![]() Author has written 29 stories for Supernatural, Boondock Saints, Prison Break, Eagle, 2011, and Star Wars. My name is Amy and I was born in 1988. I’m fairly simplistic and low-key. I have a small house with my boyfriend since high school, a son born in 2013 and a daughter born just this year. I'm a fan of movies, walking my dog (especially at night) and I love the natural world and wildlife. Therefore, I also enjoy hunting, fishing, camping, shed hunting, canoeing, etc. and chose a career in conservation and wildlife management. My favorite show is Supernatural. I've been with it since Wendigo (I missed the pilot) and it’s the only show I didn't lose interest in. Even though I can admit some aspects have gotten a little disappointing, it still holds something for me and I still love the brothers’ bond, which is what it's always been about for me. Supernatural is the focus of what I read and write. Though I enjoy reading fics more than writing them, I do occasionally feel compelled to write. I just admittedly lack the ambition most of the time. I also have a tendency to repeatedly edit my writing, never being fully content with it. My fics usually start as a scene or two that pop in my head. Unfortunately I can be eluded by a story to encompass them. That, as well as a lack of internet at home results in me sitting on stories for a long time. However, I do work on them periodically and always find my way back here. I am not a slash, AU, romance or cross-over fan, so you won't see any of that from me. I like the hurt/comfort genre having to do with Sam. My thanks to everyone that has given my stories a shot and been patient. Also, a big “thank you!” to all of the authors who’s stories I have enjoyed. -Amy |