Dreamstar: I told you guys I would start a story before the sequel to The Life After the Story. Hope you guys are all excited with this new story. I know this isn't close to Inuyasha. It just has the Inuyasha characters and Kagome's era. So here is my new story, New Student, Higurashi Kagome.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, and you all knew that didn't you.
Chapter 1
A New School, a New Life
POV (you'll probably have to guess)
Here I am, a new school year, and a new school. What I would give to live a normal school girl's life. Sadly, I'm not a normal school girl, I'm a priestess, and there's no turning back now. I started walking towards the average looking school…well, there are a lot of demons here and there, but hey, this is a school for them, so it is probably obvious about that. I met a girl…who was obviously a demon, at the front desk and asked if I could have my schedule.
"Sure, by the way, my name is Ayame. I don't work here, but I usually help the teachers out on the first day of school. Let's see…hey, you have the same schedule as a friend of mine, hold on, I'll call her. Hey Sango!" When Ayame yelled the name, a girl popped out of the other room.
"Hi Ayame, what's going on?" the other girl asked. Ayame pointed to me, and the girl got the picture. "What's your name?" She came up to me, a smile on her face.
"Higurashi, Kagome. And yours?" I asked after stating my name. She smiled at me.
"Taijiya, Sango, at your service. I'm guessing we'll probably be friends for a long time." Sango grabbed my hand and started dragging me out of the room. "If I remembered clearly, it is time for homeroom in, one minuet. We have to run if we want to make it."
I couldn't believe we actually made it. I was right now in the front of the class, with the teacher introducing a new student to the class.
"Class, today we have a new student at our school, please say hello." she turned to me…and then I remembered what I was supposed to do.
"Oh, my name is Higurashi, Kagome. I am honored to be at a new school." I said.
"Let's see…Ms. Higurashi, why don't you sit…in front of Mr. Taisho. Mr. Taisho please raise your hand." at the teacher's words, a silver haired, dog-eared boy raised his hand. I went towards that hand, and sat in front of him.
"So, you're new here wench?" the boy asked.
"Yes, and quit calling me wench." I told him.
"Ok, wench." I glared at him. I knew at once that he wasn't very friendly. I turned to my right and saw Sango waving at me. I waved back. I was glad I got Sango to talk to.
End of POV, Start of POV (guess again)
A little earlier…
Great, a new kid, what are we going to do with this kid. I looked to my left, unfortunately, it was Kikyo sitting there.
"Hi Inuyasha darling, looks like we'll be with each other this year." Kikyo said with a smile. I groaned. Great, Kikyo is with me again. I've never gone out with her, yet she still thinks we're boyfriend and girlfriend. I turned my eyes toward her schedule and sighed with relief. Homeroom and PE were the only subjects I had with Kikyo.
"So, which schedule do you have?" From the look in her eye, she looked like she wanted the same schedule as me. I was glad she didn't.
"I have schedule A." I said, and at the same time, she groaned. Thank you kami I wasn't with her. Just then, Sango came rushing into the classroom, plopped in the seat in front of Miroku, and sighed heavily.
"I can't believe I made it." Sango panted, catching her breath. Just then, the teacher, Mrs. Takahashi (A/N: who owns Inuyasha) appeared in front of the class with a new student.
(A/N: Do I have to repeat that part again? You can read it again if you scroll back up.)
End of POV, after Homeroom…
Kagome began tapping her pencil against the table. She was so bored from the lecture in English. She stared n front of her at the teacher, trying to listen to what he had to say… but it failed to register into her brain. 'This is hopeless. We're Japanese, and we have to learn English. Why do we have to learn English?' Kagome thought. She picked up her English book and began flipping through it. 'The bird flew in the tree, well, English is useful, not.' (bold will sometimes be used for English).
Inuyasha did not pay any attention to the teacher, but only to Kagome. 'What's with this girl. Why do I feel all weird around her?' Inuyasha thought, as he "coincidentally" read the same sentence Kagome did. 'I hate English…then again, I hate everything but PE in school.' Inuyasha continued skimming the book as the teacher continued his long, boring lecture.
Skipping to PE…
"Alright everyone. We have a new student today. Higurashi-san, please come up." Kaede-sensei commanded (I didn't think Ms. or Mrs. would suit Kaede's name at all).
"It's Kagome. I really don't like being too formal." Kagome told her.
"Ok, Kagome-chan. What can you do that's physical in this case?" Kaede asked.
"I play almost all sports, but I really love archery." Kagome said. Everyone, except Miroku, Sango, Inuyasha, and Kikyo, gasped. Kagome looked at everyone in the class, confused about what was going on.
"Well then. Kikyo, please come up. We'll see if we have a new champion at archery." Kaede said, as she gave both Kagome and Kikyo bows and arrows. Kikyo look fierce. 'I won't let this girl show me up. Especially in front of Inuyasha.' Kikyo aimed, and hit the center of the target.
"Yes, bull's-eye. Beat that." Kikyo challenged. Right as she said this, Kagome set three arrows onto her bow. 'What in the world is she doing? She'll never hit the dead center of the target like that.' But Kikyo was wrong, cause Kagome had launched all three at the target, with 2 of the arrows going behind the first in a line, landing on the target, with the arrows splitting the one before it.
"WOOO!" The class cheered as Kagome turned towards them and bowed. Kikyo was even angrier now. 'How dare she show me up. She will pay!'
"You were great Kagome!" Sango yelled as they were off to sign up for clubs.
"Well, being in a family of priests and priestesses, I have to be." Kagome said as she looked at all the different clipboards.
"Hello ladies." a voice from behind them said. Sango rolled her eyes.
"Miroku, what are you doing here?" Sango asked. Miroku was puzzled.
"Why, whatever would you mean my dear Sango? And who is this lovely lady. Would you consider bearing my-" he was cut off with a slap by Sango.
"How can you even think about asking Kagome that kind of a question you pervert?" Sango yelled.
"I couldn't help myself." Miroku defended himself. Kagome didn't move, until she felt a tap on her shoulder.
"Excuse me, but I'm here to sign up for clubs, so will you please move, wench?" a familiar voice asked. Kagome recognized that voice which belonged to Inuyasha.
"You know, you have to have a better attitude, jerk." Kagome argued.
"What did ya just call me?"
"JERK. YOU'RE AN ARROGANT JERK!" Kagome yelled. Inuyasha was surprised that one, she called him jerk, two she called him arrogant jerk, and three, he yelled at her.
"Whatever, wench." He signed a few clipboards, then walked away. Sango turned to Kagome.
"Don't worry. Once you get to know Inuyasha, you'll know that he is a hard rock on the outside, he's really nice on the inside." Sango said. Kagome just nodded her head.
"I'm guessing I won't see it till everything on this planet is gone." Kagome said, as she and Sango signed a few clipboards, and walked away, leaving a beat up Miroku behind.
Hope you enjoyed this new story. Kagome and Inuyasha are at first, hating each other, but now, hopefully things will be different. Now then, please review.