…I pick every color but blue…


"I want to know the truth now Sasuke" she said as she glared at him.

He quirked an eyebrow. She was never this into knowing about the details of his fucks.

"I'll tell you, but first tell me what is Yamanaka Ino to you, Sakura?"




After the conversation they had, they walked to her house together.

She gave him an unsure smile before waving and unlocking her door.

"You're really not going to tell me Sasuke-kun?"

She looked down at her feet.

"Who is she to you, Sakura-chan?"

He smirked malevolently.

She snapped up to look at him straight in his eyes.

She quickly turned away and went inside her house, closing the door on his face.

He sighed. She was angry.

His chest tightened as he walked home.


The next morning, Sakura decided to go to school by herself and forget about waiting for Sasuke.

Slowly she changed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a black and red checkerboard shirt. Her worn out all black Converse had holes everywhere, but she loved them for it.

Grabbing her red book bag, she walked out of her house to see her father sleeping next to the trash.

She sighed. This was nothing new.

She put her book bag down on the lawn and went to help him up and take him inside.

"Hrmmm…your chocolate colored hair is wonderful to look at! Oh! How I wish my Sakura had it! She's very dull you know? Mostly wears ugly stuff. You should tell her to dye her hair. She never listens to me. She's a strange daughter." He said as he stared at Sakura's hair.

She sweat dropped. This one was old. He always confused her hair for brown colored one when he has his fits.

She quickly dragged him inside the house. He didn't help much.

Right when she put him on the couch in the living room, she heard someone come inside the house.

She turned around to see Sasuke in all his glory, dressed in black, with a quirked eyebrow.


All she could do was nod. There goes her plan of going to school alone today.

He paced towards the couch and picked the man up effortlessly.

"Where do you want it?"

He always expressed himself this way about her parents. They're not even humans to him. They're like pieces of furniture.

He hated them.


The way to school was quiet. Neither one of them said anything. They didn't need to.

The conversation of yesterday was still pending and so were the questions.

She was still angry at him. He still wouldn't budge because of his pride and curiosity.

Sakura always go nervous when there was this tense silence between them.

Sasuke was always quiet and stoic, but never to her.

She looked up at his face and sighed.

"When I was small, I used to get picked on a lot, remember? During that time you didn't seem to care much. Back then, I had Ino though. We were friends before. That's how I know her. Now please tell me what the hell you did to her?"

Sasuke looked back at Sakura and stopped walking.

She stopped after him, wondering what was wrong.

"Why aren't you friends anymore?"

Sakura's eyes widened. If she told Sasuke why, he would probably go and finish off Ino for good.

"W-well, umm, you see, we started having different interests."

She looked away from his piercing gaze.

Sasuke gave Sakura and incredulous look.

"Right and I hate tomatoes."

Sakura sweat dropped. Why did he have to be so sarcastic? It was very annoying sometimes.

"Can you please just tell me!"

Sasuke started walking, passing Sakura.

"If you were friends with her, why don't you ask her yourself?"

He looked back and smirked at Sakura.

A shiver went up her spine.

"Let's go. We're going to be late."

Sasuke uttered.

Sakura sighed and followed the raven-haired boy to school.


It was gym class.


Sakura wanted to go kill something.

She hates gym with a passion along with the teacher in charge.

She swore that if Mr. Snake bastard gave her another one of his perverted pedophilic grins, she would charge straight at him with a knife in hand and stab him.

She was sitting on one of the stools inside the girls' locker room, hoping that no one would come looking for her.

Suddenly she hears a noise from the showers.

A pained noise.

Whoever the person was, she was in agony.

Slowly, Sakura got off the stool and went to look at who it was when she saw it was Yamanaka Ino.

Sakura's eyes grew tenfold. Not because it was Ino, no, and not because the girl was completely nude.

All the bruises, scratches, gashes, wounds covering that girl's body made her gasp.

Ino looked up as soon as she heard the noise from the gasp.

The two girls stared wide-eyed at each other.

Sakura was the one to break the stare by looking away.

"Did….Sasuke-kun, I mean Sasuke, did he…do this to you?"

Sakura couldn't find the heart in herself to look at Ino straight in the eye when she asked this.

She couldn't even call Sasuke with the –kun.

It was like she was making Yamanaka suffer more.

When she grew the courage to look at her again, she had found the girl still staring wide eyed at her, only that this time silent tears fell from her crystal blue eyes.

Swallowing with all her might and trying to contain herself from bawling in front of Sakura, all Ino could do was nod.

Something inside Sakura snapped.

No…Sasuke-kun…he wouldn't, would he? This girl…no wonder she's so terrified of Sasuke.

"Please… don't tell anyone, I beg you Sakura!"

The tears burst out as the girl fell to her knees and grabbing a towel instantly to cover herself.

Sakura didn't know what to do. Sasuke…HER Sasuke, wouldn't hurt someone so drastically unless they had done something horrible to…her!

Sakura's eyes widened. Could it be that Sasuke already knew the terrible things that Yamanaka had done to her?

Then that means, all this was her fault.

She ran out of the girls' locker room.

Ino started wailing even more, as she was left alone.


Sasuke felt a fragile hand punch him in the face.

