Author has written 2 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, House, M.D., and Naruto. Hey all, I'll give you a disclaimer now that I AM WEIRD! Do not expect normalcy for you will rarely get it from me. My penname may be shinigamikonekochan but everywhere else on the net I go by Marmalade. If you contact me using that name is the best way to get a response. I read an inordinate amount of fiction, tending twards slash and yaoi. I'm a bit of a purest, in that I like the orgional versions of things, things are better subtitled than dubbed, and manga are better than anime, and books better than movies. That is not to say that I don't like the anime, just that the manga is much better. I love to read lemons but have never writen one (yet) I LOVE long story's and unusual pairings. for instance the only time I like Snape to top is when he's with Harry (and not even then sometimes) Iruka is my favorite charactor from Naruto, and I think that he's a bottom through and though (would never have guessed that from cannon) I like AU's but hate Mary Sue's Constructive criticism is appreciated but no flames, insults inspire me NOT to write. Not updated means just that if it gets abandoned I'll post that in the summery. While imitation is the highest compliment, I would like to be notified if you intend to use part of a fic. And if you do send me a link I have no life, so I'd love to read it. STANDARD DISCLAIMER: Seeing as this is fanfiction I obviously don't own the characters or universes, I'm also broke, if anyone sues me all they could possibly get is my cat and then I would lose the will to live so bad idea all the way around. |