AN: I'm really sorry this has taken so long - it's been hard getting back to normal after the Yuletide season. Many thanks to everyone who had followed and favourited!


Part 30 - Saved

Phil couldn't stop shivering. And although he was trying not to show it, Graham knew he was not feeling at all well. Hell, neither of them were in the best of health, but the Wing Commander suspected this might be something more serious. Phil had been nauseous for three days now, and was becoming dehydrated.

Graham wasn't feeling that great himself.

Surely they should have been 'retrieved' by now...?

Walker opened the door, slamming it against the wall, rifle held casually in his hands, and leered at the two men.

"You're about to make yourselves useful. Get up."

"We're ill, you bastard."

Walker snorted. "Probably. Radiation's getting to you."

Phil forced his head up to stare blearily at the ex-NEST officer. "What...?"

"Radiation. S'why the mine was shut down. Too much radon." He smirked and raised the rifle. "Say byebye to daddyhood and get on your feet."


This is taking too long ... Bowers was pacing worriedly. The twins and Blue had searched all the easily accessible mines, including two that were too radioactive for humans to safely enter, but to no avail. Now they were left with the more difficult, and more dangerous, options.

She had suggested that perhaps their officers were in a smaller mine altogether, one where transformers wouldn't fit, but Prowl had firmly negated that line of thought.

"They will all be together. We must assume it is in one of the deeper mines - which will mean they run the risk of radiation poisoning."

"We have to find them!" Bowers could only imagine Poppy's reaction if either man was seriously hurt. Prowl froze for a moment, then pulled up a large scale map of an area a couple of miles to the north.

"I believe they are here." One slender, claw-tipped metal digit tapped lightly against something that looked like the entrance to the deepest mine yet. Bowers eyed it doubtfully.

"You think so?"

In answer he flashed up a satellite image of the area - which showed a small human figure entering a structure in the hillside.

"It has just been commed to me. It was taken last night. I believe that is Walker."

Bower was checking the specs for the mine, feeling suddenly cold. It had been abandoned as dangerously radioactive fifty years ago: strictly speaking it should have been filled in to render it safe, but, as usual, other priorities took... priority.

It depended how close they'd been kept to the radioactive source, of course, but even at the surface... Phil and Graham had been missing for six days - by now they could both be really ill. Or dying.

"We have to move right away."

"We will." Prowl hesitated for a moment. "Will you contact your people? We'll need a medic with skills in treating radiation sickness on hand."

"Right away..." Bowers grabbed for her radio as Prowl commed his colleagues. Within ten minutes they were ready to move.


Smith knocked perfunctorily on the door and entered without waiting for an invitation. Black frowned up at him.

"What do you th..."

"They've gone."

"Who's gone?"

"The nut and the robots."


Smith shrugged helplessly. "Must've gone during the night. They've taken the two soldiers with them."

"... damn..." Black rubbed between his eyes, thinking for a moment. There went their winning hand...

"Call a meeting. All department heads. Ten minutes."

Smith dived back out of the door. Black hesitated for a moment, then lifted the 'special' phone, dialling James Zender's number from memory.


In an office in a nondescript block in London Zee scowled as his phone - the one on the secure line - buzzed. Dammit, this had better not be more bad news...

"Zender? Black. Our birds have flown the coop."

Zee took a very deep breath, then listened as Black explained the situation.

"So where are they?"

"Frankly, right now, we have no idea. The flying one could be anywhere - given his skills in comms, surveillance and subterfuge, for all we know he could be in orbit, hiding his presence from everyone and everything. The other two - they're cars . While the red one is flashy and not exactly subtle, they're not called transformers for nothing. Change of colour, change of mode, they'd both be unnoticeable. As for Walker - well, to be honest, he's more trouble than he's worth. Not happy about the officers though."

"No, neither am I, not after all the trouble it took to capture them. What steps are you taking to get them back?"

"That's why I'm calling. I've scheduled a meeting for ten minutes - can we rely on your cooperation if it's needed? In the interests of our mutual benefit, of course."

Zee smiled to himself. The THB had resources The Club simply couldn't command, while he had access to people in power who wouldn't dream of touching Black's group.

"Oh, certainly. We know Walker, of course. We can probably find him for you, knowing his habits and mental state quite well. I'll have some of my people fly up there within the hour."

"Thank you. And what may we do for you in return?"

"I would suggest we... join forces. Combine our knowledge and resources. The aliens are becoming more of a threat as more arrive: I don't think any of us can afford to remain isolated any more."

Black hesitated. "I'll need to discuss it..."

"Oh come on, Black." Zee interrupted. "You and I both know you're the driving force. They'll do what you tell 'em."

There's was a hint of a chuckle in Black's voice. "Of course. But it makes life easier if they believe they're being included." A brief pause. "We understand each other. And I believe it is a good idea. Will you relocate here?"

"We'll discuss it when I arrive."

"You're coming yourself?"

"I think under the circumstances it's fitting, don't you?"

"I'll make sure I have the Earl Grey ready..."


::What's the situation?:: Sideswipe could be almost silent when he wanted to be. Fortunately nothing surprised Prowl, who had felt the echoes of his field from half a mile away. The upgrades to his sensor wings were working extremely well.

::'Cons are three hundred feet down, we believe - the furthest their size will allow in these small tunnels. The fleshb... humans may be deeper: there are areas as far down as a thousand feet that are easily capable of being made into cells. However, the further down, the greater the exposure to damaging radiation. Damaging to organics:: he clarified before Sunstreaker could complain. ::We have to assume they know we're here and will take appropriate measures. It remains to be seen what those are. Our mission here is to rescue the humans - no-one forget that::

Leaving Bowers behind still talking into her mic, the four transformers armed themselves and made their way into the mine.

There was only one tunnel large enough to allow them access, which made the whole job easier. It wasn't long before Prowl was picking up the three 'Con signals a few hundred yards ahead. He gestured to Bluestreak, then to the twins, who moved to the front and readied their weapons. Moving as lightly as possible they entered into a large cave, dimly lit by a couple of overhead bulbs - not that the transformers needed the light to see - and were confronted by Barricade and Knock Out, holding Graham and Phil as shields. Gleaming, viciously-sharp claws were positioned at the humans' throats.

"One move and they're scrap."

Sideswipe and Sunstreaker held their positions, with Bluestreak some distance back, and Prowl lowered his weapon and strode into the main part of the cave.

"There are over seven billion humans on the planet. Why should we be concerned about the fate of these two?"

"Because they're NEST personnel, and one of them is the Consul's toy boy." Walker sauntered into view from behind Knock Out, rifle slung and nasty little smirk on his face. "And you're Autobots. You don't kill humans."

Prowl inclined his helm. "We have not officially allied with them. Yet."

"Doesn't matter." Walker's tone was off-hand. "You'd upset Optimus if you got them killed, and I know what you metal monstrosities think about your precious leader."

Prowl was about to reply, but Bluestreak walked past him, rifle subsumed back into his frame.

::Get back, Blue...::

But the young sniper didn't pause until he was a couple of yards from the group.


Knock Out frowned.

"Why? Why what?"

"Why are you doing this? What do you get out of it? Megatron is terminated. Your faction no longer exists. You are alone on a planet where the natives hate you. Why are you making things worse for yourselves?"

Knock Out's servo lowered a little - not far enough to ensure Phil's safety, but enough to show hesitation. Barricade's grip tightened as he snarled, "We're Decepticons. What else are we supposed to do?"

"Abandon your faction. Go neutral. Or join us."

Knock Out rolled his optics. "Oh, of course. I can just see your precious Prime allowing that!"

"There are already neutrals here, assimilating with the humans. There'd be a quarantine period, of course, but... Look at it this way. Would you rather be hunted, forced to hide, to steal what you need to survive, or live in the light." He smiled. "Come and join us. We have high-grade..."

Graham nearly choked. 'Come to the dark side - we have cookies' indeed... He gasped as Barricade's claws drew blood.

But Knock Out seemed to be listening. Bluestreak regarded him sombrely.

"It's a better life, you know. Plenty of energon, no need to hide, companionship, a place to call home... It's good. It's not Cybertron, but it's pretty much what we claimed to be fighting for. Equality, and an end to suffering."

To Prowl's and the twins' surprise, the medic lowered his servo, though he still kept one on Phil's shoulder.

"And we let them go and you shoot us?"

"No." Prowl lowered his own weapon. "We will not."

"But you'll require us to go with you."

The twins tensed, and Prowl knew he should answer in the affirmative, but Blue spoke up before he could reply.

"It would be wise if you did. Unfortunately the humans know you now, and they've proved themselves quite adept at both finding and destroying you. With us, in our 'custody', you'd be safe." He grinned. "Of course, if you like living in caves and being ordered around by a traitor to his own kind..." He paused for a moment as Walker shot him, the bullet ricocheting off his plating and nearly hitting Knock Out. Ignoring the human's cursing, he held out a servo. "And no more fighting. Unless you want to, of course. Ironhide's keeping up a defence force." He peered past the two cars, into the dimness of the cave, where Soundwave's frame could be seen stirring. "And we always need communications."

::It can't be that easy... can it?:: Knock Out privately commed Soundwave. The communications expert was silent for a long moment.

::Possibly. Although there are human organisations who would use our abilities against their own kind, we would make ourselves even more of a target by joining them. Logic dictates our best option may be to comply::

::Seriously? Millions of years of fighting and we're now joining the Autobots?::

::We should certainly consider it::

::Never!:: Barricade snarled through the comms. Knock Out's engine rumbled.

::Suicide really isn't on my 'to do' list. Let's ask for asylum and time to consider::

Soundwave agreed. and walked forwards silently to stand beside the Aston Martin, ignoring the apoplectically yelling Walker. Prowl eyed Barricade, who - very reluctantly - released Graham. As the two NEST officers stumbled forwards Walker began shooting, only to find the rifle shot out of his hands by a single well-placed projectile. He stared at Bluestreak in shock. The sniper tilted his head.

"I've had a little more practise than you..."


An hour later they were all outside the mine, Phil and Graham being hurried into the waiting ambulance and rushed off to the nearest hospital for basic care before being moved to a specialist unit. The three 'Cons, guarded by the twins and Bluestreak, were waiting for Skyfire to arrive to pick them up, it having been decided that would be the easiest way to get everyone to Diego Garcia.

Prowl and Bowers were both in contact with the Consulate, the former reporting in detail to the Prime via Ramp, the human telling Beverley what had happened. The PA was bemused.

"I can't believe it could be that easy."

The lieutenant shook her head. "Me neither. I anticipate problems. But for the moment it's all good."

"... how are Phil and Matthew?"

Bowers sighed. "They look bloody awful. But we won't know the damage 'til they've been assessed."

"I'll tell Poppy."

"You don't want to wait until we know more?"

"No. She needs to know he's safe. Well, out of their hands, anyway."

"You know her better than me. I'll leave that in your hands."

"Thanks. And Walker?"

Bowers snarled. "Would you believe the bastard got away again ? Slipped down one of the side tunnels while our lot was escorting everyone out."

"... he's got more lives than a cat."

"No doubt we'll pick him up again at some point. I've alerted NEST: they're sending a search team."

"Good. I'll feel happier when he's out of the picture."

Bowers managed a dry chuckle. "You and me both." She nodded as Prowl gestured to her. "Gotta go. I'll see you in a few hours."

Closing the connection she hurried to the Nemesis. He gazed down at her solemnly.

"Skyfire will be here in two hours. I plan to stay here until our new 'friends' are safely on board. If you wish to return to the Consulate before then, you will need to arrange transport."

She shook her head.

"That's OK, sir. I'll wait." She didn't dare admit she was fascinated by the new transformers and wanted to observe them for a little longer. Prowl nodded.

"Very well."

Bowers settled herself to wait.


"Oh thank the powers that be..." Poppy suddenly felt as though she was floating, and it had nothing to do with the moon's lighter gravity. On the other end of the connection Beverley's smile dimmed a little.

"They've both been affected by the radon, though. We don't know how bad the damage is yet, but they came out of the mine under their own power, and we both know how tough and determined they are."

Poppy nodded. "You'll let me know the moment you hear anything?"

"Of course." Beverley eyed her boss. "How are you?"

"Bored. It's all very well being in contact with everyone whenever I want, and everyone has been very good here, but it's not the same. I miss home. I miss the garden. I miss everyone."

"Any news on when they'll let you come back?"

"Apparently, once Optimus is satisfied the three 'Cons aren't a danger any more." She sighed. "That won't be 'til after xmas. But I might be home for New Year."

"We'll keep our fingers crossed."



James Zender faced Oliver Black over a bone-china cup of fragrant Earl Grey and smiled slowly.

"So, tell me what you learned while the robots were in your possession..."


© 16.01.13 JAT


This marks the end of New World. The story will continue in New World 2...