Hey guys, what's up?

So I just got back from a six-day trip to Southern California (oh it was an awesome six hour drive .) and I had wanted to post this before I left. I had actually finished the first four pages of it but I didn't want to rush it and make it terrible, so I decided against it. Well, its freshly finished and hot off the press now. (:

So for making you all wait so long, I decided to make this chapter longer than I usually do. I usually go for eight-nine pages in Word; this is just over fourteen. Not a lot of difference, I know, but just a bit extra for all of you to enjoy. No Edward in this chapter though :/ But he's mentioned! :]

No beta. Only spellcheck.

Chapter 4

June 15th

He had begrudgingly gotten out of his bed a few moments later, muttering to himself the entire time as he changed into clothes that weren't so wrinkly. He decided on a pair of dark blue jeans and a long sleeved button up that he would just roll up to his elbows if it got hot. Roy decided that he didn't want to come back home before going out tonight; not that it would sway his choice of dress with his boss. See here, Roy didn't give a shit what his boss thought of him and both men knew it to be true, but, for some reason, Mr. Cornello decided to keep him day in and day out.

It took them roughly twenty minutes to reach his boss' office, which was naturally located in Eastern Side. The building was looming at twelve stories and a whole lot of space inside and around it and Cornello controlled everything that went on inside of it. Well, with his assistant's help of course.

The first few floors were marketing and business offices, where it then broke off to fashion design and modeling. The top floors gave away to studios before it finally ended with the top floor, saved exclusively for Cornello. If Roy knew anyone, he knew that man loved being on top of other people. Both in the figurative business sense and the literal whore reality. He was a power hungry individual who had devoted his entire life to fashion merchandising and design before starting his own company that Roy was currently employed at.

It was a great company, which knew some of the best brand names and most exclusive secrets in the modeling world. Of course, there was a few agencies that toppled even his own. And one particular agency was his goal in the near future. It was the same agency that Dante was employed at.

Oh, how he was itching to walk in the same hallway as she did, pose in the same advertisements, use the same backstage… It was so exciting in his head, his fantasy of being everything that she had succeeded in being phenomenal at. Of course, it would be different since he was male. But it was so much more than that.

It would be different because this was cold, conniving Roy Mustang who could handle any sort of situation thrown his way. He could cast away disappointment and bark at whim. Well, he wasn't exactly into that kinky shit but if the executive of 7 Sins Modeling wanted him to do that for a spot in one of their legendary fashion shoots… he'd fucking rollover for him.

He had never actually met the man but had heard great things. Apparently he was the owner and executive, an ex-photographer that meddled a little too far into the fashion world and never found his way out. There had been rumors that he was sleeping with Dante as she scaled the industry, though Roy cast that off as a bunch of bullshit. Wasn't the executive supposed to be like sixty? Even if that was normal these days, Roy couldn't see Dante sleeping with that man just for promotions.

Until then, he was stuck with that bastard Cornello.

Riza found a rare parking spot, feeding the meter a few quarters as Roy stepped out. The building was two blocks behind Tringham Park, which made it just enough in town to still be considered East Side but far enough away from the major hot spots so the paparazzi wouldn't be sticking their ugly mugs into anyone's business.

Roy was first to enter, giving the door a push after him so Riza could catch it as she followed up behind him. The lobby was huge, made up of countless windows; linoleum and an abrasion-free surface area that made the entire thing look like an OCD's wet dream.

Even though it was beginning to be late in the afternoon, all the blinds were open and the last traces of sun were still glittering into the room. People lined the waiting couches and tables and chairs anchored around one another, chatting about the latest day's worth of gossip. There were desks in front for anyone with questions and off to the entrance's right across the room were a line of four different elevators.

Roy immediately took off towards the elevators, giving a nod towards the security guard that stood in front of the area as Riza bid her hello close behind him. He pushed the UP button, grabbing the first available elevator and filing in as the last riders stepped out. Without thinking, he automatically pushed the 12 floor button, waiting in that awkward silence as it slowly took the couple to their desired floor.

The entire floor was unreal, a place someone had to see to believe. He had remodeled it so instead of many different intricate offices, there was a little space after one stepped out of whichever elevator they took up, before a single glass door stretched the length.

As the model and assistant stepped out, there was little place to go but forward. Inside of the glass door was a receptionist, who barely looked up from the magazine she was reading as the two walked past them. It was the same chick that always worked there so she had recognized the couple obviously and just let them pass. Behind the receptionist was a stretch of hallway where a few doors led on either side, mainly for the assistants Cornello had, before it ended at the man's himself office.

The hallway was empty and all the doors closed to the offices, including his boss'. With one swift knock and not waiting for an answer he pushed it open.

Instantly, Roy's ears were swept away by grunts and moans coming from the confines of the office.

Oh please no… He begged internally, hoping that hell hadn't frozen over and screwed him. He had forgotten to close his eyes in the shock and even though his boss was fully clothed in front of his computer screen did little to help him.

His jaw had slacked, mouth beginning to part but he lost his chance as a strong, feminine voice rang out behind him.

"Mr. Cornello!" Riza snapped, slamming the door that Roy had flung to the side in the haste and shock of catching his boss doing whatever he was doing.

Instantly, Cornello's balding head snapped up from behind the large desktop, eyes wide in surprise though he quickly dismissed as he saw who it was. Moans of 'Oh God and Please' still rang out from the sound monitor.

"Oh, it's you Roy my boy." Roy remembers the first time the man had called him that, believing he had been the cleverest man in the world because he could rhyme. "Sorry you had to stumble in on this. Didn't hear your knock, I guess."

He swiveled the mouse around, closing whatever porn website he had up on his computer, before standing up.

Roy did shield his eyes this time, though was definitely relieved when it was revealed that his boss was, in fact, still fully clothed. He shook his head out in disgust at the thought of his boss standing up with no pants on and gagged.

Riza seemed unfazed at his side, only the grimace forming on her face showing her discomfort and growing aggravation.

"Ever tried it, Roy?" Said man's head turned into his boss' direction at the sudden question, spying that the man had moved away from behind the desk and over towards the far wall where a built in countertop, complete with a sink, cupboards, and a mini-fridge. On the opposite wall were lined with shelves filled with books, magazines, cutouts and anything that pertained to him or anything within his agency.

Of course the fat bastard would head over to his personal kitchen, where a round table stood off to the side a bit.

"Tried what? Porn? Nah, I'll stick with the real thing, thank you." He shrugged off the comment, used to them but it never got normal dealing with the man.

"No, ChatRoulette. Great invention if I do say so myself. Hey, you want anything to drink?" Roy rolled his eyes at the change in conversation though was thankful for it. He was familiar with the website but it wasn't at the top of his list to discuss it with his boss. He could only imagine what his boss was doing… 'No-o fuck ew get that fucking metal picture out of my mind…' He mentally shook it from his thoughts, before narrowing his eyes at the man.

"No, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Abbie just got me this great new iced tea drink though I can't forget how much I know you love whiskey so I always make sure she gets some of that too when she restocks." He rambled on, pulling out and pouring himself something in a crystalline glass before grabbing the whiskey bottle and holding it up.

"Cornello, I've got places to be, so can we hurry this up?"

"Oh, yes, yes. You models are always so impatient when you should be relishing the day and starting to get wasted earlier than later." Roy caught the last few words, ringing out the question of, "What?"

He was only met with a carefully concealed "What?" face back from his boss, as the man turned and put whatever he had poured into his cup back into the fridge as he plopped over to his desk.

Roy sat down in the chair closest to the door as Riza settled in next to him. The entire room was white; the desk, computer, table, shelves and walls. The two plush chairs they sat in were no different. The color laid in everything dotting the wall and the black marble countertop on the other wall.

Cornello came over and sat back in his chair, taking a glance at whatever was on his computer background as his face broke into a drunken grin like a lovesick teenager got. Roy definitely did not want to see what he was looking at but opted to clear his throat.

All that was waiting for him was a night out on East Side which was what he needed. He needed to get his thoughts off of modeling, off of his stupid boss and off of Edw—

Scratch that. He needed to get his mind off of where Edward took him today and how he was surprised Cornello hadn't gotten wind of it already. Even if the man was a pervert, Roy still believed he was like the other population of East Side; meaning he looked down on West Side as well.

"So how was the shoot today?" Cornello asked, taking a drink.

Roy sighed, having momentarily displaced that event in his mind. "Cornello, you know I'm a ladies' man right?" The other man took one glance at him, eyes momentarily darting over to Riza who remained stony-faced before giving a sharp nod.

"Then why the hell did you book me with Vincent Noir in his gay studio in West Side? You know he fucking works with guys – on other guys!" He nearly shouted, waving his hands as he tried to prove his point. Cornello simply stared at him, before raising the glass to his lips and took a sip.

"Roy my boy, modeling is the industry of versatility. You tell me day in and day out you know that, so why the hell would you have a problem with posing with another man?" The man arched a brow, folding his arms over his chest.

Roy sputtered. "B-but that's not the point! The point is that I work with women, not with men. I'm not Roy Mustang, male model with other men. Nooo, I'm Roy Mustang the manwhore with a group of chicks. Chicks with boobs!"

"Are there any other kind?" His boss threw in with a sultry smile, to which Roy realized he might as kill himself now.

There was a pause before Cornello sighed, unfolding his arms and placing them on his desk. "Well I'm sorry you don't check your photographers before you go on scene—"

"Oh so this is my fault?"

"—But at least Noir hires the good looking models. He scheduled you with that Edward kid right? Real potential I see there, like you a few years ago."

"Well yeah but—Hey! You knew I was working with another guy? You know I don't do guys right?" So of course his boss would know, like seemingly Riza looked like she had known prior to the shoot as well.

"I know you aren't gay Roy, but modeling for a gay photographer won't make you homosexual. You modeled, got paid, represented the company and now can add that to your resume. Tell me where the hurt is." Cornello challenged, taking a sip of his drink.

Roy grumbled, folding his arms as he sat back in the chair with a sigh.

Cornello took this in triumph as he grinned, before continuing. "Well, I know how much you love working Roy my boy, so I signed you up for another job the day after tomorrow. It's… let's see here." His boss responded, shuffling papers around on his desk until he found the flyer he wanted.

"Armstrong and Co. Ah, perfect! Didn't you go to school with the boy of that family?"

Roy stared at him dryly, not even venturing to look at Riza. She knew what he felt for that family of buffoons. Olivier was crazier than the free clinic after a long drunken weekend and Alex… sure, they'd been friends once but that was before Roy was a model. And before he cared about what he looked like in front of other people. Now he would stick out like a sore thumb next to that man once he saw him and not in the way Roy liked to.

"Why the fuck do you do this to me?" He snapped out, cradling his head in his hand.

Cornello was taken back, though held his posture. "Whatever do you mean?"

"I mean that first I'm set up with Noir then the Armstrong's? If I didn't know any better, I'd say you have it out for me." Cornello just rolled his eyes at the comment.

"Roy, I like you. You know I do but it's the modeling world and I'm just trying to help you. If you want to stop taking jobs from me then I'm sure we can find some nice little business for you in West Side." Cornello smirked. "Your choice."

Fuck, he was cornered. Armstrong's or West Side? Well, he'd light himself on fire before he'd sink that low so the Armstrong's it was…

Cornello continued to grace the model with his toothy-grin, before picking up the paper to look at the details. Roy couldn't believe he was trapped. Was it worth it staying with the disgusting old man who cornered him into jobs like this? Sure, the payment was good and it gave him one more step to leaving and joining his goal business – oh he could see Dante waiting for him already.

Perhaps if he was optimistic he would look back at having such a caring boss a good thing, but Mustang was far from gazing at the bright side of things. No, he was directly opposite which is why he hated the propositions Cornello usually gave him.

It had been quiet in the office for a moment. Roy glanced over his shoulder to see that Riza had wandered over the bookshelf and was occupying her time frowning at the small printed magazines and book spines. He looked back to his boss, who was holding the paper mighty close to his face to read the fine print of the paper.

Hm. Seems porn destroys eyesight after awhile?

"So," Roy began, unfolding his arms to place them in his lap, "Alex models for the company, but last I heard Olivier bosses everyone around when they do their runway shows and they have photography apparently? Exactly what does this company specialize in?" He paused before remembering something. "And what about my gig? What am I going to be doing or is it 'classified'?" He mocked the last word to the older man, who scrunched his face in thought from leaning back in his chair and grabbing his glass to take a sip.

"The Armstrong's were originally a photography-oriented family though I'm sure you knew that. Well, the boy strayed away from that and began modeling at 7 Sins as you should also be aware of so his parents opened up studios and a business for modeling and training to corral their son back. It worked and before long all three of those yahoos got the daughter to come in and apply some tough love to new models as well as working back stage for the runway shows. The parents used to take pictures but now they just hire people to do it most of the time." Cornello stated, shifting in his seat.

Roy snorted when Cornello called the family 'yahoos'. Like the man had room to talk.

"I believe your favorite photographer Vincent Noir was hired there for the first year of his career as well." Mustang huffed at that bit of information. Figures.

"And as for your job, it'll be a photo shoot as far as I'm concerned. Last I heard some models from 7Sins were even invited. But if you're still so unsure about it…" Cornello laughed mercilessly at the sudden interest in Roy's expression.

"What? You wait all this time to share that piece of information you useless old—"

"Useless? Old?" Cornello fired back with a tinge in his eyes.

Roy reeled back, sputtering. "I mean helpful, amazing - - crone. So there's a chance –?

"That Dante is there?" Cornello shrugged. "I guess if she isn't already working."

His former frown immediately buckled into a great grin, staring at his boss. "Yes." He whispered, racking his brain. Perhaps this meeting wasn't such a bust after all. It was going from south to north, from west to east—

"And who knows," Cornello interrupted his thoughts, "Maybe you'll see that cute blond model there as well."

-Side—wait what?

"Huh?" Roy frowned once again, confused. Cute… blond… model? He didn't know anyone fitting that description unfortunately. Actually, that was untrue. There were plenty of women he could name that fit his description of 'cute' – well 'hot' and 'sexy' actually – but no models jumped to his mind.

Cornello was giving that creepy smile once again, like he knew something Roy really didn't want to know nor cared about. "You know, that new boy that you just worked with? Edward, right?"

Roy immediately frowned before barked in laughter at that accusation holding his stomach as he tried to stay in his seat. Riza had turned from her scrounging to only cast a glance at her invalid before turning back with a shake of her head. Cornello looked discouraged for a moment, before shrugging his shoulders and muttering, "Fine, more for me."

That stopped Roy instantly as that disgusted look appeared once more on his face. "Please keep that to yourself." He then straightened up finally, thoughts of his boss doing something to his newest partner racking his brain. Oh, he definitely needed to light his mind on fire… Or at least wash it away with some great, expensive alcohol…

"Anyway, Riza you got that? Photo shoot the day after tomorrow at—"

"21st and March. That's where their main studio is but you'll probably be around the block shooting in the south entrance of Tringham Park—"

"Okay, 21st and March. Riza?"

"Got it, sir." She responded as he looked over his shoulder to see her typing it into her planner. Roy nodded, before gazing back at his boss.

"Are we finished now? I have reservations in" He checked his watch, "twenty minutes at The Station."

Cornello looked at him once, before flicking his hands away to show that he was dismissed. "Yeah, go on, go on. I need to get back to my daily watching anyhow. I still get charged even when the website windows are closed, ya know?" He gave a wink as the two scurried out of the room and closed the door before the first moan from the computer speakers was heard.


The Station was one of Central's best, most expensive, and hardest to get into without connections. It was located around the block from Tringham Park, the north side, right outside the business district and about a five minute drive from his boss' studio.

The sun was gone by the time they reached the club entrance, after Riza pulled over and gave the car to valet. She was off duty the moment they stepped from Cornello's office but just because she made sure Roy didn't get killed during the day didn't disregard the fact they were still friends.

The night life in East Side was legendary and anyone who considered themselves worthwhile was bound to show from time to time. The Station was just one of many clubs that lined this particular street, along with a few choice bars, pubs and strip clubs.

This was the party district, the place where only those who could handle chaos flocked night after night whether or not they were being stalked by paparazzi. It was also the most known place where dirty little secrets would be let out in the open.

Anyone with pride and an ounce of dignity was generally seen high-tailing it out of this area. Roy, on the other hand, was quite fond of The Station, much less the area. One reason? The best strip club in the area was right across the street from The Station…

Three guesses where the lovely ladies that weren't working at the moment would go for entertainment?

Oh how he loved East Side.

Roy flashed his I.D. at the bouncer, Riza doing the same, as they were ushered in right in front of the poor ugly souls still standing in line. He briefly remembers the time he was that pitiful, to not use his connections and good looks to help him gain influence and get him into the club.

That was years ago, but it still made him shutter that there had been a time like that.

Inside, the club was starting to come to life. It was only roughly around nine PM and the full contents of what The Station could become had yet to be revealed, but it was a start. The Station was picture-esque, compared to a baseball diamond inside.

The entrance was one point, where two long halls broke off to the left and right. The bar was on the right side, on the next stretch after the end of the first hallway. Straight ahead, after descending down three steps, was a ring that held tables complete with stools. After those scattered seating arrangements was the dance floor, displayed in all its glory where most of the occupants were already sweating it up.

At the moment, the lights were neon blue and blindingly bright white, as the technician behind it all was making it flash and glow everywhere like a gigantic disco ball was above the dance floor.

It splattered all along the walls as well, lighting up the pictures of bands, people, and businesses displayed every few feet on the hard paneled wood. Roy never looked at the pictures in great detail, but he was sure that there had to be some model pictures of there, especially of one person in particular, and maybe even some photos taken from his own agency.

But Roy had never been bored enough to be reduced to staring at the walls for long periods of time. Besides, he rarely ventured to the other side of the club unless wasted out of his mind and in need of a bathroom.

The music was a new single from a wash up in Xing, and though Roy never listened to the hard core rap like this it still had potential if it was playing at The Station.

He looked down the steps and around the tables, looking for anyone that he knew until Riza tapped his shoulder. She had immediately turned right once they entered the club and went halfway down the hall to intercept a young woman with a tray of drinks. Riza shoved one of the glasses she took into Roy's hands as she pushed past him and down into the lower ring of tables and the dance floor.

Roy followed her until she found their normal table—it was occupied. But, on the bright side, it held some of the people Roy actually tolerated.

Riza sat down first, in the empty chair farthest away from the dance floor. They were in the corner that was right in front of the bar and diagonal away from the D.J. station. Roy didn't recognize that D.J. tonight but didn't keep it in his mind for long as he slid in by his best friend.

"Hey Roy, glad you could make it." Maes said, slapping Roy on the back in greeting as his cheeks turned into a smile. As Mustang followed modeling in his lifetime, he friend had chosen a similar, though different, route.

He used to be a photographer, though after marrying and having a daughter, his best friend had seemingly dropped off the world-wide scale and only worked in the area. He was also the one that helped Roy get hooked up with the fashion industry and later the agency he was booked at.

But nowadays it seemed that all Hughes photographed were close friends and old clientele. Oh, and his young daughter.

"Yeah, didn't think I could show my face around here anytime soon, but the meeting with Cornello spurred me to drink my sorrows away." He cheered his glass before throwing it back before reaching out to grab the arm of the waitress walking by.

"Another, please?" He rubbed his thumb on her skin, purring out the request as the young woman smirked back at him and turned heel, breaking contact and walking back towards the bar. But not before got a pretty good picture of her behind.

Oh, already one down on his list.

"Why wouldn't you be able to show your face around here? Piss off some reporters already?" Maes crocked a brow as he sipped at his own drink. Now that Maes didn't work fulltime as a photographer he brought home the bacon working at the town's newspaper. So if Hughes didn't know about his deal in West Side today, then no one knew… Roy concluded. He was safe, he was home fre—

"He was spotted in West Side today… Around Blockade, right?" Roy scowled across the table, where the smoking man to Riza's right was sitting, sporting a toothy grin to the older man. "No use in denying it Mustang. Your face is enough to tell me its true info."

Roy barely registered the woman coming back with his drink, sliding it on the table as he automatically reached into his wallet and tipped her. He was almost too pissed to feel the extra second that the girl left her hand on his shoulder or was close to missing the flirtatious glance she threw him as she walked away.

He smiled back, definitely liking his early night options so far. But before he could give chase, he had to pick how this assistant knew his business when Havoc clearly didn't operate anywhere near West Side.

He met Havoc through Riza, as they both grew up reasonably close to one another, about six or so years ago. Like Hawkeye, Jean worked as a personal assistant who was great at his job for one reason and one reason only: he was the best at sticking his nose in places it didn't belong.

So it made reasonable sense he would know about Roy's escapades if he were in East Side but on the other side of the city? And so soon? He had a source.

Said man was busy finishing whatever he had been nursing for the past few moments, holding his cigarette in one hand before shoving it back in his mouth once he had gulped it down.

"Blockade? You mean that worthless excuse for a copy of our own club?" The man to Riza's left and Roy's right spoke up, arching a manicured brow. Roy felt Maes roll his eyes beside him, taking a drink.

"Yeah, that's the one. He was seen entering with another man but exited alone roughly an hour and a half later." Havoc reported. "But no one knows who the kid was. Roy, on the other hand, sticks out like a sore thumb, right?"

The other man sandwiched between Riza and Roy curled his lip back in displeasure, shaking his head. "What the fuck were you doing down there, Mustang? Last time I checked I thought you were… upscale." In the pause Archer took his time to flash his eyes, looking at Roy up and down.

Frank Archer was utterly and unimportantly not connected to any of them in any way. All Archer had was tons of money and socialism in his blood. Next to the Tringham's, the Archer's were one of the most powerful and wealthiest families around. But no amount of wealth made him appealing to the other four at the table.

He had first attached himself to Roy at a runway after party last year and had invited himself along ever since.

"I was booked down there and went out to lunch afterwards with my co-worker. End of story, Archer." Roy snarled back, taking a massive drink of his new cup.

Archer narrowed his eyes, 'hmmphing' towards Mustang as he grabbed his own cup and stood up. "Well, if you excuse me I'd rather spend my time with the promising successors of East Side. Until then." He knocked his glass in the table's direction and took off, soon to be lost in the swell of The Station.

A chorus of 'thank god's' rang out from the table as Maes and Roy stretched out, immediately occupying the space incase Archer wandered back. Riza loosened up her shoulders as Havoc looked like he was about to say something again.

"So it's true then? Ha-ah, see Hughes, of course your source was right!" Havoc chucked, reaching out to take a swig of his drink before he realized there was none left. He made eyes over to Riza who dryly gazed back and held tightly to her drink. The man whined, calling over a waitress and ordering another.

But Roy stopped, slowly turning to face his best friend who was in turn glaring at Havoc, who was, of course, oblivious. "How the hell did you find out?"

"I'm a reporter Roy, you know that!"

"Yeah but then you tell Havoc?" He huffed.

Hughes shook his glass around in a circular motion, mixing the contents and clinking the ice. "Well before Archer and you two got here it was just us and it means of making conversation…" He looked up suddenly with a cheeky grin.

"And it's not like anyone else knows, Roy. So what you were seen in West Side! At least it shows you sticking it to the press by coming out tonight." He clapped his friend on the back as he in turn just stared back.

"No one else knows?" He questioned, making sure.

Hughes looked modest at first, scratching the back of his head. "Anyone besides who saw you with their own eyes and those at this table? No. So don't let it get to you. Go get drunk, forget about it."

Roy looked across the table for help from Riza, who had tuned out her boss and friend and was currently discussing recent events with Havoc. He frowned, crossing his arms before glancing out to his right and on the dance floor.

"The news must really be getting to you if you're hesitating about going out and finding some girls." His friend's voice broke through his bubble as he went back to look at him. His glasses had picked up some of the stray light beams, making it impossible for Roy to look him in the eyes from the glint. Roy just shrugged at the comment.

"Alright, then tell me who the man was. Anyone I know?"

Mustang shook his head. "No one important."

It surprised him when Hughes barked with sudden laughter, throwing his head back and making Roy glance at him in total bewilderment. "What?"

"What?" Maes repeated, staring at his friend as if he had grown a third head. "You think letting someone bring you out even though you make such a fuss about being in West Side regardless is 'not important'? You'd kill me if I made you go party in one of the clubs there, Roy!"

Roy didn't say anything, just looked ahead. "There's nothing to say. It's just a new model that I worked with. I didn't think he was going to take me to Blockade, but I couldn't exactly say no, right?" He heard his friend sigh at his side.

"Wrong. You always fucking say no to people. That's you, Roy Mustang: deny, deny, deny. So don't give me any of that 'I couldn't say no' shit." Roy glanced back at Hughes who was staring at him, shaking his head.

He paused for a moment. "So who did you work with today?"

"Vincent Noir." Mustang bit out, as if acid was on his tongue. Maes couldn't help but smile.

"Oh so I see where this is going. Well even if people know that you were seen in West Side, barely any of them will know you worked with Noir. So if you're worried about being connected to Noir in the wrong way, or to that other guy in the similar light then I'd drop it." Maes stopped, looking thoughtful. "But the mystery still remains who the model is and why you went out with him."

Roy was just going to ignore, ignore, ignore his friend, but it seemed like it was perfect timing for his assistant to pop back from her conversation with Havoc and into theirs.

"Oh, are you talking about Edward?" Riza asked, to which Maes gaped. Apparently his friend had heard of the model.

"That's who you were paired up with?"

"Yeah, you heard of him?"

Maes nodded. "Bits and pieces here and there, but word shows that he's the next 'big thing'. By working with him, you either jump started his or he's going to help save yours down the line. But I guess it all makes sense now."

Maes flashed a smile at Roy's confused expression. "What makes sense?"

"Oh nothing, nothing, Roy. Why don't you go and have fun now? It looks like that waitress is off duty now." Maes made a hand gesture towards the floor, which had started to fill up as they spoke. And the woman from earlier was indeed there.

Roy cast one look around the table, as Riza had once again began ignoring him and spoke on to Havoc who had barely stopped moving his mouth in the last five minutes. With one last glace at his friend, who was grinning at him, he picked up and downed his drink, scooted his chair back and got up.

Sure, he loved talking to his friend but sometimes Maes reporter side took the secrecy and guessing games a bit too far. He had come to escape thoughts of today and thoughts of his once-then partner but it seemed like it always came back to Edward.

Hughes said it made sense to him, why Roy had accepted the invitation to go and eat with the blond model even after working with that fruit of a photographer. Well it was nothing more than a puzzle to Roy. It had just been lunch, one that he had high-tailed from when his mind crept back to him. Plus, it wasn't like Mustang was going to be working with him anytime soon.

To Roy, it seemed like Edward was much more inclined to work with people like Noir. Not just the photographers in West Side but the ones who took pictures of men. With other men. Yeah, from their first experience Roy had no other inkling then believing his partner swung that way. And Roy clearly did not.

Clearly did not as he made his way from the outer ring of tables and onto the dance floor, intercepting the off-duty waitress and immediately grabbing for her hips and sliding his hands lower and lower as the mosh around him moved and humped to the rhythm…

Oh, this was perfect. He was back in his field of experience… His field of women. Roy hummed happily as all events of the day washed away from his mind, trailing his lips over the body he was plastered against. Soon the song was over, as a petite body led him to the bar and a pair of thin hands traced every part of his body as he ordered them shots by the second.

He couldn't recall seeing his friends or their table for the rest of the night; didn't remember the events that unfolded with his latest screw. His senses were soon lost in an alcoholic buzz, gratified when they left the club with promise of the nameless woman beside him that her apartment was close.

There was still a huge line outside behind the red velvet line, the bouncer waving no one through as Roy and his mystery woman stumbled out. Mustang literally almost fell, but someone caught him as the woman pulled him up on the other side.

A flash of yellow on his left side alerted another person besides the woman had lifted him up, to which he gave a drunken 'thanks' as he was pulled away by his hookup. He didn't catch the face of the other person, but the thought was soon forgotten as he caught up to the waitress.

His thoughts soon left him as they got back to her place, taking a new level to what Maes had wished him when he told him to 'have fun'.

Well, there you go; a new chapter.

I worked on this in parts so if some things don't match, don't hesitate to alert/correct me.

Review? I'd love one.

Thanks for all the support so far!

Please PM with any questions (:

xo Mazzie