Brad let out a long groan as he heard his ever-annoying, little brother announce that he had to "use the facilities". Brad's family took his transformation into a superhero quite well; too well, really. Brad could almost sense he was bothered by it, but his simple nature for adventure and excitement easily drown out any real worries. He was in his bed looking over his new limbs. Thanks to them, he was a superhero, just like Jenny. He emphasized the term "Hero" several times over, before letting it go. He could fly, had enough strength to pick up a car, and got better speed and mileage than his dad's station wagon. No one would dare start a fight with him now, they would all move aside like they did for Jenny. They saw him as a freak, probably.

That thought brought a grimace, but a devilish grin, one that was unknown to Brad so far, took his face. He wouldn't get bullied anymore. Not in school by bullies. Not by punks on the street. Even Space-Motorcycle Gangs, a certain one coming to his mind, would have to back off. Tuck would have to give him respect too. Jenny might even be a bit nicer.

All these thoughts led to a new thought. His cybernetic parts were stronger than Jenny's physically. Maybe he could get the rest of his body done so he could…

He stopped, shaking it away, "What am I thinking!?" He said, with a laugh, "Jenny would kick my butt and besides, half of the Bradster is enough for the ladies." Brad deluded himself, his usual attitude coming into play. He rolled over, letting sleep take him. He was half tired, pun intended, and really needed to rest up for the next day. He had nearly passed all of Dr. Wakeman's new set of tests. It seems she regretted her quickness to unleash a super-powered Bradley out into the town. He shuddered as he remembered the scolding he received and rolled over for some sleep, trying to blank out his thought-filled mind.

Next door, there was another robotic hero recalling the last two weeks of events. Jenny had very much grown to treasure Brad as a fellow crime-fighter. Misty, Brad, and herself had done quite well to keep the town safe. Admittedly, Brad was a better help than Misty, who seemed to only put half of her heart in saving the town, as the rewards had been lacking as of late. Brad hadn't encountered too much trouble with his transition, which upset Jenny a bit. She didn't want Brad to be uncomfortable, but there didn't seem to be a big change for him. He just seemed to be helping her in a more active role than before, when he just cheered and helped when it was necessary.

Another thing was there was no challenge. Brad messed up now and then, but most of the time he was quite efficient. Jenny's mother didn't like that and started to see the whole partnership as a competition. She was constantly prodding Jenny to outdo her friend. Lately, the two have been in their own contest. See who can mess up the most, trying to do the exact opposite of what Jenny's mother says, only in training though. Jenny shrugged it all off as she turned on her sleep mode. She was so glad when her mother had it installed, as staying awake for hours as time dragged on was quite boring. She neglected her dream switch for the night, as the last weeks of dreams have just been repeats of Brad getting hurt.

There's always a third. Sheldon looked over his suit known as the Silver Shell with contempt. Jenny and Brad had been fighting crime for a few weeks now. That made four heroes for one town and that was one too many for Sheldon. He always liked Brad, maybe even looked up to him in a way. He was nice and easygoing, never afraid to speak his mind. That charisma was often wasted in trying to direct girls his way. He knew his friend didn't have many girlfriends, but he played along. Brad was a good friend and he was even nice enough to give him so help with having Jenny notice him, but since he took on his new role as Jenny's sidekick, he was a growing nuisance. They appeared closer than ever.

"This is your fault." His voice trying to find a low tone, but puberty making that impossible, "If… if you were real. If you were me, Jenny would notice. Jenny would…" He growled as he looked into the lifeless eyes of his alter ego. Anger biting at him to take action and retaliate at the lifeless shell. He gave the suit a hard kick.

His yelp for a stubbed toe was heard across the neighborhood.

He's starting to take the bait. He'll destroy the robot girl now… for sure.

Morning greeted Brad with its usual calm. The sun peeked from the window, his eyes opening slowly, though his full organic orb making an appearance before the "improved" one. His vision focused to view a strained, smiling face over him. He let out a muffled scream as he backed away from the creepy look.

"Good morning, dear brother." Tuck said, dipped in too much honey.

"T-t-tuck. What the heck! You scared me!" Brad stammered out, still reeling from the estranged wakeup call.

"I just want to make sure that my favorite big brother gets to class on time. Oh, I also made breakfast!" He said matter-of-factly, setting a large tray of pancakes, cooked bacon, and other morning foods in his lap.

Brad gave Tuck a suspicious, "Thanks…" he held out his tone, trying to figure what his clever, little brother was up to, "this wouldn't have anything to do with my new station as a superhero, would it? Tucker?"

Tuck's face only held that same smile that freaked Brad out, "Okay then… I'm going to go ahead and get to school. You better get to class to… Tuck?" Brad pushed the tray away and make it out the door, his book-bag on his shoulder, but his little brother clung to his leg.

"Brother dearest, could you give me a ride to class?"

The mystery of Tuck's odd behavior revealed itself suddenly. Brad smirked at his brother and sighed. Normally he'd say no and try to teach him that banking on other's gifts was wrong, but he decided to give the kid a break this once. The past few weeks had been quite good to Brad, so it put him in a decent mood.

"Alright, Tuck. Let's go."

Brad grabbed his little brother, placing him on his shoulder, and took off into the sky, using the nearby window. He let out a chuckle as he heard the little boy let out a thrilling cheer. He adored flying and he knew that the small boy on his shoulder was one of his most dearest people. Brad, in certain respects, was beyond his years in maturity. He didn't mind admitting to be wrong, it was kind of hard to during his numerous humbling events. He tried to be as honest as he could be and urged others to be true to themselves, Jenny the worst culprit. That honesty compelled others to invite him to parties and the like. He wasn't the most popular kid, but no one in school could really make fun of him. He was too confident in himself for it to happen and once you start believing it, so do your peers. Only the most cruel of the popular kids would say otherwise. The Crust cousins the paragon of cruely in that aspect.

Because Bradley could identify himself, he could identify what Tucker meant to him and what he'd do for the kid; not that he'd ever tell him. That would be too much.

"Thanks Brad!" The amazingly smart child chimed as he hoped to the ground, "You're the best big brother ever!"

Brad could only grin as he took off for his own school, it only a few blocks away.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is. One HALF of the freak brigade." A familiar accent from a familiar bully prodded at Brad as he landed.

"Tell me, Carbunkle. What's it like to be half a dweeb and half a freak?" Tiff, the smaller of the two cousins slurred at him.

Brad could only grin, unable to be hurt from such a source, "Pretty good." He chuckled, walking by them, "How's it to be half annoying, half stupid, and all ugly?" Brad walked away from the girls, the hall accepting him with the usual hush. School couldn't outcast him like they did with Jenny, as her arrival gave him a leg up; the students were used to the sight of different students and Brad's place in the hierarchy of school wasn't far from his place now.

Jenny smiled at the young man as he approached, "Hey Brad. What's up?" She asked as it was almost a ritual for the two.

"Not much, Jen. Just getting Tuck to school. He's really happy about the new me." He laughed, the picture of the boy grinning and kissing up to him implanted in his mind, "Anything I miss?"

"Don Prima is having a party…" She said, her tone lightly floating away as she looked down the hall to Don, handing a few more invitations to some kids. Jenny sighed, knowing that she was going to be left out again. Brad looked over his friend's metal features. Brad didn't have to guess what was happened and normally he'd give her some words of support; some kind words that would bring a smile to her. Normally he'd just hope he would get an invitation and kind of hope to see Jenny there. Normally he would try to talk Don into letting her go. He battled something he hadn't felt before as Don approached him.

"Oh, hey Brad. I got you an invitation. Been seeing you with your new… uh, fashion. Well, whatever. Here." Brad looked down at the blank envelope as his hand slowly went to grab it, but his eyes darted to Jenny, who's gaze found the floor. Normally he'd talk to Don about Jenny or decline the invitation. Normal didn't equate to how he felt. His metallic arm grabbed at Don, slamming the boy into the lockers behind him. He nearly screamed in defiance, but the look on his face was something that Brad cherished.

"If you think I'm going to take an invitation while Jenny just sits there, you got another thing coming, jerk. You best invite her too, unless you want attend your parties in a fashionable, full-body cast!" Brad's voice found a new depth as he growled at the boy, who flinched with every sudden movement Brad made.

"Okay, okay, man. Here, robot girl. Take it, take it." Don screamed, handing the invitation over quickly to Jenny. Everyone just stood and watched at the show, unsure what to think. There was some initial silence, but later there was some nervous laughter at Don's position. Brit and Tiff, of course, tried to turn it on Brad, but they said it in a nervous whisper, no one dared laugh.

Jenny accepted the invitation dumbfounded, "B-brad. It's okay. I don't really want to go."

"Yes, you do." Brad snapped, his anger sending Jenny reeling, "Get lost, Prima." He said, throwing the large boy into a nearby trash can. Brad gave everyone a dirty look, sending them away with a simple glare. Jenny was actually scared of Brad for a moment, but her courage returned and resentment appeared.


He spun around and his bright, usual smile appeared, "Look Jenny! We're both invited now. Don's fine, I promise. It just kind of upset me to see you sad. Sorry for embarrassing you. I won't do it again."

She couldn't stay mad at him, his words always having an impact on her, "A-alright." A smile found her face as she embraced the boy in a hug, remembering how badly she wanted to go to the party, "You're the best friend a girl could have, Brad. You got me invited and stood up for me! No one's ever really done that… well, except you." She giggled, remembering all the time he fought with his peers for her.

Brad shrugged, "Hey, us robots got to stick together, even if I'm only half." The two shared a laugh as they moved to class.

Sheldon had seen it all. He hadn't been invited either and was kind of hoping that he could coax Jenny into hanging out, as he counted on her being left out. He grunted as he moved to his locker as Brad and the object of his affection walked away from the area. He wanted to hate Brad, but he couldn't find it in him. Brad was his friend and whatever anger he found to grab was whiplashed from memories the two shared. He was insanely jealous of the guy and he didn't want to hurt Bradley, he just wanted him away from Jenny. Sheldon even hoped that he could stay friends with him. Maybe he could find a girl for Brad to distract him?

He nearly slapped himself; what girl would be interested in Brad? Brad could strike out with a tennis racket and a whiffle-ball. There were few girls that saw the guy as datable. As he tried to remember them, a dark grin spread on his face. Sheldon had to make a quick trip to his lab.

"How's goes the date-hunt Jenny?" Brad asked from a seat in the lunchroom. The cafeteria was all abuzz about Don's party, though the celebrity of the school was nowhere to be seen. That brought a distinct, confident smile to the face of Brad.

"No. Every boy evades me like the plague. I need to find a date for this party, Brad! Otherwise, I won't be able to show my face."

Brad shrugged, "What happened with Terry? He seemed like an alright guy…" His tone was soft, but Jenny's face answered his question, "Well, I haven't found a date yet… so… you could go with…"

"Brad! What happened to you!?" A feminine voice popped out from behind the cyborg boy. Brad spun around to see a cute, blond girl he had known in the past and a smile found his face.

"Melody! I haven't seen you in a while. I haven't seen you in forever." He said in amazement as the girl embraced him.

"Brad, you… you were hurt! I'm so sorry I wasn't here to protect you." Her flustered face turned to Jenny, "Jenny! Why didn't you protect Brad? Look at him! He was hurt and it was all your fault."

Jenny felt a spike of guilt, "W-what? My fault?"

"Melody, leave Jenny alone. She tried her best. It wasn't anyone's fault, so just relax." Brad interceded, "Look, how about we all go to Don's party? Sheldon can come too."

"Like a double date?" Melody squealed, grabbing Brad's arm devotedly.

Brad tried to protest, only wanting to go as a group of friends, "A-alright." Jenny said in her defeated tone, her head hanging down, "Yeah, we can do that. I mean, it'd be fun."

"Jenny?" He muttered as he watched her stagger away, unsure why she seemed so sad. He wanted to just shrug it off, but it bit at him hard. Melody found herself fighting for the boy's attention, which she easily won over with a small kiss. Brad's smile appeared, Melody echoing his expression.

"It was my fault. I never thought about it like that." A guilt ridden Jenny sighed, "Brad seems happy in his new life… but it all happened because I was just too… weak." Her pauses bit at her.

Sheldon slipped next to Jenny suddenly, not above stalking her and seeing the whole show, "Hey Jenny. What's wrong?" He said, all too caring.

"Oh, hey Sheldon. N-nothing." A pause stopped the conversation for only a few moments but it felt like torture to the metal girl, "So Sheldon, did you want to go to Don Prima's party… with me? Brad and Melody are going too and we thought we could go as a… double date." She was desperate. Most times she'd rather not go at all than to go with the nerd, but something in her told her that she had to be there, no matter what.

"Would I!? I'd love to go, Jenny!" He almost screamed his answer with joy, but kept some modicum of control as he walked her to her next class, having memorized her schedule.

"Cool…" She said flatly, "I'll see you later."

Sheldon could only snicker as he watched her enter the class. It was all working out. It was all going to plan! It couldn't have been better! Brad had Melody and he could have Jenny. On top of it all, they'd all be friends. He nearly skipped to his next class.

The day was slow, to be sure. Brad had to nearly beat Melody off with a stick, but his new strength gave him the upper hand as he pushed the girl away, trying to make it to the remaining classes. That didn't stop for Melody to wait by the classrooms' doors as she eagerly awaited for "her Brad" to make an appearance. Sheldon's mind was daydreaming away of Jenny and himself dancing the night away and the romantic times in the future. Jenny's day was a bit rougher.

She cursed her mother for putting a simulation computer inside her as the temptation was too great. All through class she played out the fateful fight with the delusional cluster-bot that hurt Brad. She sought only to know that there was nothing she could have done. That there was no way she could have saved Brad from the trouble. Her results came back with over thirty different scenarios where Brad was unharmed. The gadgets listed were ones she almost never used and her mother's scolding about keeping up to date with her body played in her mind.

"Hi Brad!"

"Hi Jenny!"

They were in unison as the two walked out of the class. Sheldon had left his class early and finding a seat next to Melody, who was all too happy to see him. She was sure to thank him several times for finding her with his machine and telling her the status of Brad.

Brad and Jenny sighed in chorus, the two couples mirroring each other now.

There wasn't much the two could have done at this point. Brad was just too nice to let Melody down, especially for no reason. He felt like he had to go and he had an obligation to stay with her. Whatever he felt for her before seemed to have diminished, though there were surges of enjoying her company whenever she puckered up against his cheek.

Jenny wasn't going to enjoy her time with Sheldon. She adored the boy as a friend, but as a boyfriend he was bit wanting… not to mention his overzealous nature to promote his adoration. He could just be downright creepy. She still shuddered the time when he tried to buy her.

Brad didn't bother with dressing in too much, appearing in his usual vest and white shirt. He didn't feel like it merited too much, but as he found the rest of his friends in front of Don Prima's generous home, he felt sorely under-dressed.

Sheldon was clad in a suit a bit too large for him, Melody made an appearance in a gown that was reminiscent of fairy tales, and Jenny had transformed her form to where she appeared to be wearing a dress that revealed a set of metallic legs, thanks to the backup of fashion material she had left.

Brad sighed as he moved into the group, "Heh, I think I may be going to the wrong party. You all look great."

"Thanks Brad, you look good too!" Melody chimed with Jenny. Sheldon scoffed, but gave his friend a genuine smile.

"I'm sure no one will notice, Bradley. Shall we, Jenny?" The nerd's tone was dripping with a forced suaveness.

Both couples entered finally, whispers and giggles accompanying both for different reasons. Don sat at the master table in the kitchen, giving a small glare to Brad, but immediately turned away submissively as Brad returned his face. The whole school was there, with few exceptions. Those who weren't invited made an appearance anyway. Don's large home was transformed, the strong and expensive features covered in tacky party favors and colored banners. He did this every so often, trying to stay on the radar of school. Not one to be of fashion and cruelty like the Crust cousins, he found his role in the popular kids with his good looks and outrageous number of parties. A dance floor was placed where a living room might have been, Don's money apparent as a large television loomed over the dancing crowd.

"Oh, Brad. Let's go dance!" Melody said, her usual squeaking not enough to make it over the music, but it gave Brad a chuckle as he was pulled away, figuring out what was going on with the direction he was headed.

"Y-yeah! Sheldon, let's go dance too!" Jenny urged nervously, grabbing her wimpy date and pulling him through the crowd. Brad looked behind him to see Jenny following and a smile pierced his face as he waved her over. Melody, on the other hand, didn't have much of the same reaction as they neared the two. Melody pouted visibly as Jenny planted Sheldon next to Brad. The blond android wanted some time away from the metal girl. She looked up at Brad with a pair of eyes that would have usually moved the boy into doing her every whim, but Brad was too busy dancing; his bright smile signaling how much fun he was having flushing Melody's worries as she began to dance with him.

Jenny began dancing with Sheldon, most of it was random movements with no real effort to try and look good. Melody moved closer to Brad with a single hip swing coordinated with the music, but Jenny retaliated by pushing between the two, acting as if she was just having too much fun. Brad hadn't noticed quite yet, just too darn thick. Sheldon, on the other hand flt and witnessed the tension rising with each minute the song went by.

Soon, the two girls were nowhere near their dates as they took the center of the floor, trying to outdo one another. Melody was the first to escalate the aggressiveness with a harsh pose, slamming her hand right in Jenny's face.

Jenny reeled, holding her damaged mouth as Melody only smiled, "Oh, I'm sorry, Jennifer. Totally an accident." She said easily, with insincerity.

Jenny sneered at the girl, providing a grin for the blond, "Oh… no problem, Melody. I know you can be programmed to be somewhat of a klutz. Besides, the way to stick that move is like THIS!" She growled harshly, as the crowd slid into a circle around them, everyone recognizing the tension. Jenny mirrored Melody's pose, but instead of throwing an open backhand in the girl's features, she provided one of her fists; giving Melody a solid punch in the face.

Melody stood after traveling some distance from Jenny's attack. She smirked and didn't drop the masquerade of dancing. She ripped a bit of her gown off, turning it into slip now, giving Jenny an impish smirk before walking to her.

"Sloppy, Jenny. Let me show you how to really dance!" Her tone was so unlike what she usually gave Brad that it almost surprised Jenny, but the robotic superhero was so used to surprises that she was able to hide it. Melody jumped next to Jenny and imitated some sort of wild dance that Jenny would have expected more from Misty than the modest blond. Jenny tried to slip under one of the dangerous kicks, but found it moved out of her range, only to be toppled over by her other leg that came from below, making impact harshly on her face.

Jenny opened her eyes to see Melody standing all too sure of herself above her. Jenny snarled and grabbed at her legs, still in coordination with the music. Jenny took the pose of a ballerina and grapple with Melody's feet, slamming her about the floor, leaving her figure in divots on the ground. All the while, Jenny moved gracefully with every slam, some people watching the carnage even applauded after Jenny finished with an insane spin, sending Melody through a wall.

Melody's figure flashed through the crudely designed path in Don's wall and raced toward Jenny, the girl throwing the disguise of dancing behind her and starting an all out brawl now. The two almost met with their fists right in the center of the party when they were stopped by loud whooping and lights from outside.

Brad stopped dancing, haven't even noticing the two girls fighting, but was all too familiar with the sound that trumpeted the space bikers.

"Whoo!" Said the bikers' hefty leader, "A party and we almost missed it!"

Brad could only grin as he pushed his way to greet them. Ever since he got his powers there was one set of girls that he daydreamed about beating the snot out of and he had a suspicion that tonight was going to be a good night for dreams to come true.

Jenny and Melody were about to come to Brad's aid as he made his way up front, but the largest biker, Olga, landed hard on them, crushing the two under the huge one's weight. Jenny only saw this as an inconvenience, but the little pet of the gang, Lenny, ran up and offered a small gizmo to Jenny and Melody. It looked odd, like a small techno-siren. It flashed in a circle inside a red glassed case. The girls looked at it curiously and suddenly they felt paralyzed.

"We call it the lamp." Tammy grinned through her covered eyes, "Makes little robots unmovable."

Letta smirked as she looked over Brad, "Will you look at what we got here, Tammy! Looks like your ex has gotten some guts! What'sa matter sweetheart, want to dance?"

Brad could only grin, "I'd love to." Letta awoke outside, a dumpster caved in around her. She hadn't even seen it coming. Tammy's eyes widened as she saw Brad unleash a punch at her boss, toppling her over and out of the building. Don nearly screamed at the damage of his home, having just entered to see what all the commotion was about. Sludge was next, running at Brad with all her might, Olga right behind her. Brad could only smile as he slipped between the two's attacks and answered with his own. Sludge was down, but Olga wasn't about to let one kick stop her. She spun around like a bull and charged at the cyborg, but Brad gladly met her and grappled with the large woman. There was a little distance before the stop, which Brad secretly congratulated Olga for, but he didn't let up. His pointy hair smashed into her as he gave her a head butt, dazing her and finishing her off with a solid punch to the stomach, or at least he hoped that's where her stomach was; can't be too sure with aliens.

Brad was stopped by a chain wrapped around him. She grinned at him with her usual maniac smile as she pulled him closer.

"Oh, Bradley-boo…. We're going to have some fun toget…" She was sent flying as a silver streak of lightning slammed into her.

Brad looked up to see the Silver Shell, "Don't worry Brad, I got these. You go take care of their leader." Sheldon knew what Brad had faced with this particular group and couldn't help but let him cut loose, "Go get'em, Brad." He said away from his intercom.

"Hey Letta. Like my improvements?" Brad said, hovering over the biker with a confident stance.

"Y-y-you're a robot!?"

"Cyborg, stupid." He grunted, "Let's see that makes Jenny, Silver Shell, Melody, and Me. Not to mention Misty. Hmm, I think that is somewhat bad news for scum like you." He was surprised at how cool he actually sounded for once.

"Please, we'll leave…" Letta begged, flinching from Brad's grasp as he moved to give her more punishment.

"You're darn right, you will!" He commanded, "Don't you dare come back to my planet. Otherwise, you'll be facing me." He held her inches from his glare and gave her a coy smile before throwing her with all his might across Tremorton.

Brad was met with some satisfaction as he walked back to Don's house, the party regrouping as he found that Silver Shell and the other bikers were nowhere to be found. The brown haired boy made his way to Jenny and Melody, destroying the device with a robotic foot. The girls smiled brightly at him.

"That was amazing, Brad!" Melody chimed, "You're so heroic."

Jenny bit her tongue, a bit perturbed at Melody's show of affection, but she let it pass as Sheldon appeared next to them. Whatever celebrations might have taken place were interrupted by a very stuffy looking man in a suit.

"Now presenting his royal highness, Prince Heironious Tuckenher!" The man announced, the group of teens looking at one another, not expecting royalty suddenly.

A short young man sporting a fashion sense that surpassed anyone there appeared in the doorway.

Brad could only laugh as he beheld his little brother entering.

With the entrance of Tucker, the party started again, most of the naïve girls believing Tucker to be royalty. Brad played along as well, enhancing the boy's experience.

The end of the night was met with the two couples walking one another home. Jenny and Melody giving one another dirty looks, but Brad was having too much fun in remembering how he saved the day and Sheldon was too absorbed with worshipping Jenny to notice the tension.

"Well, I guess this is our stop." Jenny said, meaning Brad and her, "We'll see you guys tomorrow."

Melody scoffed at Jenny and moved in and planted a hard kiss on Brad's face. Brad blushed and gave a smile to Melody as he walked off, dazed, but feeling on cloud nine.

Jenny winced at the sight as she looked at Sheldon, already puckered and waiting to receive, "Uh, good night, Sheldon." She dismissed and hurried to her home, giving a look to Melody before entering her home.

Sheldon gave a smile to Melody, "Well, looks like Brad is really happy…" The nerd began.

"Yes. I think Jenny had fun too." She lied, "You know, maybe we should wait to do this. I mean, I think Brad and I were really in your two's way."

Sheldon had to agree as he walked away, finding some pride in what happened that day. His pride for his friend and delusional thoughts of how Jenny felt for him swelled inside of him.

Melody watched the boy walk away and started back to her home… to her father.

With each step, he grows closer to understanding what he's capable of… and his purpose in it all...

((Hey guys. Wow, been a while. I was totally about to forget about it, but I got a few e-mails about the story. Hate to leave it finished, especially since I actually like the idea. Tried better to match up against the spirit of MLAATR, instead of adding my "artistic path" to it. I kind of regret some of what I put in the story, but nothing serious or nothing worth changing. I'd rather it mark my journey to the end, for retrospect. Well, I hope you all enjoyed it. I will not be adding too many new characters as I adore all the characters of MLAATR and figure they are good enough. So, expect to see Glenn, Kenny, Misty, and even some of the good Clustor to make an appearance. I will be writing more, so I hop you'll keep reading!))