
"What?" cried both cousins in unison, shock writ large on their faces.

"You really don't want us to do all this work, do you?" asked Ben, devastated at the thought of having to clean up all that junk.

"When I say DO IT, I mean DO IT," said Grandpa sternly, "I'm going out for some work. When I return, I must find this RV spanking clean. A day's time should be enough for you two to finish off the work together." He turned towards Ben. "And no aliens allowed. It is you who will have to do all the work by yourself. Got that?"

Ben nodded, already foreseeing a drab and dull day. He wished he could be out on the streets, kicking some major alien butt…but instead, he was stuck here with this dweeby cousin of his, not to mention the piles of workload in front of him….Phew!! What a major drag!!

Once Grandpa had gone, Ben sat down on the bench, put his feet up on top of the table, plugged his I-Pod in, and sat listening to music with his eyes closed, oblivious to the world around him.

"Ben --" called Gwen once. "Ben --" she called, a bit louder this time. But Ben just sat there, eyes closed, humming softly. "Hello, Ben!" cried Gwen, getting exasperated. Still Ben did not answer.

"Ben!!" yelled Gwen right in Ben's ear, springing up and pulling away the I-Pod from his ears.

"AARRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" cried Ben, jumping out from his seat, "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SHOUT LIKE THAT??"

Gwen smirked. "You didn't forget what Grandpa said, did you?" she asked sarcastically, "Or maybe you suffer from amnesia."

"Am – what?" said Ben, wondering why Gwen used such tough words.

"Amnesia," repeated Gwen, highly exasperated by now, "But you'll probably die trying to even pronounce the word…so forget it."

"You pulled out my I-Pod just to throw insults at me?" asked Ben, looking offended.

"No, I didn't," retorted Gwen, wanting to slap this irritating cousin of hers then and there. "We have been entrusted with the work of cleaning up this RV. And you don't expect the RV to clean up itself, do you?"

"Use your brains, my dear cousin," said Ben lazily, "Use your magic!"

"Duh!" said Gwen, making a face, "As if that idea hadn't already struck me! I'm not using magic 'coz I don't want to. It's high time you did some work by yourself, Ben."

"Yeah," said Ben, pointing to his Omnitrix, "But I'm not gonna do the work. My aliens will."

"My aliens will --" said Gwen, mocking Ben, trying to restrain herself from saying something for which she would be sorry later. "It's YOU who has to do it. And I'll see to that."

"Oh, yeah?" said Ben, stepping closer. "You're gonna MAKE me do it myself, Gwendolyn Tennyson?"
"Yes, I am," replied Gwen, stepping in further closer, "And if you dare to turn into some alien or other, then…"

"Then what?" asked Ben, raising his eyebrow, but not before inching closer to Gwen.

"Then…" said Gwen, standing directly in front of Ben, "Then I'm gonna tell grandpa."

"Oh yeah?" asked Ben mockingly, stepping in closer to Ben.

"OH, yes," said Gwen, locking eyes with her cousin.

As they stood there, glaring at each other, they suddenly became aware of the propinquity between them. They were barely millimeters apart. They could feel their breath on one another's faces. But they made no attempt to move away. It was as if they were under some sort of a spell. They slowly began to lean in…closer…and closer…and closer…

Suddenly, Gwen's sense came back to her. She threw back Ben with a tremendous jerk, which sent him flying beyond the front seat, colliding with the windshield with a huge BANG!! As for Gwen, she turned away, unable to stop blushing. What was I just goin' to do? KISS BEN??

"Ow…" groaned Ben, getting up, rubbing his back sorely. "Why did you have to do that? I mean…it wasn't as if we were gonna do something really -- " He was silenced by a glare from Gwen. "I don't wanna talk 'bout what happened," she said, standing with his back to Ben so that he would not be able to see her going red in the face.

"So you're really not gonna let me turn alien?" asked Ben, wondering why Gwen was being so adamant.

"You guessed right," said Gwen, finally regaining her composure enough to face her cousin. "And since I'm not gonna provide any magical assistance either, it's high time you thought about beginning the work."

"Hello?" said Ben, "It's not just me alone who'll have to do all this work. Grandpa said 'the both of us', remember? He didn't leave you outta this!"

"Oh, okay," said Gwen, looking frustrated, "Let's divide the work, shall we? You take the washing and cleaning of the clothes, and I'll finish off the dishes. Later, we'll clean up the mess we've left over on the floor and benches together, 'kay?"

Ben nodded, glad at the distribution of work. Thank God Gwen hadn't given him the job of washing and drying the dishes! He wouldn't have been able to complete the job without breaking at least ONE plate!

"Now what are you waiting for? An invitation card?" mocked Gwen, "GO and begin your work!!"

"Sure…" said Ben nonchalantly, "Take care not to break ALL the plates!"

"Dweeb!" called Gwen over her shoulder.

"Huh! What are you?" called Ben, stepping into the bathroom, "Doofus!!" Gwen opened her mouth to retort, but on hearing the sound of the bathroom door being slammed, she shut her mouth, knowing it would be futile to shout, as Ben would probably not even be able to hear her.

She turned her attention back to the dishes. She too wasn't an expert at this job, but she wasn't as bad at it as Ben. She seriously hoped she'd be able to finish her task without breaking anything. As she vigorously scrubbed the plates, she wondered how Ben was faring with his job. She purposely hadn't chosen the job of washing the dirty clothes, and had tactfully and skillfully shoved it aside for Ben. But considering how bad Ben was at the task she was presently doing, perhaps the choice hadn't been too bad for him. And moreover, she would NEVER have touched all those dirty clothing articles Ben had. UGH!! Just remembering those piles of dirty shirts and socks made her stomach churn over. And she didn't want to even THINK about his underwear. Suddenly, a thought crept into her mind. If she had taken the job of washing the clothes, then she would have to wash both Ben's and her clothes – including their underwear. And that meant…Ben was probably washing HER underwear at this minute. Just the mere thought of Ben touching her underwear sent shivers down her spine. She could feel heat rushing up to her cheeks. She imagined Ben in the bathroom, going through her clothes, touching them, washing them… She shuddered. She put the thought out of her mind, and tried to concentrate on what she was doing……

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Ben was already huffing and puffing, wishing Grandpa would have an AC fitted there. Oh, gosh! What did I get myself into? I would have been much better off washing –and even breaking dishes!

As he sorted out the pile of clothes, keeping his and Gwen's in separate piles, he thanked his stars that Grandpa had not left his pile of clothes for him. This RV should have a washing machine! Man, this job is not as easy as I thought!

He began flinging the clothes around in a hopeless attempt to keep everything separate, and ultimately mixing up everything again. Finally, when his attempts had gone in vain for about the hundredth time, he decided to call Gwen in. he stepped out of the bathroom, looking desperate. He saw Gwen still at the sink. "Gwen," he called. Hearing his voice, Gwen turned back. "Finished everything, huh?" she said sarcastically. She began to walk towards the bathroom to see how well Ben had carried out her orders. But as luck would have had it, she tripped on a box lying on the floor, and went and landed……straight into Ben's arms, thus toppling Ben over. And there they lay, Gwen on top of Ben, surrounded in his protective arms… An electric current swept through their bodies, no doubt resulting from their prolonged physical contact. Gwen opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She stared at Ben, opening and closing her mouth like a fish; in a frantic attempt to speak. Finally, she found her voice. "Ben -- " she began, but was cut short as Ben's lips pressed against hers, drawing her into a warm, passionate kiss. Gwen had never imagined that her cousin would be SUCH a good kisser. Still in a state of reverie, Gwen deepened the kiss. They stayed like that for a long time, and finally broke the kiss, gasping for breath.

The moment they broke the kiss, Gwen snapped back into her senses. The full realization of what they had just done struck her like a violent blow, and it sent her senses reeling. THEY HAD JUSTKISSED EACH OTHER?? Feeling dizzy, she slumped down on the floor. She couldn't believe what she had just done. She started trembling out of fear and shock. She couldn't control herself.

"Gwen?" called Ben softly, concerned. Gwen turned up to look up at Ben, but her mind registered nothing except the kiss. She didn't see Ben's worried face…She didn't hear his soothing words…

I just kissed my cousin…I just kissed my cousin…I just kissed my cousin…I JUST KISSED MY COUSIN…… And with that, she blacked out…

A/N: .Okay…that's all for the first chapter. I have no idea if this is gonna be a two-shot, three-shot, or even a quadruple-shot. And I can't predict that, 'coz I NEVER begin my stories with any specific plot in my mind. I just begin with something, and go on writing whatever (junk!) comes into my mind…and LO!! I have a story already!! Anyway, I don't wanna bore you with all this crap…so just go ahead and REVIEW!! Tell me exactly WHAT kind of BenXGwen stuff you want, and I'll be sure to provide it for you in the next chapter, 'kay? For the time being, REVIEW!!