you three?"

Sora than said, "I never heard of Kanto before, this is Radiant Garden and I don't know how to tell you this Ash but I don't think you're in your own world anymore, Ash."

Ash than asked in a very surprised tone, " What do you mean not in my world anymore?"

Donald than said, " We got some explaining to do, don't we?"

Ash than nodded, Goofy than said, " Well let's take him to see Leon and the others, their bound to know what to do."

Sora and Donald both nod in agreement with Goofy's idea, Sora than says, " Ash, follow us, we can help you get back to your world, but first you should meet some of our friends, they will be able to explain things to you a bit better than us, and in the meantime you can tell us about your world, and you can answer our question about what a pokemon is" the group than continued to the town where hopefully Leon and the others can answer Ash's questions.

There you go, please tell me what you think of the direction I'm taking this concept in, please review, until the next time.