Here ye, hear ye! Here be this retarded story about two girls from 2006 that go to Alagaёsia! Then they meet Eragon and Murtagh and Durza and I swear it's really funny! But I have a weird sense of humor. And it's my first FanFic ever, so please don't be too harsh with the reviewing.

Disclaimer: if you think I own any of this you're crazy. And don't even think about suing me cuz I have seen like almost every episode of Judge Judy and I can totally beat you in court any day.

Anyway, here be da story!

Chapter One: Historic Boredom

Saturnina wasn't her real name; it was her name in Latin class and she just liked it better so she made everybody call her that. Other than that, she was a normal girl, cell phone, iPod, high school junior. Last year she had started a book club with her best friend Michelle, known as Hilaria to the Latin community.

She had been sitting in History class and was extremely pissed-off that her teacher still called her Grace. She hated that name. (A/N: Grace is my real name and I don't really mind it, no offense to any people named it!) She had spent most of her time doodling and drawing pictures of her obsession, Eragon. More Saphira. Dragons kicked ass. That's what she thought anyway.

"Mrs Sanders, can I go to the nurse?"

"Class is over in five minutes, Grace, can't you wait?"

"No, I really need to go now. It's an emergency."

"Well, alright then, if it really is an emergency."

Anyway she left class and met up with Michelle outside.

"Haha, your name is just like hilarious." Michelle rolled her eyes. Saturnina did this every day.

"Shut up. Come on, let's go to the library. Class is over in a minute and its Wednesday. You know what that means . . ."

"CLUB TIME!" they both yelled. A teacher stuck her head out into the hallway.

"Do you mind? Students are working!"

Saturnina rolled her eyes and put on her iPod. Michelle grabbed the one earphone and they both started dancing really weirdly to Stupid Girls by Pink. That was their favorite song. . . . Because they were weird. Then the bell rang and the whole grade walked into the hallway and stared at them. The girls froze. Saturnina paused the song and looked around.

"Misch! Why is everyone staring at us!" whispered Saturnina.

"Um, maybe because we were dancing out of nowhere?" they glared at the whole grade.

"Staring is so rude" yelled Saturnina, and they both ran like hell for the library, laughing like the maniacs they were.

I know it's kind of short but it's only the first chapter. Cut me some slack! Please read and review! And no flames even though I don't know what I could have done to make anyone mad yet! DRAGONS RULE!