Blind As A Bat

Grissom directed the torch upwards.

"We got bats."

Nick, trailing behind him, hunched his shoulders slightly, voice tight with reluctance.

"... good ..."

"Probably Californian leaf-nosed bats." Grissom commented, oblivious to the younger man's discomfort.

"... they don't bite, do they?"

"They're like bees, Nick. You don't bother them, they won't bother you."

"Well, hey, let's ... let's not bother them, okay? I'm serious."

"So, what? You're scared of bats?" Catherine looked sceptical as she and Nick walked into the DNA lab, and for once Greg (silently) agreed with her. Nick – rugged, studly action-man Nick – afraid of a tiny flying mammal?

"Oh hey, I just don't like the thought of them flyin' into my face. I mean, be a real shame to spoil all these good looks." Greg listened, bemused, as Nick, grinning, glossed over his fear of bats. Credit to the man, he didn't try to bluff his way out of it, managing to turn his embarrassment into something rather cute, a joke, even.

"They don't, Nicky, that's an old wive's tale. And they don't get tangled in your hair either. Not that yours would be long enough anyway." Catherine glanced at Greg for support, and the young man nodded.

"Macrotus californicus. Unusually big eyes for a bat, uses sight rather than echolocation to find its prey – which are insects, not humans, so you don't need to worry about them biting you. It's a gleaning bat, catches its prey on the ground or off foliage rather than in flight. Though it is a totally awesome flyer too. And they often have twins."

Nick and Catherine had both been staring at Greg as he spoke, jaws dropping, and Nick tilted his head.

"Is there anything you don't know, Einstein?"

Greg managed a grin. "I can't play guitar..."

"Oh, well, it's nice to know you have some failings. Other than your taste in music, shirts and hairstyles." Catherine smiled to take the sting from her words. "Have you got my results yet?"

"Sure do." Greg reached behind him and handed her a sheet of paper. "Blood was a match to your first victim."

Catherine frowned as she scanned the sheet. "Hm. That makes things tricky... Better check with Grissom." Still poring over the data she exited the lab briskly, a distracted "Thanks." tossed over her shoulder in Greg's direction.

"Got mine too?" Nick had moved to stand beside Greg, so close the lab technician could feel the heat of his body, smell him, woody and musky with a hint of dust and sweat. He swallowed hard and forced himself not to react.

"Another thirty seconds." He twisted to glance at the CSI. "Are you really scared of bats?"

Nick smiled shame-facedly. "Not scared, exactly. Just... prefer not to be near 'em."

"Why? You're – what, a hundred times their size? I mean, I can understand anyone not liking tarantulas, they can bite. But bats can't hurt you. Well, not unless they attack all together, and only rabid bats're likely to do that..."

"Gee thanks, Sanders. You tryin' to give me nightmares?"

Luckily a beep from behind them, indicating that Nick's data was ready, saved Greg having to try to work out an innocuous answer. As he retrieved the printed sheet Nick squeezed his shoulder then patted him firmly twice on the back, mumbling thanks as he headed for the door. Greg gazed after him wistfully.

You look at me – but you never see me...

[The quote at the top is from season 3, episode 16, Lucky Strike]