[A/N: Greetings. I know this hasn't been updated in a while, and that's because I've been focusing on my other fics: Truth, Love, and Evolution (which is basically a series of one shots/drabbles throughout Kurt and Blaine's relationship - I'm liking it quite a lot) and the sequel to Scribbles, Spies, and Little White Lies (which is so not what you think it is going to be. Sorry, psychopiratess!). If you are so inclined, you should check them out. I also have some one-shots in the works.

This chapter was prompted by AllIWantForChristmasIsKlaine back in a review of chapter 1, and I'd been trying to write it since then. It had stayed static at four lines until last night, when it all suddenly happened. So this is a belated gift for you, AllIWant...and for I_Spiked_The_Ice_Cream, who I'm not actually sure is following this fic, but I'd heard from a little birdie that she wanted me to update something soon. So I hope she is, and this will do for now. :)

As ever, tell me what you are thinking. Hope you enjoy...]

Wes Gardener wishes that Kurt Hummel's eyes weren't quite so dreamy.

(David Ruskin and Kurt Hummel like this.)

Kurt Hummel: Why, Wes, I never knew you cared.

Kurt Hummel: Well, I say that.

Kurt Hummel: I always slightly suspected.

Kurt Hummel: And when I say slightly I mean that Blaine and I had a bet.

Wes Gardener would like to qualify. He wishes Blaine Hamilton would stop talking about how dreamy Kurt Hummel's eyes are.

(David Ruskin like this.)

David Ruskin: Now this I can get behind.

Blaine Hamilton: Shut up, both of you.

Kurt Hummel: I apologize profusely for my adorableness.

(Wes Gardener and David Ruskin like this.)

Wes Gardener: You'd damn well better.

Wes Gardener: You try living with Teenage Dream on a constant loop in your dorm room.

Blaine Hamilton: You like it.

David Ruskin: Can our floor take a vote on that?

(Wes Gardener and 24 others like this.)

Blaine Hamilton: Fine. I'll change it.

Wes Gardener: Going to our version of it does not count.

Blaine Hamilton: I hate you all (except you, Kurt).

(Kurt Hummel likes this.)

Blaine Hamilton has switched the song. Happy now, Wes Gardener?

Wes Gardener: Avril Lavigne is NOT an improvement.

Kurt Hummel: Blaine, you didn't!

(Wes Gardener and 4 others like this.)

David Ruskin: He so did.

Blaine Hamilton: She is a genius.

Kurt Hummel: Oh, sweet mother of Gaga. Who the hell am I dating?

Blaine Hamilton likes Avril Lavigne.

Kurt Hummel: You have GOT to be kidding me.

(Wes Gardener likes this.)

Wes Gardener: If only he were.

Kurt Hummel and Blaine Hamilton are now in a complicated relationship.

Finn Hudson: ?

Mercedes Jones: Do I need to cut a bitch?

Blaine Hamilton to Kurt Hummel: I feel like this might be a slight overreaction on your part...

Kurt Hummel to Blaine Hamilton: You listen to Avril Lavigne. There is no such thing as an overreaction to that kind of revelation. I feel like I don't know who you are anymore.

(Mercedes Jones, Wes Gardener and 3 others like this.)

Blaine Hamilton: :(

Wes Gardener: I knew I liked you, Hummel.

(David Ruskin and Kurt Hummel like this).

Blaine Hamilton to Kurt Hummel: Does this mean you aren't coming over on Saturday anymore?

Kurt Hummel: Of course I am. You clearly need help.

Kurt Hummel: What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't help you see the error of your ways?

Kurt Hummel: Besides, I'm worried and appalled, not dead.

Kurt Hummel: Misguided or not, you are still pretty damn easy on the eyes. ;)

Blaine Hamilton: And here I was thinking you loved me for my sparkling wit and personality...

Kurt Hummel: Meh... personality and hair are almost the same thing, right? Tomato, To-MAH-to...

(Jesse St. James and 3 others like this.)

Blaine Hamilton: Please, let's NOT call the whole thing off?

Wes Gardener: If he didn't spend so much time on his hair then he might actually be offended.

(David Ruskin and Kurt Hummel like this.)

Wes Gardener is sitting in history class with Blaine Hamilton, arguing about the merits of pop punk. Someone help?

Blaine Hamilton: There is no help for you. You clearly have no soul.

David Ruskin: Hey, guys, did you happen to catch when she just said about when the papers are due?

Wes Gardener: Of course not. Don't be idiotic. Who listens in history class?

(Blaine Hamilton and Tina Cohen-Chang like this.)

Brittany Dolphin Pierce: I hate history class. They only ever tell you about stuff after it's already happened.

(Blaine Hamilton likes this.)

Blaine Hamilton: I miss you when you aren't around, Brittany.

Wes Gardener is studying with Blaine Hamilton for their Lit exam tomorrow, and thinks that if his dear friend does not stop playing Sk8er Boi and You Found Me on repeat then he may soon find himself horribly disfigured.

Blaine Hamilton: It's my turn to pick the music.

Blaine Hamilton: Suck it up.

Wes Gardener: What the Hell has to be the worst song ever written.

(Kurt Hummel likes this.)

Blaine Hamilton: Is not.

Wes Gardener: Is too.

Blaine Hamilton: Is not.

Wes Gardener: Is too.

Blaine Hamilton: Is not.

Wes Gardener: Is too times infinity!

Quinn Fabray: Gentlemen, would it not be possible for you two to have this conversation OUT LOUD and thus spare us all your witty banter?

(Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones and 26 other friends like this.)

David Ruskin: Why wasn't I invited? :(

Wes Gardener: You're hanging out with the girlfriend!

Wes Gardener is declaring himself TEAM HUMMEL in the Great Music War (who'll make the T-shirts?).

(Kurt Hummel, David Ruskin and 5 others like this.)

Blaine Hamilton: Dude, I'm sitting four feet from you.

Wes Gardener: Sorry, friend. Some things go beyond loyalty.

(Kurt Hummel likes this.)

Blaine Hamilton: It's on.

David Ruskin is also TEAM HUMMEL. Sorry, Blaine Hamilton.

Mercedes Jones is going TEAM HAMILTON on this one. Sorry, boo. Sk8er Boi was my jam.

Kurt Hummel: MERCEDES? Blaine, how could you?

Blaine Hamilton: You took Wes and David. It is my responsibility as the older, wiser half of this relationship to systematically convert everyone you hold dear.

Blaine Hamilton: Also, I miss you.

Kurt Hummel: Do not start with me.

Kurt Hummel: I know where you SLEEP.

Blaine Hamilton: Yep. I know. Why? Wanna snuggle?

Kurt Hummel: Damn you.

Finn Hudson is declaring himself TEAM HUMMEL. Family loyalty and all. (But he did like Complicated. Sorry Kurt Hummel.)

Kurt Hummel: Sweet, but we need no traitors here. You can have him, Hamilton.

Blaine Hamilton: Follow me, Finn. We have pop punk and cookies.

Mercedes Jones: We have cookies?

Blaine Hamilton: Shhh! They are a secret!

Kurt Hummel: *rolls eyes*

Finn Hudson: K then. Guess I'm now TEAM HAMILTON.

Wes Gardener to Kurt Hummel: Don't worry. We've got Rich, Ian, Michael, and Daniel.

David Ruskin: Sorry, Blaine, Dalton has spoken.

(Kurt Hummel likes this.)

Blaine Hamilton: I'm not done yet.

Santana Lopez was going to go TEAM HUMMEL, but Blaine Hamilton left her a voicemail serenading her with Things I'll Never Say, and she's starting to see the appeal... TEAM HAMILTON.

Kurt Hummel: Cheat!

Blaine Hamilton: I like you, Lopez.

Tina Cohen-Chang is TEAM HAMILTON. Thanks for the call, Blaine Hamilton.

(Blaine Hamilton likes this.)

Blaine Hamilton: My pleasure.

Mike Chang: If I hadn't gotten one too, I'd be jealous. TEAM HAMILTON.

Rachel Berry believes all music is a form of expression, and must be treated as sacred. Having said that she is TEAM HAMILTON, becauseBlaine Hamilton's rendition of Tomorrow was divine.

(Blaine Hamilton likes this.)

Quinn Fabray to Blaine Hamilton: I have turned my phone off. I will not be seduced by that voice of yours.

(Sam Evans and Kurt Hummel like this.)

Quinn Fabray: You either, Kurt. I am not getting involved.

Blaine Hamilton: I had an arrangement of Nobody's Fool all picked out. :(

Quinn Fabray: Off with you!

Kurt Hummel to Blaine Hamilton: Did I mention that I actually hate you?

Blaine Hamilton to Kurt Hummel: Did I mention that your friends have excellent taste in music?

Blaine Hamilton to Kurt Hummel: You called my MOTHER? I am actually impressed. She says to tell you you're coming to dinner again next week. She also wants a TEAM HUMMEL T-shirt, but I told her she'd have to kill me first.

Brittany Dolphin Pierce doesn't understand why everyone is mad at each other. Why can't we all just get along and hug?

(Quinn Fabray, Sam Evans and 3 others like this.)

Artie Abrams: Pick up your phone, love.

Brittany Dolphin Pierce: I can't find it. I tried calling it but I can't hear because of this annoying ringing coming from under my bed.

Blaine Hamilton: Why don't you look under your bed for it, sweetheart?

Brittany Dolphin Pierce: :) Hey! You're smart!

Brittany Dolphin Pierce: I guess I'm TEAM HAMILTON?

Blaine Hamilton: It's okay, Britt. You can have a cookie and a hug either way.

Blaine Hamilton: You be TEAM PIERCE.

Brittany Dolphin Pierce: Okay! :D

Quinn Fabray: TEAM PIERCE.

Artie Abrams: TEAM PIERCE, always ;)

(Brittany Dolphin Pierce likes this.)


Santana Lopez: Switching. TEAM PIERCE.

Finn Hudson: Me too. TEAM PIERCE.

David Ruskin: TEAM PIERCE.

Wes Gardener: What the hell... TEAM PIERCE!

Brittany Dolphin Pierce: :) :) :D

Kurt Hummel to Blaine Hamilton: I hate it when I remember how perfect you are. It makes it so much harder to wish you ill.

Blaine Hamilton: I love you too. Pick up your phone. Seeing you later?

Blaine Hamilton would like to make an announcement: Negotiations will be being held between Teams HUMMEL (Boo!) and HAMILTON(Rock on!) today at Dalton. Please stay tuned, we will have updates as soon as they are available.

(Mercedes Jones and 6 others like this.)

Santana Lopez: I hope negotiations is code.

Santana Lopez: And when I say code...

Mercedes Jones: We get it.

Blaine Hamilton: ;) I am a VERY good negotiator.

(Kurt Hummel likes this.)

Kurt Hummel would like to make an announcement: Negotiations will be being held between Teams HUMMEL(Yay!) and HAMILTON (Boo!) today at Dalton. Please stay tuned, we will have updates as soon as they are available.

Blaine Hamilton: Did you just copy paste my status and switch around the comments?

Kurt Hummel: Possibly. Sue me.

Blaine Hamilton: Maybe later. I have other plans. :)

Blaine Hamilton: Also – less facebook, more getting in your car and driving.

Wes Gardener has been kicked out of his room for the rest of the evening. It seems the spirit of compromise really isn't a thing of the past. Quite touching, really (Get it? Get it? Touching?...)

(Kurt Hummel, Blaine Hamilton, and 14 others like this).

Wes Gardener: Oh, come on. If you guys are FACEBOOKING in there then I don't see why I can't be in my own room.

Blaine Hamilton: Go away. Go burn something down with David. Busy.

(Kurt Hummel likes this.)

Wes Gardener: You so owe me.

Blaine Hamilton: Oh, I'm sorry, who was the one who spent an ENTIRE WEEK living in David's room when Melena decided she liked you again after all?

David Ruskin: Burn!

(Blaine Hamilton likes this.)

David Ruskin: I mean that in relation to Blaine's ownage of Wes, not his earlier suggestion.

David Ruskin: *shifty eyes* *hides matches*

Blaine Hamilton: ALSO, who picked your idiotic ass up from the middle of nowhere, Ohio, that time when you two had a fight on the way to your house and Melena left you at that diner? Huh?

Santana Lopez: I am beginning to feel like Dalton is a far more interesting place than I had been led to believe.

(Tina Cohen-Chang, Sam Evans and 7 others like this)

Blaine Hamilton would like to announce the cessation of hostilities between TEAM HAMILTON and TEAM HUMMEL. The conditions of peace are as follows: TEAM HAMILTON shall acknowledge publicly the decline in quality of Ms. Lavigne's work (even though it totally hasn't declined) and TEAM HUMMEL shall concede that Let Go was a work of great genius.

Kurt Hummel: LIES.

Kurt Hummel would like to announce the cessation of hostilities between TEAM HUMMEL and TEAM HAMILTON. The conditions of peace are as follows: TEAM HAMILTON shall acknowledge publicly the decline in quality of Ms. Lavigne's work (which has TOTALLY declined) and TEAM HUMMEL shall concede that Let Go was not really that bad in comparison.

Blaine Hamilton: I'M a liar?

Kurt Hummel: We need an impartial arbitrator.

Brittany Dolphin Pierce just got a call from Blaine Hamilton and Kurt Hummel (her favorite dolphins!), who told her she was in charge. She declares everyone TEAM PIERCE should hug everyone else until they all forget what they are fighting about. So there.

(Kurt Hummel, Blaine Hamilton and 27 others like this.)

Blaine Hamilton: We love you, Britt.

(Kurt Hummel, Artie Abrams and 18 others like this.)

Brittany Dolphin Pierce: Love you, dolphins! Also, my phone is still making the same noises as the monster under my bed...

Artie Abrams: Don't worry, Brit. They're just friends. They were talking about how much they like you.

Brittany Dolphin Pierce: Oh, okay! :)

Kurt Hummel and Blaine Hamilton are in a relationship.

(Blaine Hamilton and 25 friends like this.)

Wes Gardener: And peace did fall upon the kingdom once more...

Blaine Hamilton is going to hang out with his boyfriend now... without the phone.

(Kurt Hummel likes this.)

Blaine Hamilton: And no, Lopez, that isn't code.

Kurt Hummel: Well... much. ;)

(Blaine Hamilton, Santana Lopez and 16 others like this.)