Parallel A Harry Potter/Gundam Wing fanfic by Stormy

Rating: R

Pairings: 1x2 (more to be announced)

Summary: Strange nightmares have been keeping Heero Yuy awake at nights and he doesn't know what they mean, or what has triggered them. Then a strange man appears who seems to know Heero very well. Who is this person? Why are they so happy to see him? What's all this about magic? Who is Harry Potter – and why do they think he has something to do with his disappearance?

Warnings: Shonen ai (1x2), possible SBxRL (haven't decided yet ^^)

Spoilers: TPS, CoS, PoA, GoF (HP), Endless Waltz (GW)


Prologue (19-Jul-02)


Run, I'll hold him off!

No, not Harry! Please!

Avada Kedav---

Light flashes lighting the room with an eerie green glow. Shadows dance across a twisted, mangled wreck of what used to be a beautiful ancestral home. A giant hand reaches down and grabs you—

A man with two heads stares at you. One face has red eyes that seem to glare right through you. A weight in your pocket from a mirror that isn't a mirror. A scream of anguish and rage and then a wind seems to pass right through—

Hissing snakes. Forked serpent's tongues licking your ankles. Yet you are not afraid. For others yes, but not yourself. People hurt, maybe dying? Giant yellow eyes stare you down. A beautiful song plays in the background, healing you with liquid heat. A sword in your hand, yours but not yours. Then you're flying again—

A friend in wolf's clothing, a black spectre seems to be watching you. Cold chills creep up your spine when the hood falls back and silver light washes over you. He's an enemy. He's dead but not dead. He's not an enemy. Loyalties tested, who do you trust? Time is a slippery thing but death is not the end—

The Chosen One. Forced to play before the masses like a pet on a leash. Deceptions, who do you trust when those you believe are liars? Dragons are hunting you, dousing you with watery flames but who is with you? You won't do it alone so you will condemn another. A spare. Eyes. Eyes staring at you. Angry, accusing – it's all your fault! Knife cutting you, blood pouring forth, it hurts, it hurts, it HURTS!


With a sharp gasp, Heero Yuy lunged upright in bed, throwing the sheets aside. He hunched over, gasping and panting for breath, tremors running up and down his spine, a cold sweat breaking out on his pale skin. His heart was pounding like a jackhammer, his vision dancing in front of his eyes as he fought for breath.

Beside him, the bed's other occupant stirred sleepily, pulled in wakefulness by his partner's thrashing.

" Mmm….Hee-chan?"

Duo Maxwell cracked open sleepy violet eyes in concern as he registered the trembling coming off the Perfect Soldier in waves. His eyes widened, all trace of sleep gone as he sat up quickly, reaching out to lay a hand on his lover.

" Heero? Are you okay?" He wiggled closer as Heero turned slightly into him, concerned. " Did you have another nightmare?"

Heero nodded, not yet trusting his voice to keep from cracking if he spoke. Another nightmare. He'd had several of them over the last few weeks, since the start of the summer. He had no idea what had triggered them though.

He had gone through most of young, terrorist life performing acts that would give most veterans cause for therapy sessions well into their seventies yet he had come out without a mental scrape. He understood the necessity of his actions, how they served the greater good. He had a few sessions of counselling to cope with whatever had been left, particularly after dealing with the White Fang group the year before. He was fine.

Then the nightmares had started. Strange dreams that seemed to chronicling a sequence of events that were too real to be fantasy, but too fantastical to be real. Dragons, wands, demon-like creatures – hell, even mermaids. He would have passed it off as just being the result of eating too many of Duo's bizarre food creations before bedtime, except for one aspect of the whole thing.

Red eyes.

Those blood red, piercing eyes that watched him from the shadows of his mind with such unveiled hatred and loathing it made him tremble involuntarily. Heero muffled a growl, sensing his partner's uneasiness and worry. He hated losing control of his emotions like this – it wasn't rational! His dreams were obviously subconscious demons of the mind trying to make him feel guilty for his actions during the war, he told himself, parroting back the Preventor's psychologist that had seen him for several treatments after the Mariemaia incident. They had no business affecting him in the real world. As he repeated these words in his head, he felt himself calming down considerably. The rhythmic stroking of his arm by Duo was helping too.

" Heero?"

" I'm okay, Duo," Heero sighed, sinking back against his pillows. Opening his eyes, he looked up at his lover with a small smile that drew an even larger one in response. Smiling was still a rare event with him but it never failed to take Duo's breath away, and he smirked, knowing what usually followed. Duo didn't disappoint and Heero firmly shoved the nightmare deep into his mind, locking his mental key in place as Duo leaned down to kiss his fears away.


End prologue

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