![]() Author has written 48 stories for Law and Order: SVU, X-Men: The Movie, House, M.D., NCIS, Sanctuary, Doctor Who, Leverage, Stargate: SG-1, Once Upon a Time, Avengers, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. (I used to be: margret2u) I need to reupdate this.. Last updated was 9/25/12 -- So much has changed since! Ciao! Come in! Have a seat! Would you like some tea? *hands you a cup of tea* Cookie? Wow, it's been... I last updated this thing back on... 8/5/09! Wow! It's been a year and...three months? Well, within that time, a lot has changed... A LOT! So, I believe that it is time that I updated this thing. My name is Stacy. I am a high school student! I love to laugh! I love making people laugh! I will always, always have a smile on my face, no matter what. My guitar professor says I'm the happiest kid around. Whether or not that is true, it's for you to judge! lol! I guess my motto is: "The world we live in sucks as it is, why be so grouchy about it? It won't make the situation any better! Just SMILE." I play the guitar. I am fluent in three languages. Writing is my life and Music is my oxygen. I have a disorder called Epilepsy, which causes me to have many seizures. If you have any questions or myths about it, or just want to know more, PM me, I don't bite. Not too hard anyway. :) I am the kind of person where I like everyone I meet until they give me a reason not to like them. I am generally very nice, I hate fighting and arguing, a lot. I listen to all kinds of music! Except Rap and any other kind of music that has double or sexual meanings or that degrade women. I'm suffering from severe JDDS (otherwise known as Judgement Day Denial Syndrome) JDDS is an epidemic among Jenny Shepard fans. Those of you in denial about Jenny's death, copy and paste this to your profile. I currently am in denial about Jenny being dead since they never showed her actual body, it was only a reflection and it didn't really look like her, and they never did her autopsy. If you think like this then copy and paste this to your profile. How to Tell if You're a Writer -If you talk to yourself. Moving on!!! My favorite TV Shows!!!: #1: DOCTOR WHO!!!!!! Yes, yes, I've been turned into a DW freak, but I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! AND, I ship: 10/Donna, 11/River, Rory/Amy, errr... I think that's it! LOL #2: NCIS! - Who doesn't! Abby is the most adorable little human ALIVE! I believe that Jenny is NOT dead! She is not dead and I refuse to believe that she is! HUGE TIVA shipper!!!! I loooove Gibbs and McGee, they're amazing characters! I ship Gibbs with Jenny. IN A HEART BEAT! and then McGee with Abby because they're both such cute and sweet dorks! lol! -- And Ducky makes me giggle! #3: LEVERAGE!!!!! -- OMG! I am HOOKED on them!!!!!!!!!!!! Nate/Sophie and Hardison/Parker ALLLLLLLLLLL THE WAY!!!!! I wish I could find someone to pair Eliot with! :( My poor Hitter! *hugs the Hitter* (edited: 5/31/12 --) I've found someone for our hitter! I cannot believe it took me this long! -- TARA! DUH! The two are perfect for each other! Both so complex and headstrong and... GAHHH!!! Movies: Too many to write all on here! Things that are not really my cup of tea in a story: Slash/Femslash Stories with no constant plot Horrible grammar/spelling. I know my grammar isn't exactly the best, but at least try and make it readable! Cursing/Bloody-goreness.. -.- Things I LOVE in a good story: Drama Romance Angst Hurt/Comfort Good/Unexpected Endings Humor Good spelling and grammar If you know of any really good stories pertaining to any of the things that I love and any of the shows that I love. PM ME!!!! :) Stories: So, I usually don't do this, but I found a picture of a little girl and.. OMG! It was exactly what I had envisioned! Okay, now you're probably staring at me like I'm insane. This is mostly (for now) for my NCIS readers who are reading my story: My Girl. Anyway, I don't usually post up pics of what I envision things to be or who they look like for my stories, but I will make an exception this time and post stuff like crazy! LOL! I'm excited about this LOL! ANYWAY! Focusing! I found this picture of a little girl and she looked exactly like what I envisioned Ilana to look like for My Girl, so I'm going to use this picture! This is Ilana (E-yana) Rivka David: http:///img/little-girl-haircuts-for-curly-hair_1.jpg --She has her father's eyes and hair color, then everything else she received from her mother, Ziva. :) (what's funny and slightly creepy is that if you compare a picture of this little girl, Ziva and Tony, side-by-side, she looks like the perfect mix of those two! It's so weird! Even my friend says so and she knows nothing of NCIS! or maybe that's just us! lol!)m I have taken down three of my SVU stories: Under Surveillance, Where Life Leads Us, and Look at What Followed Me Home. Reasons why is because I wasn't going to finish them. I had no drive for it and I am very sorry for all of you who enjoyed the stories! Maybe, if I am convinced by one of my fellow readers I MIGHT rewrite the one you all choose. Just PM me. More than likely, I will no longer be writing for the fandom, my deepest apologies In my spare time: I text, but I do that ALL the time! I write, but again, I do that all the time. I listen to music...All the time... Hm.. okay, I'm beginning to see a pattern here. Ah, yes: I HAVE NO LIFE! And I have far too much "spare time" in my hands. Hence the (who knows how many at this point!) unfinished stories below...Oops... But I'm working on it, guys! I really am! Molto Gratiz! For checking out my profile! I hope you enjoyed your stay! *hands you your coat* Come back soon! I LOVE having visitors over! :) Take care now! Buh-bye! |