Author has written 16 stories for Harry Potter, Rookie Blue, Smash, Gilmore Girls, and Criminal Minds. Hey! wow you must be bored if you're reading my little profile but now you're here you might as well make the most of it and read on! - Didn't realise this had not been touched since I was 18 so figured 9 years on was a good time to update it haha About Me... Name: Jodie (and I seriously hate it) Age: 27 Location: Good ol' Yorkshire in England Relationship Status: Living with my love Looks: Errmmm... I'm a 5ft3 brunette with greeny blue eyes. Thanks for taking the time to step into my little world for a while! You are now free to leave this crazy part of the world haha I would appreciate any reviews- good or bad, they're all useful! And PM me any time if you wanna chat! Lots Of Love, LadyLush XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx |
ColorOfAngels (33) | ooosk (0) thenameisrae (2) |