Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter, and Kingdom Hearts.
ATTENTION: I am no longer writing Harry Potter fan fiction.
sigh If you spot inconsistencies or incorrect information in my stories, I appreciate being told about it...BUT...please, please, PLEASE make sure you have YOUR facts straight BEFORE you point out mine. I do not appreciate being chastized for 1) being told I'm wrong when in fact I'm right and 2) inconsistencies that I have clearly and explicitly acknowledged in my author's notes. A dose of reality for you: in your chosen field of study, be it science, liberal arts, or fine arts, if you pull something like the aforementioned instances, you WILL be riddiculed out of said field of study. A warning to anyone who wishes to try correcting me: I am very short with anything illogical. I do my best to respond gracefully to such instances, but there are no guarantees.
I am not dead yet. I can dance and I can sing. I am not dead yet. I can do the Highland Fling. I am not dead yet. No need to go to bed. No need to call the doctor 'cause I'm not yet dead. I'm just having a horrible case of writer's block, plus there's this whole college thing that started about a month ago. I've also run into many distractions, like Brisingr! How about that ending, eh? I thought it was actually a bit anti-climactic.
Happy Birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday dear me. Happy birthday to me! So I'm working on the chapter. It's just been very slow going unfortunately. I keep getting distracted. I had an attack of nostalgia that involved four seasons of a cartoon I used to watch and possibly an idea for another fic. The good news is that school is done, w00t!
Just so you know, I have this massive, 10 page research report that I'm going to be working on for the next week, in addition to an exam, plus all the assignments I normally have. Looking at my schedule, it's an especially busy week too. Damn... Oh well. I have gotten a little bit of writing done, though. I usually take lots of small breaks because I have a short attention span lol. Good news: The week after is dead week aka the week right before college finals. Yeah, I'll be studying my brains out, but if I do a little bit everyday, I'll only need to spend a few hours a day on it. The great thing about dead week is that there's pretty much nothing happening, so hopefully I'll have a lot of time.
Mmmm...should I? Aw, why not? Chapter 19 will be "Messing With Time."
On a completely unrelated note, it's a month til my birthday. It's so weird...this year I actually have a summer birthday @_@ Last year it was the day of senior prom. It totally sucked! I didn't think about my birthday at all. And yes, it was the big one eight, too. T_T
So...I lied. Chapter 17 will be "All About the Laughs." Hehe, you should know by now that my plans always get changed. Speaking of changing plans, man did the bunnies ever give me a great idea for Chapter 18. It's going to be based on a movie that I loved watching when I was a kid and I will be extremely impressed if you know it. OMG, it is going to be such a fun chapter to write!
Whew! It's been a while since I wrote anything here. My bad lol. But I felt I had to say something today because it's the aniversary of KH3!! OMG, I can't believe that I've been at this for a year already. And I must say I'm going faster than I expected to. Unfortunately, I've been way too busy (plus I've had a bit of writer's block) to get the next chapter of KH3 up. Erm...the title is "All About the Laughs"... Sorry. The bunnies of plotlines yet to come have suppressed the bunnies of plotlines present, for now. What little inspiration that has hit me went into writing stuff that happens waaaaaaaaay later. Christmas break starts soon, though!
To appease you, how about a poll?
What's this? An OC? Aw snap! And I bet all of you were expecting pirates. Well, guess again, haha. You'll have to wait a bit longer for Sora and Kairi to finish up in Port Royal. It's worth the wait, though. Those two definently go out with a bang (eheheh).
Just so you know, I started college a few weeks ago. It's so much better than high school, but it's very different and I'm not sure what's going to happen with my writing. Don't worry, though. I'm fully determined to see this through to the end, especially since I have part of the end written, already 8D!