OH MY GOD- I'm so sorry for not updating sooner. I've been under a lot of stress lately and I've been working on other stories/one-shots so I didn't forget about this story. One part of my New Year's Resolution is to update more frequently. So please enjoy and I promise to get working on the next chapter right away. Well let's get this party started; onto the story! :D Just...don't kill me.



Chapter 2: Joke's on you

P.O.V.: Blossom

Do you know that feeling you get when your packing for a vacation and your stomach is just full of excitement and you can't help but smile at what's about to come?

Or the feeling when you have so much planned that you don't know what to pack first? Well, that is definitely how I feel at the moment.

I mean, this was just a great opportunity to get away from everything and just spend some time with my sisters.

Right now it's 9:00 A.M, Sunday morning, and we are spending the entire day packing. There was so much to do! Not that we were planning to stay there very long but...Still, a girl's got needs.

"Blossom have you seen my blue top?" Bubbles asked me cheerfully. We've only been packing for an hour or so and she already has about two full suitcases, and the one she's working on now is about to join.

Buttercup scoffed and chuckled coldly at her question. "What one? Blue is your entire wardrobe." She remarked. Buttercup was still on her first suitcase like I am. But both of ours were beginning to overflow.

"Not my entire wardrobe! I have these cute green undies! See?" Bubbles explained as she held up a pair of light green underwear that was covered in multiple dark green cupcakes with red cherries on each.

"Aren't those Buttercup's?" I raised an eyebrow as I started to giggle just thinking of Buttercup owning a pair of underwear like that.

"What are you talking a-" She gasped and her face flushed. She bolted over to her and snatched any underwear that she could find that was hers inside of Bubbles' suitcase.

I couldn't help but laugh. How could I not? I turned from my suitcase to watch the soon-to-be argument begin, and eventually stop it like I always have to do.

"How in the freaking world did you get my underwear? Better yet, think they were yours?" Buttercup hollered while she walked over to her bed and threw her underwear into her suitcase. With the look of annoyance showing up on her features

Bubbles just looked at her with innocence spread all over her face. "No! Why would I want your underwear of all the clothes in your drawer? I found it in mine." She giggled still looking innocent. I will never understand how she does that. But I always admire her for it.

Buttercup's annoyed features suddenly turned into a not-so-wise smirk.

"Yeah. Real likely story. I'm not gonna make a fuss over it. You can buy all the green underwear you want when we move." Buttercup casually walked back to her suitcase and continues to pack without turning back.

I could sense the smirk on her lips even if she was facing the other direction.

With a frown, I turned to Bubbles to see her lip quivering but her eyes were filled with pure annoyance.

Without a word I walked over to Bubbles and placed my hand on her shoulder knowing she was most likely going to argue or start crying. I knew how sensitive she was about moving out which is why it was so inconsiderate of Buttercup.

"Buttercup!" I snarled, still holding onto Bubbles' shoulder. Instead of arguing back at me, she just laughed.

"What? It's true. I don't plan on staying here for the rest of my life." She shrugged.

"But you didn't have to bring this up out of no where. You could have- and should have just taken your underwear and went back to packing." I lectured eyeing Buttercup's back since she was turned away from me.

Bubbles let go of my grip. "Blossom, really. It's alright. You're making a big deal out of nothing. If Buttercup wants to move out, fine. Who knows? Maybe I will decide to move out when the time is right. But can we just forget about this topic for now and just enjoy the beginning of a great vacation?" She glared from me to Buttercup who finally turned around.


"You have a perfect point, Bubbles. Thanks for reminding us. Come on girls we have a vacation to pack for!" I instructed, giving my million dollar smile and headed back to my suitcase.

P.O.V.: Butch

"The green one. The green one. The green one...The green one. IN THE GREEN ONE! Jesus, Boomer. I said 'the green one' five times and you didn't listen!" I threw my bathing suit trunks at my idiot blonde brothers face as he repeatedly ignored my demands.

"Ow, I didn't hear you, Jeez."

"How the hell did you not hear me? I was yelling it in YOUR EAR!" I firmly yelled into his ear, my annoying ass temper taking over.

Brick walked into our room with a ferocious look on his face.

"Will you two shut the fuck up already? This is why we pack in our own rooms."

I rolled my eyes. Brick made up his own little rules for us when we started packing.

1.) Only pack your own items. No taking things from anyone else.

2.) Don't overdo yourselves, only pack a couple suitcases, we aren't doing much there.

3.) Pack in your own rooms to avoid fights.

If you ask me, I think that it is the most retarded idea in the world to come up with rules for packing suitcases.

I gave him an annoyed look. "I just came in to grab another suit case from his closet and when I ask him to do the simplest thing, it's apparently too hard for him."

"Well I was busy doing something else. Don't expect me to drop whatever I'm doing and bow down to you and do whatever you want." Boomer chimed in, moving his ocean blue suitcase from the floor to his bed.

"Boomer, get over it. Next time listen to what Butch tells you." Brick directed.

I cheered. "AHA. Ha ha ha HA!" I laughed, circling around Boomer while he frowned.

"As for you Butch."

I froze. "Huh?"

"Go back and pack in your own room. I'm trying to come up with a few plans and back-up ideas so I do not need any distractions, am I clear? Yes, I am. Now beat it asshole." Brick harshly explained.

"Why you-" Before I could finish and attack Brick, Boomer interrupted.

"Well you have to pack too!" Boomer added confidently.

"Nope. I finished. Unlike you two I spend my time doing what I'm supposed to. So now I'm spending my time coming up with some of my brilliant plans..." He paused. "A jet plane maybe...? No, No..." He said to himself, stroking his chin like he actually had hair there.

"Oh shut up Brick. We have plenty of time for that! While we're there, why not take in the scenery...food...babes... ocean...babes...video games...Did I mention the babes?" I remarked, smirking.

He just rolled his eyes. "That's not important! Our main goal here is to defeat those girls one and for all. They'll NEVER see it coming. So you two go back to stuffing your bags or I'll stuff you myself." He threatened before walking out of the room.

Boomer and I stayed silent until we heard the slam of his door.

"What is his problem?" Boomer asked, breaking the silence and still looking at where Brick once stood.

I shook my head, looking away. "Psh, I wish I knew. He takes these things way to seriously. I want to dominate those brats too, but hey! We're going to HAWAII. We ought to have some fun." I went to pick up my bathing suit trunks and tossed them into my suitcase.

"I guess so. But I think we better pick up our game. When the time comes, we won't be ready and then we'd hear Brick's mouth. so I think you better beat it." Boomer casually told me. He turned back to his suitcase.

"Yeah, like I'm gonna do something because he said so." I leaped onto Boomer's bed, sat up against the headboard, and comfortably crossed my arms behind my head.

He just sighed. "Okay, you don't have to listen to him. Listen to me and get out." He quickly looked up at me before bringing his attention back to his suitcase.

Hmp...Brick. That frickin' bastard. How dare he call me an asshole. He's the asshole. Lately, he's been a huge pain in the ass. Just yesterday he was talking about relaxing and hanging out in Hawaii. Now all he can think about are defeating those girls.

I don't know what's gotten into him in the last twenty-four hours, but it's making him a fucking hypocrite. Not like he wasn't one to start. Meanwhile Boomer doesn't give two shits about how annoying he is!

Yeah... I'll show him who's the powerful one. The one whose boss.

I'll prank him! Boomer and I could team up and pull a prank on him.


My thoughts were interrupted by Boomer's hand waving in front of my face. "Buuutch?" He stretched my name, "Is anyone home?"

I snapped back to reality, realizing that I've been staring at the ceiling blankly for about five minutes.

"Boom! I have the greatest, most perfect idea in the world." I jolted up from the bed and swooshed an arm around Boomer.

"Um, what?" He looked from my hand on his shoulder to me with a confused look.

"Wouldn't you say that Brick has been acting like a..." I stopped and thought of a proper word to describe my brother. "How do I word this...an asshole?"

"Um, yeah, I guess he has been pretty annoying lately. Why?"

I let go of him, walked to my room, retrieved something, and walked back into Boomer's room to see him with a bewildered look on his face.

"What are doing?" He looked at my hand. "What's that in your hand?"

"Oh, this?" I smirked. "It's just the start of the little plan I have to get back at Brick. Take a look." I tossed the semi-small object to Boomer.

He studied the label before looking up at me.

"Fake blood? What could we do to Brick with-" He suddenly stopped. But I think he knows where I'm getting at.

"You wanna make Brick think he's bleeding? Not your best prank, bro." He shook his head and tossed the tube of blood back to me.

I rolled my eyes. "No, you fucktard! We can pretend that one of us fell or something and when Brick hears the noise and comes in, one of us will be laying on the floor with this-" I pointed to the tube in my hand. "-on one of us!" I smiled deviously, shaking the tube in my hand.

"Aw that's sick! So who's going to be the victim?" He asked, standing near his suitcase.

"You." I stated obviously.

Boomer raised his eyebrows. "Why do I have to do it?"

"Well...Because." I opened the tube and squirted a tiny sample onto my middle finger.

"Because why?"

I stuttered before coming up with a reasonable save.

"Because... because I'm the only one who knows the correct way to put on the blood. I can do it quickly so Brick doesn't catch us." I paused to wipe away the fake blood. It's perfect, he'll totally fall for it being real. "So, are you in or out? 'Cause I can do this on my own if I have to." I explained, passing the tiny tube from hand to hand.

He sighed and ran a hand through his usual shaggy, blonde hair. "Yeah, yeah. I'm in."

I stopped throwing the tube as a devious grin appeared on my face. "Excellent."

"Alright, ya ready Booms?" I smeared the last bit of fake blood on Boomers head and squirted a bit onto the floor next to it.

"Yup." He replied, changing his position.

"Yo, don't move so much!"

He stopped moving. "Sorry, sorry. Okay, now what?" He asked, looking up at me with those dark blue orbs of his. He tried to look up at me without moving his head so his face was priceless.

I had to chuckle. I can't believe he even went along with it. We really should be packing, but this is much more entertaining.

"Now, I take this chair-" I pointed to the chair I was leaning against, "and smash it against the ground so it looks like you were in some kind of idiotic accident. Then, Brick will come running in here, see you like this, freak out, you randomly yell "boo!" at the right time, and then we laugh while we run." I laughed picking up the chair, and looking back at Boomer.

"Why would we run?" He wondered.

"After we freak him out, he's gonna yell at us like crazy! He'll be using his super speed to chase after us like there's no tomorrow." I chuckled at the thought.

"Oh...Well then do you think this is a good idea? We should be packing."

"Ah, don't be such a goody-goody. Alright, ya ready?" I grinned, picking up the chair and holding it over my head.

In response, Boomer gave me a thumbs up. I nodded and literally crashed the chair against the floor as hard as I could, the noise of the chair cracking and breaking apart echoed through the closed room. I even dented the floor a bit from the wood. The pieces flew everywhere. One even landed in the puddle of Boomer's "blood".

The sound of Brick's bedroom door sounded. It made a slam before his loud, rushing footsteps were heard.

I hastily made my to Boomer's side before Brick came in. I knelt and pretended to look at him with worry

At that moment, the bedroom door sprang open and hit against the wall with an obnoxiously loud BANG.

"What the hell happened!?" He yelled. When he laid eyes on Boomer he immediately ran to the other side of him.

"Boomer! Boom?!" He tried to wake him from his 'slumber'. Boomer's eyes kept opening and closing drowsily.

I held in my laughter. Brick was actually buying this. I couldn't blame him though, the scene was pretty believable.

The top left of my brother's forehead was smeared with the blood and there was a puddle of it next to his head, which still contained the piece of wood, so it looked like it was dripping from the cut'

"Boomer! Boooom! Wake up! Boomer! RETARD! Why won't he wake up?!" Brick panicked. He shook Boomer violently before taking a breather since he was panting with anger and worry.

"What the fuck happened?!" He asked, looking towards me with confusion and worry in his ruby orbs.

I opened my mouth to speak but quickly closed it. I ran my hand through my hair, still sitting beside Boomer's body and across from Brick.

It was quiet for a moment. I was waiting for Brick to call him an asshole and get the first-aid kit.

Brick grunted and ran his hands over his face. "Ughhh, you damn asshole! He knew to be careful, but no! He had to get into a stupid accident and get knocked out which doesn't even make any sense since we have super powers. You fucking wimp. I didn't tell him but he knew that we had to be careful or else we won't be able to get ready in time to follow the girls, the plan will be ruined, BECAUSE HE FUCKED UP HIS HEAD." Brick babbled on to nobody, screaming the last sentence. He stared into nothing, panting like an angry lion.

I noticed Boomer's body cringe a little and his eyes shut tighter.

I backed away a little. Normally I would never be afraid of Brick but the look on his face was just terrifying. His face was almost as red as his eyes and he had a throbbing blue vain on the side of his forehead.

"D-dude! Chill, man. Why are you taking everything so seriously today? I mean, Jesus..." I trailed off, not fully looking at him. When I did look at him he was still panting pretty hard but his face color seemed to go back to normal, like he was calming down.

He sighed and had this strange look in his eye as he looked around the room. "Uh...None of your business! We just need to follow those Puffs!" He rolled his eyes, before running a hand through his hair.

" Now, What. Happened." He demanded coldly, looking at me seriously and still panting from his little outburst.

"I...He was rushing to pack his suitcase and didn't see the chair there so he tripped and...yeah." I shrugged, scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.

Brick raised his eyebrows looking around the room. "Ah, I see. So when he tripped, the chair just...exploded?"

I looked around with him before standing up. "Uhh, yup."

I did a mental facepalm. This isn't going as well as I hoped. I thought.

My back was to him. I turned around to see him staring at me. He wasn't soul-searching or anything. He was just distracted and...lost in thought?

Why is he looking at me like that? It's creeping me out...

"Uh, Brick?" I called.

He shook his head and snapped out of it.

"Sorry Butch, I just got pulled into my train of thought." He apologized.

As soon as he looked back at Boomer it was like he remembered what was going on and he sighed heavily again.

"Ugh, Boomer. He ruined everything. Fucking ass. Come over here and help me heal him so I can kill him when we do!" He somewhat shouted.

Should I walk over to him? Boomer should spring awake at any moment.

This whole thing is just so confusing. One minute Brick is about to explode in fury, the next he's daydreaming, then he's angry again!

I sort of just stood there, waiting for something to happen.

"Um, are you going to help your brother or not?"

"H-he doesn't need any help. The idiot did this to himself, let him suffer." I stuttered, staying where I was.

Brick was about to answer, but at that second, Boomer's body sprang up as well as his eyes springing open.

"Boo!" He shouted. I let out a low chuckle at the look on Brick's face. "Gotcha! Ha ha ha!"

Brick's face was priceless. He looked at Boomer with his mouth hanging open while Boomer stood, frozen with his arms still in the air as he waited for a reaction.

I also stood, frozen.

Oh, here it goes. Brick is going to kill us. Why am I suddenly so worried? I was expecting him to freak on us, but now I'm scared? Now I'M becoming the wimp.

I was about to open my mouth to explain when Brick suddenly burst into laughter.

Boomer and I looked at each other in confusion.

"HAHA haha haa...ohhh." He continued to crack up as we just stood next to him.

"Umm, what's so funny, Brick?" Boomer asked.

As Brick calmed down, he sighed, and put an arm around Boomer and I's shoulder. "Ahhh, this is going to be a great trip." He exclaimed, guiding us out of the room.

P.O.V.: Bubbles

My feet made a light pit-pat sound as I escaped from my room and made my way down the hall to stop at a pink colored door.

"Bubbles?" I heard from the other side of the pink door. Confused, I opened the door to see Blossom sitting in her bed, reading a book, with a mini lamp on.

"How'd you know it was me?" I wondered as I made my way to her.

Blossom sat up and put her book down. "Well, knowing Buttercup, she's really into sleeping so I don't think she would be roaming the halls at-" She paused to look at her magenta wall clock. "1:00AM. She did seem pretty tired today." She smiled.

"Oh. Yeah, she did." I nodded. We sat in silence for a moment. "So...did you finish packing? We're leaving tomorrow."

Blossom sighed and patted the free space next to her. "Sit. What's wrong?"

I sat beside her and started fiddling with my fingers.

I didn't say anything for a minute. "I-I don't know. I can't tell if I'm still upset about the living alone thing, or if I'm over-excited about our trip." I giggled a bit, "I couldn't sleep so my first instinct was to come here." I apologized.

"Oh, no worries. I know how you feel Bubbles. But I want you to know that if we do move, you won't be living alone." She comforted, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I looked up at her. "I won't?"

She laughed. "Well, for the time being! I would need a roommate, ya know?"

"You mean it, Bloss? You would live with me?" I gasped happily.

"Of course! I wouldn't do that to you." She looked around the room cautiously before moving closer to my ear. "Buttercup doesn't have to know." She whispered secretly.

We shared a quick laughing fit. "Oh, I'm sure the last thing she wants is a roommate, haha." I remarked.

"You have a point. But really Bubs, I know how upset this makes you so I'm just trying my best to make you feel better." She gently smiled.

I smiled back broadly and gave her a tight hug. "Eeekk thank you Blossom!" I thanked.

"No problem!" She hugged back.

"So it's a plan?" I asked, standing up.

"It's a plan. Unless you meet a cute guy, fall in love, and kick me out." She giggled.

I scoffed. "Yeah, like that'll happen over a couple of weeks."

Blossom laughed and sighed.

"Well, it's late. I better get back to sleep. I feel a lot better now. Thank you and goodnight Bloss." I thanked. I walked over to her door and looked back at her.

"Don't mention it. I better get to sleep too. If you hadn't come in, I would probably still be reading. Books are addicting!" She chuckled. "Ah, well, good night! Tomorrow's going to be an eventful day."

"It definitely will be! Night." I whispered as I walked out of Blossom's room and closed her door behind me.

I'm just realizing now, how much of a baby I was being.

I mean, we're going on a great vacation tomorrow to Hawaii, which was a wonderful gift from the mayor, Sara, and the town I guess.

But Blossom made me realize how childish I was being. Just from that simple talk. I don't even care if she doesn't move in with me because I now know that my sister's are by my side.

My baby blue blanket felt like pure silk against my feet, calves, thighs, and my whole body as I made my way under.

I closed my eyes and smiled. Dreaming of the week ahead.

Yay! I finished. Finally, haha. Again, I am really sorry for taking too long but as soon as possible, I'll get working on the next chapter. It's all planned out so it won't take another year to update.

I'm also working on a new story that I've got planned. It's one of the ideas I've listed out on my profile.

But anyways, sorry for any mistakes and review if you want me to live!