"I love you Olivia" he said to her quietly. He kissed her lightly on her lips, her nose, her cheeks. She giggled softly.

"I love you Elliot" was what she said to him. But just as he was about to kiss her again, she woke up.

"Damn" she thought. "It was a really good dream too". She rolled over and looked at the clock. It was 6:37. She decided it was late enough to get ready for work. Besides, she couldn't get back to sleep now anyway. The thought of seeing him made her anxious. It always did, but even more so after a dream like that. She dressed quickly; excited to get to the station house. While she got ready, she thought of the first time her and Elliot met:

(flashback) "Elliot Stabler?" Captain Cragen of the Manhattan SVU had just led Olivia into the squad room.

"Yeah Captain?" she heard someone call out.

"Could you come here please?" the Captain said. Then she saw him. He was beautiful - tall, muscular, gorgeous thick black hair, and the biggest baby blue eyes she had ever seen. But then she saw it. The gold wedding band on his left hand. She already felt her heart breaking, even though he hadn't said two words to her.

"Elliot, this is Olivia Benson. She's been assigned to be your new partner." the captain explained. Elliot looked at her with his big blue eyes that she already loved.

"Nice to meet you" he said extending his hand in greeting.

"Nice to meet you too" she said timidly. She took his extended hand. It was warmer and much bigger than her own. The second his skin touched hers it sent electricity through her whole body. It made her feel weak at the knees. She wondered if he felt it too.

But that was nine years ago. Nine years ago she was twenty-one. Her abusive, alcoholic mother was dead. The father she never knew - who had raped her mother - was dead too. (Not that she particularly wanted to meet him.) The half brother she'd found wanted nothing to do with her. All she wanted was a family; to love and be loved. In nine years, nothing had changed. Like the way electricity still surged through her body at his slightest touch. But still some things can never stay the same. About a year ago, Elliot and his wife got divorced. When he'd told her, mixed emotions washed over Olivia like rain. She felt shock, anger and hope.

She was shocked that Kathy could leave such a wonderful, handsome man like Elliot. Anger towards Kathy for making Elliot fell miserable. And hope. Now she had a chance to be with the man she loved more than anything else in the world.