![]() Author has written 6 stories for Naruto. Wednesday, February 20, 2008 I wish everyone a very -belated again- Valentine's Day! Finally, she updates is what I bet you all are thinking. So that is one update down another to post. And I think you all know which one is on its way. :D I do have a SasuNaru in the works and half way through with, you requested so I'm writing it. School has taken up a majority of my social life along with endless papers and testing. Sooooo I decided to stay up and pull an all nighter for you, my readers, and gave you a filler! Thank Kishimoto for that idea! I've always wanted to see if you can put a filler in a story, and it's possible!!?? So once again my lovelies emails are piling up along with homework. Thank you for the kind words and support, I can never thank you enough. Ask me questions, comments, random stuff, suggestions, I am always willing and love to answer. Thank you, once again! -Alicia Monday, January 14, 2008 Merry -belated- Christmas! and Happy -belated- New Year! Okay as you can see, I hardly updated in the last uhh -counts fingers- couple of months. (more like a good three months) I will be updateing You're invited and Tie me up and you'l love it before the end of this month. I just added a new fanfic called What are you waiting, it's a one-shot, rated T, and under romance/angst, also a SasuxSaku. Enjoy it and it is dedicated to all of my readers along with dear friends. On a lighter note I have applied for the University of Northern Iowa, lets see if I get accepted. If you have a DevART or livejournal I have links. DevART for original, practice, crappy stuff and livejournal for my sad life. http:/// that's is the link, go read, lots of funny and exciting stuff! Anyways email me if you have any questions, comments, random stuff, I am always willing to answer. Oh btw look forward to some SasuNaru smut in the next month! Thank you! -Alicia The Biography There really is hardly anything to say, I am a young, fresh, college student. As of right now I am getting ready for graduation and transfers. Why you ask? I am studying for my AAT which is a term for (Associate in Arts of teaching) or something like that. After I am done with all that basic stuff, I will no longer be the girl who lives 'where the cows roam Texas', but who knows, I might just still be in Texas. For those who have that dying question in their mind...NO we do not ride horses to and fro. (laughs) At the moment I do have plans and ideas to go through with, but those will remain in the down low. I do plan on going through with undergraduate and graduate school, after that I will go where ever my path takes me. This summer made me realize that growing up in a small place makes you feel suffocated. I am an only child. No brothers. No sisters. My life is very sad, I really get that picture. I have dreams, and I am a HUGE dreamer, but what's life without dreams, right? I read a lot of books, and that's putting it lightly. Right now I am reading the classics for fun (smiles) and indulging in Vampire stories. My room is filled with books from one wall to the next. I do draw, just not that well, look at my DA page and give me an opinion. Myspace me if you want, just leave me a message saying "Hi I met you on Fanfic" and why you want me to add you. Sorry I just get very paranoid when it comes to internet people. (watches too much lifetime) Did I mention I am nineteen? because I am. Living in a small close knit community screws up your brain. (laughs) Srsly. Well that's all for now my readers and watchers...and whatever others. Some facts? Alicia can sing, write, read, and draw...but don't ask her to dance. Alicia does enjoy any genre of music. When Alicia was in middle school she would be the girl answering weird questions on the bathroom wall. Alicia hates a lot of attention; she enjoys being alone...sometimes. Alicia is not emo, or any other label relating to that. Shout outs to the editors and readers who have stayed with me from the very start. Thank you. (updated 9-11-07) Kristine -X3- http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/914168/ (editor: ntv, and yi) Property of the Uchiha http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/1141031/ (reader/editor/opinion-ist: ntv, yi) Ur2troublesome90 http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/1089122/ (editor: ntv) Littlechineseazngirl http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/935730/ (reader/opinion-ist: ntv, yi) Pocky.creme http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/889921/ (reader: ntv, yi) For those who think I am "editor...beta" material, I don't mind reading and adding input. If you do decide, please send me a message with the name of the story, plot, ideas, etc and I will see what I can do. All I do ask in return is some "props" (laughs) seriously. Contact Info. Myspace: /grandpaalicia Yahoo: pink_kittie8806@ Hotmail/Msn: randomalicia@ Deviantart http:/// Rules apply to all of these contacts. Send me why, who, etc. just a short two sentence on who you are. Not hard right? Thank you for the time. This is Alicia. Bye Bye! |