Catholic Cathedral, Brooklyn, New York, One Year Later

Standing at the head front of the sanctuary and conscious of some of the guests (including Chief of Detectives Muldrew), Mike, clad in his dress uniform, stood duly solemn, his eyes on the entryway down up the aisle. Well, Max, here I am, getting married in the church you wanted me to attend with you and your family all those years ago---the same day I met Liv. And if you can't be by my side now, at least you got the best seat in the house.

"You OK there, Mr. Bridegroom?" Lennie whispered in his ear.

"Hm?" Mike became conscious of the tear moving out of the corner of his eye.

"Easy does it," the best man said softly, blotting the younger man's face with a handkerchief. "Providing water works is for the father of the bride---take it from me!"

Just then, the processional music began. Ah, the theme from "Masterpiece Theater"! thought Detective Elliot Stabler, sitting beside his wife Kathy on the right side of the sanctuary. I bet her grandmother is responsible for that.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Hamilton watched impassively as the ring bearer (Mike's ten-year-old nephew Brian) and the flower girl (Maddie) led the women attendants. She did feel some satisfaction. After all, her elder granddaughter had agreed to most of her ideas, including having the two bridesmaids (Monique Jeffries, yet another officer whom Olivia had befriended several years ago, and Alex Cabot) and the maid of honor (Cathy Briscoe) wear rosy pink and pale blue three quarter length gowns respectively. And of course, her youngest grandchild looked so sweet in her sunny yellow and white-laced dress, Meredith gave a small smile as she passed. But the suggestion of a veil had been rejected ("My hair's too short, and besides, I don't want to get bogged down with too many accessories, Grandma."). And ultimately, in front of so many distinguished guests, including District Attorney Adam Schiff, Olivia would be handed over to that policeman!

Oh, Douglas, it's history repeating itself. Ah, well, there's still hope for Madison…

After the ladies and lone young gentleman were in the appropriate positions in the front, "Here Comes the Bride" heralded Olivia's entrance. Everyone stood and watched as she and a beaming and misty-eyed Don walked up the aisle. While he carried himself well in his dress blues, she drew admiring gasps with her full-length, white and silver-laced gown. A modest V-neckline permitted an elegant display of the cameo necklace that had originally belonged to Meredith's grandmother. Its gold chain matched the gilded finish of the earrings borrowed from Great Aunt Hope (Iva: "Be sure to return them, Olivia---she has to lend them to her daughter next month!" Hope: "I-vaa!")

Of course, two items remained unseen. First, there was the blue garter, which she had modestly positioned just above her knee. And of course, rounding out the traditions, she had "a sixpence"---a bus token that Maddie had found on the school playground last year and since kept as a good luck charm---in her shoe.

As she moved down the aisle, Olivia maintained a gentle smile. Soon she would be with the man she had met as a teenager on that long-ago Easter Sunday at the Greeveys'. Oh, Uncle Max, I know you're happy up there, but what I wouldn't give to see you standing beside Mike! She momentarily blinked despite her anticipation and joy. At least Phil was able to serve as a groomsman.1

From her place in the pews, Lt. Anita Van Buren thought: So not only has the victim become the enforcer, but she's even finding marital happiness with one of my best men. I wish all my former cases could end like this.

Meanwhile, Kenny Briscoe reflected: All's well that ends well. Mike's a lucky man.

Standing beside Kathy, Elliot amusingly recalled his father's words when the elder Stablers had arrived to babysit the twins: "See, your garter and bouquet worked!"

Theo Hamilton recalled his own wedding with all of its joyous expectations and silently prayed that his niece would find the lasting relationship that was now missing from his own life.

Next to him, his son Andrew fingered the card hidden under his suit jacket: it was from his mother Nessie, who had sent it to him in care of his school.

When father and daughter arrived at the altar, the ceremony began. When the priest asked who was giving the bride away, Don tenderly kissed his daughter and whispered: "I love you, Baby." Then, more audibly, to Mike: "You know what to do."

"Yes, sir," Logan said, nodding. 'Nuff said!

After he had moved to sit beside her in the front pew, Marge lightly kissed her husband (while Meredith quietly snorted in response) and reflected silently. Once again, in rapid recollection, she saw a fearful, injured child; a grieving, black-clad girl; a mirthful preteen; a purpose-driven teenager; a courageous college student; a driven ADA; a dedicated police officer; and finally, a beautiful, poised young woman about to become a wife.

The Hyatt Regency at Penn's Landing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 12:30AM

Olivia awoke to find her husband still asleep against her heart. Tenderly, she kissed his head, rejoicing in their mutual affection and commitment. Then, she looked meditatively up at the suite's darken ceiling.

When I fell down those subway stairs years ago, it was as if my life up to that point was going down with it. But then I left the platform…to climb towards my new life…with my new family: two loving parents, grandparents, an uncle and aunt, and later young cousins and even a little sister! And one day, Mike and I will have a family of our own. As much as Mother, deep down, must have loved me and as much as I love her, in spite of her drinking, I know that things would have turned out differently if it weren't for Marmee and Daddy.

Mike woke up just then. He moved to kiss her cheek---and immediately felt the tear. "You OK?"

She reached for him. "I was just thinking about my life, and what a difference my parents made in my life."

"That's what good parents are for," her husband replied, embracing her. "Like I've always told you, be thankful you have them2."

"And now we have them3!" Her tone was joyous. "And best of all, we have each other!"

After a series of heartfelt kisses, they settled together for a restful and loving sleep. For this was only the first part of their journey. Tomorrow their rented car would take them to Baltimore, Maryland and its famous Inner Harbor.


Author's note: I'd like to thank all of you for reading and/or reviewing this story. It is my first fanfic, so your attention means a lot. I would like to give special thanks to El Chacal, Hope06, Metalchick36, Forensic Girl554, Irish Saints, Clue Impaired justpleasedelete1234321, PaceyW'sgirl, ghettobabe510,.Fanx8x, Neela149, Tommys My 21, That-Guard-Girl, and Crazylilrockstar06.

1 As in the TV series, Phil was shot and wounded several years ago and subsequently accepted a CO position in Forest Hills.

2 Mike Logan's father would repeatedly batter Mrs. Logan, who in turn would abuse her son. Despite their atrocious actions, Mike apparently loved both of his parents. (This is not unusual in child abuse.)

3 Logan's parents are deceased.