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![]() Author has written 7 stories for Powerpuff Girls. UPDATE: 8/4/16 - Um...HI. WOW, its been a VERY long time my friends! Can't imagine whats been going on since the last time I was here. If anyone still visits this profile, I'd be shocked, but I figured I'd let any of you who are interested know I'm published now! That's right - I published a short story on Kidnle/Amazon! If you'd like to download it, check it out here (it's only $3): https:///Tell-I-Ariana-Palmieri-ebook/dp/B01JQ7MJHE/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1470362858&sr=8-4&keywords=TellandItell#nav-subnav Also, feel free to check out my blog to see what I've been up to (I'm a really passionate green beauty blogger now everyone!): Thanks so much for stopping by. :) Love, Moonica Ah. So. You've come. Take a seat, pull up a chair, relax. It's time to talk about me. ;) Well, if you don't know me, my name's Moonica...or at least on fanfiction it is. If you want to know more about me or talk to me, don't be afraid to PM me on fanfiction. I assure you I'm nice. Do you want a cup of tea? I'm afraid I don't drink coffee - too strong a taste. How about some Twizzlers? Sorry if that didn't seem very proper...I just love 'em is all. Anyway, thank you for coming to my humble abode today. How may I be of service to you today young one? Old one? Whatever you are? =] Option 1: Talk about Moonica.
Well, if you must know, I can tell you a couple of things about me that may or may not fascinate you. Sit tight, my tea is brewing...I'll be with you in a moment. Holds up a finger as if to say 'wait', then darts off into the kitchen and pours a cup of tea for you and herself. Comes back in and sits down.* Well, you never answered my question, so I figured I'd answer it for you. Here you go. Hands you the tea.* The Twizzlers are in the back, just so you know. blows on tea, sips tea gingerly.* Ah, nothing like a good cup of tea, is there? Now...back to me. :) 1) The first thing to know? Well, besides my love of tea and Twizzlers that is, hehe... 2) Stretching out on the 'anti-social thing', I am rather insular in most of my affairs. I enjoy taking walks by myself and doing things independently. I suppose you could describe me as a loner, but I don't want you thinking I have no friends! I do, I do, I assure you. Not that you care or anything, but I tend to make friends rather slowly. You have to work for my trust. I am rather friendly and talkative when I wish to be, but I am usually at my happiest when I am isolated from others. My favorite hobbies to do alone are reading, writing, and observing nature. 3) The third thing you should know about me is that I have a very strange way of thinking. I swear I'm a mutant sometimes...not to brag of course. I love all things. I find the beauty in the darkness and the light. Can you accept that, like most people can't? What annoys other people rarely annoys me. I don't have a problem with anyone as long as they respect me...unlike most teenagers nowadays. Oh no, I don't mean you dear chap...just in general. Forgive my generalization. Not all teenagers are bad or like that. I merely say it to shorten the length of this conversation. Trust me, I could write the great American Novel on this topic, but choose not to. Either way, just know I'm what most consider 'weird'. Although to myself... Option 2: Talk about Moonica's Stories.
Hands you paper* Moonica's Stories. - Stolen Without A Trace: Blossom has a fight with Buttercup and runs off. She never intended to go to New Delhi, India, but she winds up going there to help her friend Sabri. Sabri tells her of the horrific happenings going on there, and that her family is in danger! But when she arrives, Blossom's in for the surprise of her 15 year old life! She meets Brick! Yet things pan out differently than she expects them to... It involves Him as well, and there's a fight scene unlike anything I've ever written before coming up! (Completed!) -The Monkey and The Angel: A super cute one shot that involves Mojo and a certain little girl. The little girl happens to be Boomer and Bubbles' child! It takes place in the future and the little girl helps Mojo realize that maybe the world isn't as bad as he thought it was when he was younger.. (Personally, it's quite funny too. One of my favorites to write!) -Angelica: Bubbles and Boomer have it all. The love, the life, and the perfect daughter. Actually, she IS perfect. But...how? Will Angelica be able to complete her mysterious 'mission' in Townsville before a certain demon puts an end to her? ind out in this romantic thriller! (In-Progress. Not too sure when an update will come.) -Becoming: Buttercup is an outcast. No one likes her, and everyone hates her. Butch feels left out after his brothers find something that motivates them to become good. Can the two greens figure out a way to find their niche like their siblings seemed to? And what's up with Buttercup...? (In-Progress. Not too sure when an update will come.) -Into The Bumblebee's Nest: Blossom is sick of her life; her step-mother is nasty and cold-hearted, her real mother died many years ago, and she is repressed beyond compare. Brick is a drug dealer who runs the show, but can't help not trusting a soul. So different, yet so similar, these two souls meet by chance one day. What will be the outcome when an unexpected twist of fate comes their way...? (In-Progress. Not too sure when an update will come.) Some stories I have deleted: -Dagger to my World (DELETED- Sorry! =[ ) -Disarray (DELETED- sorry! =[ ) -Haunted (DELETED- sorry! =[ ) -The Demon Within (DELETED- sorry! =[ ) -Forever Long (DELETED- sorry! =[ ) -Breaking Memories (DELETED- sorry! =[ ) -Dancing With The Devil (DELETED- sorry! =[ ) Ah, there we are. All finished reading it? Why do you look so glum? Perhaps you would like a Twizzler now. :) Gets up, goes into kitchen, gets a huge bag of Twizzlers and brings them out to you.* There you are my dear. :) Take as many as you want! As you can see I have an abundance. So tell me about yourself! I feel so awful, sitting here, bragging away to you. Sits down, crosses legs, eating a Twizzler.* But before you begin darling, I'd just adore it if you could do me one little favor? ;) Please? Ah haha...Oh, I kid, I kid. None the less...do you agree? Oh just wonderful darling! I'm so glad you said yes! Well, in that case... I would just like to ask one more thing before we actually discuss things as friends. I know, I know, bear with me... Would you be so kind as to go home after this and click on one of my stories? Please be kind enough to leave a review on one of them as well? I simply ADORE reviews. Or perhaps favorite it? :) I promise you there's no such thing as a bad story of mine, although I will warn you about my story Hidden. I wrote it when I was quite young, so do forgive the grammatical errors and the spelling! Between you and me? I leave it up here for personal reasons. It's sentimental to me. :) Foolish you say? Perhaps it is. But what can you expect of someone as eccentric as me? @ 10/22/12 http://www.facebook.com/pages/Blossom2day/308587235850837?fref=ts |