A/N: I'm back.

To everyone: Thank you so much for waiting (weird huh?) And also for your lovely reviews!


"Sakura-chan? You're going away?" A young boy asked gloomily.

Sakura looked equally sad.

"Yeah I am."

"I'm going to miss you…" He stretched his arms out to hug her, but was stopped when a hand prevented him, just inches before he could.

Sakura looked up at the intruder in alarm.



"What…"She trailed off. Sakura didn't know what to say.

"Don't touch her." He told the young boy that was about to hug her calmly, before dragging the confused girl away. Sakura looked back over her shoulder and muttered a small "I'm really sorry." Before she let herself be pulled away.





"Who says I even want to go with you?" She challenged crossing her arm over her chest.

Sasuke raised his eyebrows amusedly.

"I'm not even going to question that." He stared at her. "You want to come."

She bit her lip. He was right. She did want to come. But it wasn't because he was going to be with her or that she wanted him to be. But she had wanted to move out for a while now. And Sasuke was using that to his advantage. He had no reason to move out…

"I don't think…" Her eyes furrowed in thought. "What will mom and dad think?"

"They won't object." Sasuke reasoned, "It's perfect. We'll be going to the same university. You can take a train or bus there it's only one stop away from our new place…"

"Mmm.. I don't know…" She told him unsurely.

She knew all sorts of troubles they could get in. And what if suspicions of their relationship rise?

She shook her head.

What the hell was their relationship anyways?

They aren't friends. They aren't lovers. They were brother and sister. But then, they're not blood related… so they weren't really brother and sister either? Thinking about it always hurt her head, so she rarely did. She just let things go along naturally.

But in the logical sense, she and Sasuke sleeping together could hardly be called "incest". But that's not the way their parents would see it. And that's not the way their friends would see it. And that's not the way old-man-uncle from the ramen stand would see it too. Because even if they weren't blood related, it wouldn't matter, they've been seen as being "brother and sister" for so long that everyone doesn't see it any differently, so why should they?

She couldn't even remember when these affairs had started. And when they first started, it was purely physical attraction and no-strings-attached pleasure. They both decided that it was better that way anyway because they could never have a proper relationship. But she hoped, as time passed that he felt she was something more than a thing for his personal use.

"Sakura, what?"

She exhaled a deep sigh.

"Why are you letting me live with you?"

She watched as his face contorted in wonderment.

"I thought you wanted to move out? Be on your own…"

"Yes but," she retorted softly. "I won't be on my own if your there too…"

When she saw his face darken, she immediately regretted it.

"This is the only way we'll be able to—"

She cut him off.

"To do it with having to worry about getting caught? Is that why?"

"Yes but—I mean no, that's not…" he paused seeing her serious face before it was once again, quickly hidden under her façade.

"Well then," She looked at him with her head held high and half smiling, "I don't think I'll be moving in with you anytime soon…"

With that she left him in the lounge to ponder on what she said, hoping to god she didn't regret this. She couldn't believe her luck. First there was the Ino problem, and now there's a Sasuke problem too. Slowly, her slipper adorning feet took her to her room. They were both tomorrow's problems now. Sakura shut the door softly behind her. She didn't know it, but there was a new found dent in the wall next to where her brother was standing.






"Sakura…" I faintly heard someone call out.

"Oi. Sakura…!"


"We're here."

My eyes immediately fluttered open.

I'm here. My new home. With my new family.

The boy next to me smirked.

"You're cute when you're sleeping." He said.

I flushed red at the comment. It was just so… un Sasuke-like? And a wide stupid grin could be found on my lips, but that was before he added…

"'Cause that's the only time I don't have to hear your annoying voice." He hastily said as he looked away.


A week later…


"Class we have a new student!" My kind teacher said excitedly, to all the students.

"Sweetie what's your name?" She asked me nicely.

"…Sakura…" I said in a small voice.

The group of students sitting down in front of me all whooped with joy, and hazily I heard them call out.

"…wow that is such a pretty name! Just like the flower..."

"…Sakura-chan can we be friends?!..."

"… you can sit next to me…!"

I reddened at all the comments I was receiving.

"Well Sakura," I let my new teacher grab hold of my hand, "Why don't you introduce yourself to the class. I'm sure they're really excited to know you."

I blushed harder. I'm not really good in front of new people. I shook my head violently.

"Aww sweetie don't be shy, it's okay," She told me softly. "Why don't you just answer some questions your new friends have?"

With realizing I did, I nodded. At once I was bombarded with all these friendly questions. It made me feel more comfortable, and gradually, I began to unwind and my façade began to fade.

And I got home with a smile on my face.


A week later


We were all gathered at the dinner table. I couldn't eat. I couldn't stop talking.

I, Haruno Sakura, have got a crush!

"And then…" I told everyone at the table another story about me and my crush. "Yeah he was so funny he even…" They were all happily laughing with me. "I really really like him!!" I blushed, remembering the wonderful day I just had. "… And he let me borrow his coloring pencils!…"

"What happened to yours?" My oldest brother Itachi asked me with a grin on his face.

"I left them in my bag…"

"I bet you did that on purpose." He gave me another grin and nudged my side playfully.

"And the best thing was! He called me cute! Can you believe it? A boy called me cute!" I gave a little giggle.

I could see mom and dad were happy, Itachi was happy and I was happy. We were one big happy family.

But then I realized I had forgotten about someone, I look to my left to see a stoic Sasuke, staring intently, and right at my face. I gulped. Did I do something wrong?

With a clouded aura he slammed down his fork and excused himself from the table for the rest of the night and walked away. I didn't understand the weird looking smile Itachi oniichan had on his face.






She yawned as she stepped down the stairs and walked into the kitchen. Her mother was up watching the news on the TV while her dad sat at the table with mug of coffee in his hands and the newspaper in the other.

It was your typical Uchiha family morning, but there was just something missing… she couldn't put her finger on it…


"Mom," She called out, "Where's Sasuke?"

"Hmm?" Her mother's eyes left the television and came to her. "Oh honey I think he went to check out the new place he wanted. Pretty impressive if you ask me… you know his moving into—"

A voice from the TV cut her off. It was a real estate add.

"…New and exclusive…"

"Oh look! Your brother's going to be living in that!"

"…Stylish residences some with panoramic views…"

"Holy shit!" She screamed out loud. Her mom gave her a stern 'watch your language' look.

"…spaciously designed to maximize a luxurious living space, presenting stunning views over the city…"

"He got himself an AKATSUKI suite?!"

"… right in the heart of Tokyo…"

"Wait a minute… How is he going to pay for that?!" She looked at her parents in alarm. "Don't tell me you guys are paying?!" She questioned in hysteria. "You know that's not fair! When you didn't even agree to pay for my car, I mean I know I can't drive yet but still, anyway that's not the point. The point is that, I mean, I can't believe you're going to waste all our money on—"

Her dad chuckles at his overly jealous little girl. They weren't a poor family. They were very well off. But they weren't completely rich like the Uzumaki family either.

"Your brother said he's paying for himself."

"What?!" She shrieked.

If he has all that money…

'Then what was up with the shitty present I got for Christmas?!'

Okay so that wasn't the real issue.

"How the hell is he paying for all of this?" Sakura muttered under her breath more so to herself than anyone else.

"Oh Sakura, Sasuke left this for you."

Her mom handed her a white envelope. On it was Sasuke's half-neat scrawl and inside…

"Of course he did." She murmured irately.

…was a key card?


"So, everything's here right." A man with in a sharp blue-gray business suit said to the cool and casual clothed Sasuke. "And up to your standards I presume."


"When do you plan on moving in?"

"As soon as possible."

"Well I'll just give this…" the man trailed off finally noticing the pink haired girl that just stepped into the exquisite room. The two men watch her amusedly as she appraised the prestigiously designed and decorated room in speechless awe. She was utterly amazed. Everything was already here.


She walked over to the long wall of glass panels, viewing the stunning Tokyo skyline. She turned and gave the two men a breathtaking smile before she just stood there with a silly smile on her face, admiring the scenery. She had long forgotten the reason she had come to see him in the first place.

The man in the suit let out a low, teasing whistle. Sasuke glared at him and gave him a fierce 'Don't-even-think-about-it' look. He walked over to her.

"Like what you see?" Sasuke's voice was low and husky. He came up behind her and whispered the words in her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

"It's very nice." She said truthfully, craning her head to look at him. Their faces were close. Too close. And on instinct she flinched away.

"Are you going to reconsider living with me?"

She gave a thoughtful sound.


Sakura definitely didn't like the sly smirk that graced his lips.


"Ah Sakura." He looked over to the blue-grey haired man. "This is Suigetsu."

The said man offered his hand and which she took with a polite grin. He grinned back flashing his white shark-like teeth.

"And you must be…" Hoping one of them would fill in the blank for him.

"She's my…"

"He's my…"

They said at exactly the same time.



They finished simultaneously.

"Ah I see." He gave Sasuke a knowing nod. "Well, I'll be off, give us a call if you need anything."


He patiently waited for the elevator.

"She's his sister?" He questioned unsurely as a familiar tune echoed through the hallway, he took a quick glance at caller ID before flipping his cell-phone open.

"Suigetsu here."

"I take it he's liking his new place?" The voice from the other end said.

"Yes president, everything seems to be going along quite smoothly…"

"As I expected."

"Although there seems to be one small pebble lingering the flow…"


"Well you see, there's this sister…"


A/N: What do you think? Haha… I'm kinda on low-motivation with all my fics right now.

Le cliché.
NEW ONE-SHOT: With a Cherry on Top. (If you like this fic you'll like this one-shot –wink-)

Well please review!!