Author has written 13 stories for Card Captor Sakura, Dragon Ball Z, Harry Potter, Chrono Crusade, Yu-Gi-Oh, Doctor Who, Thor, Sherlock, Unusuals, Fast and the Furious, Avengers, and Moana.
I am the blue rose of Avalon, all magicks are mine. Don't you just love mysteriousness. If you want to know and even if you don't, I'm gonna tell you anyways. I'm a some-age-or-another Irish lass, with a child or two, who adores Harry Potter, LOTR, POTC, Anime in general,the Avengers, the Doctor, and as ever Sherlock Holmes.
Now the Doctor Who thing, took me by complete surprise. I never liked it as a child. Frankly the celery boutonniere and the rainbow umbrella are a bit too off when you're five. So, I was watching the telly on one of my days off of work and there it was. Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor. And then at the end of the episode he regenerated into New, New Doctor, the cute Scotsman David Tennent. I was hooked. Even with a new regeneration, I'm still hooked.
All it took to get me hooked on Potter was hearing Alan Rickman as Severus Snape. I love his voice.
Pirates has Johnny. Enough said. Avengers is eye candy. And LOTR and Sherlock Holmes well now, that's just great literature.
I'm now on Ao3 as Zarra_Rous. Or you can follow me on LiveJournal as lady_blue_rose.
Love, peace, and waffles.