Hey, don't worry if you're reading my other stories and you think I've abandoned them, because I promise you I haven't. I think I've been stuck with them because I've had this story in my head. Now a couple of chapters have been written, I thought I might as well share it with you guys :) Thank you, I hope you enjoy it, and I can't wait to read your reviews!
Chapter One:
Rose Weasley wiped away the tears that were rolling down her cheeks. She knew her grandfather Arthur Weasley, the very same grandfather that had just been lowered to the ground, would not want his granddaughter to cry- even if it was his funeral. She stared at the names etched onto sleek black marble gravestone.
Molly Weasley
October 30 1950 – November 6 2029
A loving wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother
She will always be loved and missed.
Arthur Weasley
February 6 1950 – March 2 2030
A loving husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather
He will always be remembered and adored.
It had been horrible to lose her grandmother to Wizarding Flu but the effect it had taken on her grandfather had been devastating. The whole family had known it was only a matter of time that Arthur Weasley succumbed to death – having not been able to live on without his beloved wife – but it was still upsetting none the less. They had both lived full lives, a little bit short on Wizard's standards but, Rose knew their lives had been happy. For that she was grateful.
She gently tossed the red rose she had been holding in her hand onto the coffin, which was already covered in flowers. A tear rolled down her pale cheek. In the twenty four years of her life she had never truly felt like a grownup – she had always felt like she was a child masquerading as an adult – that is until now. Her grandparents had been a link to her childhood, a safety net she could always fall back on which had now been whisked away from under her feet. Sure, she still had her parents, thank Merlin, but it wasn't the same.
"Darling, I know you're making goodbyes but I think some of your family want to talk to you," said Seth softly, gently taking her hand in his and placing the other hand on her elbow in a comforting manner. Rose nodded her flashed her fiancé a quick, small smile. She glanced to where the aforementioned family were standing. It was her father, her brother Hugo, her cousin Albus and her Uncle Harry. They were all talking about something serious from the looks of it, but then she hardly doubted it would be something amusing given the situation.
"It's fine, Seth," replied Rose. "I think I was just about finished anyway. Thank you, Seth, I know that your my fiancé so you sort of have to be here to not look like a total git but you've been great throughout all of this. I just want you to know that I really appreciate it."
"Rose, we're getting married in six months, I love you," smiled Seth, his hazel eyes glowing with what Rose could only describe as adoration. "I'm not here for you because I have to be, but because I want."
"I love you, too."
"I think you should go to your dad now, I don't know what's happened but I think he wants to see you," said Seth, letting go of her hand. "I'll be here if you need me."
Rose smiled once more before walking over to the little huddle of the assortment of family members, her smile slowly fading as she neared them.
"What's going on?" asked Rose, sharply raising her eyebrows as they all fell silent. It seemed they had been arguing. Her father was red in the face, as was her brother where as her cousin and uncle just looked exasperated. She knew her father rarely fought with his best friend, let alone about something that involved their children.
"We were trying to get him to leave," explained Ron, with a growl. "We didn't want you to have to deal with it."
"Why can't you just let him pay his respects?" glared Albus.
"Just shut up Albus, you were the one who brought him into Rosie's life, in the first place, just to let him ruin it!"
"Hey don't talk to Al like that!" exclaimed Harry, placing a hand on his son's shoulder.
"Can someone just tell me what has happened?" snapped Rose, her patience wearing thin on her squabbling family members.
Her father warily stood to the side, revealing a gap between him and her brother. She scrunched her eyebrows in confusion as she looked between them to see past the grave yards. A familiar young man in a black suit was casually leaning against the heavy stone wall of the little church.
"Malfoy!" gasped Rose, faintly.
"We tried to get him to leave," said Hugo, with pity in the blue eyes he shared with her. "We didn't want you to have to see him again."
"Thanks, Hugo, but I'd appreciate it if you stop trying to protect me in matters where I don't need it," said Rose smartly. "I'll deal with this myself if you don't mind."
She pulled her black cardigan more closely around her, wrapping her arms around herself to shield herself against the brisk breeze that was fluttering around the grave yard. As she walked towards him, he straightened himself up before walking halfway to meet her.
"What are you doing here, Malfoy?" asked Rose, sharply.
"No 'how are you Scorpius?', or 'it's great to see you because it's been nearly five years without a single word'," said Scorpius with a sad smile.
"Did you really expect us to become pen pals?" asked Rose sarcastically with a sigh. "Answer the question; what are you doing here?
"I've just come to pay my respects to Arthur," explained Scorpius, seriously. "I don't want to cause any trouble. Even with all the things that happened between us and your family, he was always kind to me and I'll be eternally grateful for that."
"I figured that as much," replied Rose, hugging herself even tighter. "I meant what are you doing back in England at all? You're supposed to be in Egypt or somewhere else far far far away."
"Didn't your Uncle Bill tell you?" asked Scorpius with a genuine look of surprise.
"Tell me what?" she asked as her bright blue eyes narrowed.
"That I've quit my job as the onsite Healer for the Curse Breakers in Africa," affirmed Scorpius, still somewhat confused as to why she didn't know. Her uncle Bill was Scorpius' boss after all. "I moved back to England last week, and then I heard the news about your grandfather. I've only just found out about your grandmother, Rose, I'm so, so sorry. If I'd have known, I would have come back for her funeral also."
"My grandmother didn't like you," said Rose weakly, with a slight sniffle.
"She still sent me Christmas jumpers even after we... well even after," said Scorpius, with a faint smile. "I think she had a bit of soft spot for me even if she didn't want to admit it to anyone."
"She shouldn't have," snapped Rose, hastily wiping the tears that ran down her face. "How long are you in England for?"
"I'm back for good, I've got a permanent position at 's, I start in two weeks," explained Scorpius. "And how long have you been engaged?"
Rose whitened; even more so than her usual pale colouring. He was back. He was back in the same country for good. He was back working in the same hospital that she did. She would have to see his face every day for the rest of her working life. She felt sick to the stomach at the thought – she didn't know if she would be able to handle being in close proximity to Malfoy like that again. It was all fine and dandy to deal with her pain when he was out of the country. When he was all safely tucked away in the dusty filing cabinet of her mind, someplace she never had to deal with him. How was she going to cope with it all when he'd be there to remind of it day in, day out?
"Two weeks?" exclaimed Rose hysterically. "Wow, so you're really back then? I know we haven't kept in touch and I never expected or wanted you to, but I think a little head's up on this would have been nice. A little head's up on you being here at all would have been nice. And how do you know I'm engaged?"
"Well, the big sparkly diamond on your finger, honey, sort of gave you away," drawled Scorpius. "Although I'm sure there was a big announcement in the Daily Prophet at the time, but obviously I was overseas."
"Don't you 'honey' me!" glared Rose, subconsciously twisting her diamond engagement with her other hand.
"Sorry, it's an old habit I suppose," apologised Scorpius with a faint smile. "And I'm sorry you didn't know I was coming back... I assumed you'd get told by someone. So were you ever going to tell me you were getting married?"
"It's not your business, and it hasn't been in five years."
"I'm sorry, I didn't come here to annoy you."
"You should have thought about that before you came back to England then," scowled Rose. "I think you should just go."
"I guess I'll see you around then, Rose," muttered Scorpius, with a slight bow before disapparating with a loud CRACK.
"Uncle Bill," shouted Rose, a she stormed back to the main section of the grave yard where her extensive family were still stood. She didn't care if she was making a scene. If anything she felt like she deserved to make a bit of scene, that news had hit her like a tonne of bricks. Memories and feelings that had been safely locked away were now flooding through her body like a raging fire.
Her eldest uncle at least had the decency to look a little bit guilty, although as she neared he straightened himself up to his full height (which would have been a lot more intimidating had it not been for the fact that she had inherited her height from her father).
"Yes, Rose?" asked Bill, clearing his throat. The Weasley temper was infamous, and Rose had been known to demonstrate such a thing many a time in her teenage years, so you couldn't blame the poor guy for being just a little bit apprehensive.
"Why didn't you tell me he had quit?" asked Rose furiously, as more tears fell.
"I didn't think you'd find out," replied Bill, in an even tone, trying to calm down the situation. "I didn't think it would affect you."
"You didn't think at all!" exclaimed Rose. "You let me be ambushed! At my grandfather's funeral, of all places."
"I didn't think he'd be coming back to England."
"Where else did you think he would be going?" asked Rose exasperatedly.
"He quit because of his girlfriend, whose French, so I assumed he was going to move to France," explained Bill, kindly. "I'm really sorry, Rose, I had no idea he would come back."
Rose nodded. She didn't know what else to say, she didn't want to argue with her uncle over this. She knew it wasn't his fault.
"Come on Rose, we're going to get you back to the Burrow," said Albus softly, putting his arms around her, pulling her close. "You're shaking." To be honest, she hadn't even noticed until now. She pulled herself out of his comforting embrace so she could look him in the eyes.
"Tell me you didn't know," said Rose, seriously. "Please Al, if you knew and didn't tell me, I don't know what I'd do. I know you were his best friend and I know that you kept in touch."
"I promise you that this was the first I've known about him coming to the UK," answered Al, truthfully. "I mean I knew about his girlfriend, and that she wanted him to get a safer job but I never thought that it meant he would come home."
"Are you sure?"
"Rose, I couldn't keep that from you," admitted Al with a half smile. "Right, you need proper comforting, and I think Seth can do that better than me."
"Thank you, Albus," smiled Rose, as she found herself in a different man's arms; this time it was her fiancé's.
"Who was that, darling?" asked Seth, perplexed.
Ron chuckled. "You just had the privilege of seeing Rose's ex-husband."