![]() Author has written 17 stories for Mighty Boosh, CSI, Transformers, and Transformers/Beast Wars. So... Been writing fanfic since 2000 (most of it is in The Vault on the main site, wavewrights (dot) com ), in a variety of fandoms (DBZ, Trigun, Yami no Matsuei, Drawn Together, Matrix (the Twins), LotR, Professionals, Chronicles of Riddick, Mighty Boosh, Garth Marenghi, Swamp Thing, CSI, Transformers...) - pretty much whatever takes my fancy at the time. Terribly fickle, me. I have a partner in insanity, long-term net friend and occasional co-writer, Lutra, who lives in Australia and who has an amazing ability to spark my stories just by Skyping something seemingly ordinary. [shakes head] Quite extraordinary. Highly irritating at times, especially when I've declared I have no intention of touching that particular fandom (usually because I'm enjoying reading other people's stories too much). My current epic - The Poppy Tales - is sort-of based on the Bayverse Transformers, although other continuities also impinge, and was inspired by Lutra's comment about her having a 'needy' washing machine... Actually, that's likely to give the wrong impression. The Poppy Tales deal with what could-have-might-have happened outside the main events of the Bay films, and what happened after the third. Except hopefully with considerably more continuity, logic and accuracy than the movies had. I should probably add that I am absolutely addicted to Transformers Prime and Transformers Animated, and lately the IDW continuity as well - MTMTE especially, although the Windblade arc is definitely a favourite! Other than that - well, I write for a living (when I can, not so easy in the current climate!) and webmaster as a sideline. I have a largeish garden and grow some of our own food, organically in the main. The family comprises me, mate and son, large affectionate rescue cat, and an adult Chilean Rose tarantula. (Don't ask.) If you're interested you can find out more over at the main site (link noted above) and my blog, Zone Doubt (alestrel (dot) blogspot (dot) co (dot) uk - NOT the Zone Doubt on Facebook. The Fb one is nothing to do with me.) |