![]() Author has written 8 stories for Fullmetal Alchemist. Hiya, I'm Mazzie Live: California I'm mostly an AU writer. (: UPDATE 5/20/10: Helllllo my wonderful readers. How are you? I'm quite peachy myself, thank you. Finally (almost) out for summer, so that takes a load off of my shoulders. I'm gonna be a senior. Weird, haha. Anyways, all of you can see that I'm steadily starting to get back into some of my older stories and my updates are coming along as well. I'd like to thank everyone who reads and reviews any of my stories, especially the old ones so that I know some people are still around and waiting for them. I also like to thank the support of my newer ones; I'd really like them to succeed like my other ones in views and reviews, but I can't do it without you all! I do appreciate it and time I see someone reading my stories or telling me how they can't wait for an update (basically tell me I'm an asshole for making them wait so long, haa just kidding ;] ), it totally motivates me and I get inspiration. I guess it also means I should hold up on posting some other ideas I've had lately; I need to finish the ones I've started dammit! Haha. See you all soon. xo Mazzie If your life was a movie, what would the soundtrack be? Here's how it works: 1. Open your library (itunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc.) 2. Put it on shuffle. 3. Press Play. 4. For every question, type the song that's playing 5.When you go to a new question, press the next button 6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool.. Scene-- Band/Artist--Song Title 1. Opening Credits: Why - Jadakiss 2.Waking up: Collapsed - Aly & AJ 3.First Day of College: What You Got - Colby O'Donis 4.Falling in Love: Guilty Pleasure - Cobra Starship (Actually plausible this one is) 5. Kiss Scene: Lullaby - Hypnogaja (o.O) 6. Fight Song: Over You - Daughtry (Hahaha obviously I'm running before I learn to walk) 7. Breaking Up: Goodbye We're Falling Fast - Aiden (I think 6 and 7 should be switched...) 8. Graduating College: American Idiot - Green Day 9. Big Break: So Much Better - Laura Bell Bundy from the musical "Legally Blonde" (How ironic) 10. Mental Breakdown: How You Remind Me - Nickelback (Exactly what finally caught up to me in this movie? I'd love to know my disorders! ;]) 11. Driving Song: Feels Like Tonight - Daughtry (Yeah I dig me some Daughtry. What of it?) 12. Flashback: Starstrukk - 3OH!3 13: Getting back together: Unfaithful - Rhianna (Maybe I should reconsider getting back together with ya, bud... Or better yet you me) : Popular - from the musical "Wicked" 15. Birth of Child: Permanent - David Cook (Awhh sad song is sad) 16. Paying Dues: Let Me Entertain You - Robbie Williams (Yes! I love this song) 17. Moment of Triumph: Fer Sure - Medic Driod (Hahahaha) 18. Final Battle: Dear Maria Count Me In - All Time Low (Yeah epic!win here) 19. Death Scene: If It Means a Lot to You - A Day to Remember (I actually really like this one) 20. Funeral Scene: Please Don't Leave - Pink (Well that's fucking ironic) End Credit: Rise Above This - Seether (I'd advise anyone and everyone to wait for this movie to come out on DVD or exclusively get a bootleg copy. Not worth it even at matinee) Quooooooottteeesss~ "Well, what are we supposed to do while we're there? Climb up a tree and get closer to God?" - Me, in regards to confirmation camp "Well, the bridge /is/ a little rotten now, so just close your eyes, and run." - Misty, tour guide "Whose Brave Orchid?" - Micheal "Why didn't she go over there in the first place? Couldn't she have just lied and said she wanted to see him? Or wanted to blow him?" "The pope is so cute. I just want to give him a hug." - Maddie "Is there any mafia left in the US?" - Maddie "How do people become executioners? Is there an executioner school? Mrs. B: Some people want to be cremated, but you should keep it in one place or split Grandma with the five children." A: "They called me judgemental today." Me: -jumping around and landing in a pose- "I'm Peter Pan!" Liz: "Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain? Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?" Liz: "So it was my grandma's birthday today. She blew out the candles on the cake, gave a surprised look and exclaimed, 'Look! I can still blow!'" |